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Collaborating with Sara Fajira, Evan Lanell Incorporates Javanese Language Elements in His New Song 'Close'

Collaborating with Sara Fajira, Evan Lanell Incorporates Javanese Language Elements in His New Song 'Close' Evan Lanell - Sara Fajira (credit: special) - The Indonesian music industry is once again welcoming a new singer. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Evan Lanell Wea did not remain idle without creating. Instead, he released a single titled Close.

Close tells the story of a love story that Evan himself once experienced. How at that time, after breaking up with his lover, Evan had a hard time moving on. Until one day, he felt that his life had to keep going.

In this song, Evan does not portray the difficulty of moving on as something sad. With the touch of EDM and Hip Hop music, this song is made as cheerful as possible.

"This song tells the story of memories with a lover. But, I really wanted this moving on song not to make people sad. So, a cheerful moving on," he said in a press conference at Lanell Coffe, Jakarta, on Monday (15/3).

1. The Presence of Sara Fajira

Interestingly, in the song Close, Evan collaborates with a singer who has recently been the talk of the town. Yes, it's Sara Fajira who successfully performed Lathi with Weird Genius.

"I have admired Sara for a long time. I've always had a dream of working together. And finally, it happened," said Evan.

"During the initial brainstorming with Evan, I already felt a connection. He is easygoing and very patient. Even when we had to redo the recording several times, he didn't mind. That's when our chemistry clicked," added Sara.

2. Javanese Lyrics

Similar to the song Lathi, Close also presents Indonesian music. In one part, Sara sings lyrics in Javanese. Evan fell in love with this concept when Sara collaborated with Eka Gustiwana and Prince Husein on the song Tersimpan di Hati long before Lathi. In that song, Sara also sang lyrics in Javanese.

"Honestly, I was inspired by the song Tersimpan di Hati. It also has Javanese lyrics. And then Lathi came along. Before that, I was thinking about how to blend modern music with our culture," said Evan.

"Why not incorporate Indonesian culture into every song we make? When I heard this song, it reminded me of when I worked with Eka. I was also thrilled to know that Evan remembered the song Tersimpan di Hati and wanted to create something similar," she explained.

3. Many Indonesian Elements

Not only from the lyrics, Evan incorporates Indonesian elements into his music videos. In the music video, the beauty of the eastern part of Indonesia, Labuan Bajo, NTT, is showcased. There, we can see the stunning richness of Indonesia.

Previously, Evan has also released three single songs. In one of his singles, Evan collaborated with the band group The Overtunes.

Evan Lanell's productivity proves that the pandemic is not a barrier. However, it is mandatory to discipline oneself in implementing health protocols. This includes wearing masks, regularly washing hands, and maintaining distance. #RememberMother'sMessage!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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