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Office Inspired by the Start-Up Series, Taqy Malik Requires the Team to Perform Dhuha and Al-Waqiyah Prayers

Office Inspired by the Start-Up Series, Taqy Malik Requires the Team to Perform Dhuha and Al-Waqiyah Prayers Taqy Malik (credit: Personal Documentation) - Couple Taqy Malik and his wife, Sherel Thalib are currently happy. Because they are able to realize their dream of expanding their business in mid-March 2021.

Taqy opened an office for his business, Saffron To Go, in South Jakarta. Saffron is a fine and thin red thread-shaped spice that comes from the Crocus sativus flower. Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world due to its complex cultivation and harvesting process, as well as requiring special techniques. In addition, it takes 150 flowers to produce 1 gram of saffron thread.

"This saffron comes from the stigma of the flower, which is brewed and consumed. It only grows in a few countries, and there are not many in Indonesia either. If (saffron), ours is from Kashmir, India. From the beginning, we have always sold saffron from Kashmir because, based on research, saffron from Kashmir is indeed very good," said Taqy on Sunday (14/3).

1. Opening His Business Office

He admitted that opening an office for his business has been a long-time dream because until now Taqychan Saffron has been operated from home. Taqy also doesn't want to just arrange his office concept randomly. It was the South Korean drama series, Start Up, that inspired him for his office.

"With the existence of the office, there is a tangible result of two years of work, a reward for Taqychan Saffron's employees. Yes, the Start Up series really inspired me to do business. I want to make them feel comfortable, and they enjoy working overtime here, addicted to hanging out, drinking coffee, wanting to stay here longer," he explained.

"But the difference is, because my background is as a religious student, in the office, a conducive and spiritual environment must be created. Like before starting work every morning, we read Al-Waqiyah together, then perform the Dhuha prayer. At first, it may have to be forced, but eventually, everyone here will get used to it, whenever there's a meeting, if the call to prayer (adzan) is heard, they immediately leave for the mosque," Taqy added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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