Kapanlagi.com - Surah Al Balad is one of the chapters in the Quran consisting of 20 verses. The meaning of Surah Al Balad is city, and the city here refers to Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad. In addition, there are other contents in Surah Al Balad.
Not only the contents and meanings of Surah Al Balad, but there are also other benefits that KLovers can feel when reading and understanding Surah Al Balad. Surah Al Balad is the 90th chapter in the Quran and is classified as a Makkiyah chapter.
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Therefore, according to various sources, here are the contents and meanings of Surah Al Balad along with the contents and virtues within Surah Al Balad. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. The Letter Al Balad and Its Meaning

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Surah Al Balad is the 90th surah in the Quran. And this surah is classified as a Makkiyah surah consisting of 20 verses. The following is the content of Surah Al Balad along with its meaning:
1. Laaa uqsimu bihaazal balad
Meaning: I swear by this city (Makkah),
2. Wa anta hillum bihaazal balad
Meaning: and you (Muhammad) are a resident of this city (Makkah),
3. Wa waalidinw wa maa walad
Meaning: and by the parent and what he has begotten.
4. Laqad khalaqnal insaana fii kabad
Meaning: Indeed, We have created man into hardship.
5. Ayahsabu al-lai yaqdira 'alaihi ahad
Meaning: Does he think that no one has power over him?
6. Yaquulu ahlaktu maalal lubadaa
Meaning: He says, "I have spent wealth in abundance."
7. Ayahsabu al lam yarahuuu ahad
Meaning: Does he think that no one sees him?
8. Alam naj'al lahuu 'aynayn
Meaning: Have We not made for him two eyes,
9. Wa lisaananw wa shafatayn
Meaning: and a tongue and two lips?
10. Wa hadaynaahun najdayn
Meaning: And We have shown him the two ways (good and evil),
11. Falaq tahamal-'aqabah
Meaning: But he has not broken through the difficult pass,
12. Wa maaa adraaka mal'aqabah
Meaning: And what can make you know what is the difficult pass?
13. Fakku raqabah
Meaning: (It is) to free the slave,
14. Aw it'aamun fii yawmin zii masghabah
Meaning: or to feed on a day of severe hunger,
15. Yatiiman zaa maqrabah
Meaning: (giving) an orphan near of kin,
16. Aw miskiinan zaa matrabah
Meaning: or to a poor man lying in the dust.
17. Summa kaana minal laziina aamanuu wa tawaasaw bissabri wa tawaasaw bilmarhamah
Meaning: Then he became among those who believed and advised one another to patience and advised one another to compassion.
18. Ulaaa'ika As-haabul maimanah
Meaning: Those are the companions of the right.
19. Wallaziina kafaruu bi aayaatinaa hum as-haabul Mash'amah
Meaning: And those who disbelieved in Our signs - they are the companions of the left.
20. Alaihim naarum mu'sadah
Meaning: Upon them is a fire (that covers them).
2. The Contents of the Letter Al Balad

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
The meaning of the letter Al Balad is city, which refers to the city of Mecca, the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad. In the contents of the letter Al Balad, it not only tells about the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad, but also contains a decree from Allah SWT. For example, humans will go through difficult paths, but the power of Allah SWT can help us towards the path of ease.
Then there is also the content of the letter Al Balad. Quoting the book Tafsir Alquran for Children by Dr. H. Afif Muhammad, MA., the letter Al Balad explains the signs of the power of Allah SWT so that they believe in Him. Through this letter, Allah SWT reminds human beings to share the blessings given to them.
Yes, there are many blessings from Allah SWT, He gives human beings a life to always be grateful to Him and use it for good deeds. There are many paths that humans can choose, whether it is a path towards goodness or a path towards deviation. All of these are choices that you can choose as a way of life in this world or as a result for the afterlife later.
3. The Virtues of Surah Al Balad

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Not only knowing the meaning of Al Balad, but KLovers can also know the virtues of Surah Al Balad. In an explanation, Abi Abdullah said,
"Whoever recites it (Surah Al-Balad) in the obligatory prayer, then he is known in the world as one of the righteous, in the hereafter he is known as one who has a place with Allah SWT, and on the Day of Judgment he is with the prophets, martyrs, and righteous people." (Tsawabul A'mal: 152)
Then, Surah Al Balad also serves as a reminder of how we can avoid the wrath of Allah SWT. Yes, we live in this world only asking for Allah SWT's approval so that our lives remain smooth and continue to be on the right path. Prophet Muhammad SAW once said,
"Whoever reads this surah, then Allah will give him security from His hellfire on the Day of Judgment, and save him from all obstacles. And whoever writes it and hangs it on a child, or who is born, then he will be safe from all things that endanger children." (Tafsirul Burhan, Juz 8: 286)
That is the explanation of the meaning of Surah Al Balad, which is the city of Mecca, the residence of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Not only knowing the meaning of Surah Al Balad, but also the contents of Surah Al Balad along with its virtues.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.