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Meeting Billy Syahputra Again, Hilda Vitria is Curious About This

Meeting Billy Syahputra Again, Hilda Vitria is Curious About This Hilda Vitria and Billy © @hvkhildavitriakhan / Budy Santoso - After being absent from the television screen for a while, Hilda Vitria finally reappeared. Some time ago, she was reunited with her ex-boyfriend, Billy Syahputra, on the show Opera Van Java. Despite breaking up, Hilda Vitria said her relationship with Billy Syahputra is still good.

"Billy and I broke up amicably, there is no animosity or anything," said Hilda Vitria in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, not long ago.

1. Ask About Amanda Manopo?

As it is known, the romantic relationship between Billy Syahputra and Amanda Manopo is rumored to have ended. When meeting Billy Syahputra yesterday, did Hilda Vitria ask about that?

"Oh, there's no (story), everything's fine. I don't know (about Billy's breakup). Because I didn't ask. We met and talked like ordinary friends. We didn't talk about anything, just like asking what diet you're using, just like that," she said.

2. Surprised Billy Syahputra is Skinny

Not curious about his relationship with Amanda Manopo, Hilda Vitria is actually curious about the diet that Billy Syahputra is doing. They haven't met for a long time, and she admitted to being surprised by the change in Billy Syahputra's body shape, which is now thinner.

"Yes, very skinny. I asked him why he lost weight, and he said he's been exercising. When we were still dating, there were talks about wanting to go on a diet, but it only succeeded now. That's it," concluded Hilda Vitria.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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