Kapanlagi.com - Making condensed milk (SKM) as a topping can be considered part of daily routine. From quick breakfast menus to various snacks and refreshing drinks, they taste better when added with this milk product. This is because the ingredient can make the taste of the dish more special.
Considering its name includes 'susu' (milk in Indonesian), there has been a misconception that condensed milk is not actually milk. The Indonesian Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) has affirmed that SKM is included in the milk category, as the product contains milk. So, what exactly is SKM that is often used as a topping for daily practical dishes? Find out the complete explanation below!
1. Definition of Sweetened Condensed Milk

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According to the Regulation of the Head (Perka) of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) No. 21/2016, sweetened condensed milk is a dairy product obtained by removing some of the water from a mixture of milk and sugar, until it reaches a certain level of concentration. This is why BPOM includes sweetened condensed milk as a subcategory of condensed milk and as part of the milk category.
Furthermore, BPOM also mentions that the Codex or international food safety standards have already included sweetened condensed milk as a milk-containing product to complement various dishes. So, the issue of whether sweetened condensed milk is milk or not should not be debated anymore, as BPOM has revealed its truth.
2. Sweetened Condensed Milk Has Its Own History!

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Before the controversy of whether sweetened condensed milk is milk or not arose, its origins from milk were already written in historical records. In fact, this particular dairy product has a quite long history. It is known that this type of milk has existed since the 19th century. The initial idea came about in 1852, when there was an entrepreneur named Gail Borden sailing from London to New York.
Borden realized that fresh milk easily spoils, making it difficult to store during long journeys. He then tried to develop a method to remove some of the water from the milk while adding sugar. The goal was to extend the shelf life of the milk.
Based on historical records, the consumption of sweetened condensed milk actually started around 1873. However, this product only entered Indonesia for the first time during the Dutch colonial period, precisely in 1922 under the brand name Friesche Vlag. Its name later changed, and it is now better known as Frisian Flag.
Nevertheless, the habit of consuming milk was not widely formed in Indonesia at that time. Different consumption patterns compared to American and European societies were one of the contributing factors. In addition, the geographical and cultural characteristics of Indonesia, which are more agrarian and coastal, made milk consumption, including sweetened condensed milk, still not as popular as it is now.
3. Composition of Sweetened Condensed Milk

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Although this product comes from fresh milk that has been partially evaporated and added with sugar, making it thick and sweet, but its composition is actually more diverse. Generally, it consists of fresh cow's milk that contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to milk, there is also sucrose which gives a sweet taste.
Some types of products also add vegetable oil. This ingredient is known to provide texture and thickness to the milk. Another common composition used is whey powder because it contains whey protein. In addition, some sweetened condensed milk also adds certain flavors, such as vanilla, to make the taste richer. It could be because of these diverse compositions that some people mistakenly think that sweetened condensed milk is not milk.
4. Sweetened Condensed Milk Production Process

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In general, the production process of sweetened condensed milk consists of several stages. The ingredients are mixed and processed specifically to produce the desired product. After that, the sweetened condensed milk goes through the homogenization and pasteurization stages. What are these?
Homogenization is the process to ensure that the milk fat is evenly dispersed within it. Meanwhile, pasteurization is done to kill bacteria and extend the shelf life of the product. The process continues by packaging it into sterilized cans. Apart from human labor, sometimes this packaging process is also done using robotic machines.
After being packaged, the sweetened condensed milk in cans is then incubated for a day. The purpose is to prevent bacterial growth. Once it is considered safe, the product is ready to be distributed and stored. It is important to emphasize that the production process of sweetened condensed milk may vary in stages between each producer or brand. What is clear is that this series of processes further proves that the notion that sweetened condensed milk is not milk is not true.
5. Nutritional Content and Benefits Behind Sweetened Condensed Milk

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The nutritional content of sweetened condensed milk may vary among brands and types of products. However, generally, it contains several macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats, as well as micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. These nutrient contents help complete the nutritional intake and support daily activities. The detailed information on this nutritional content can be found on the product packaging label. This fact can strengthen the misconception that sweetened condensed milk is not real milk.
When combined with various dishes or specific recipes, including as a topping, sweetened condensed milk can provide its own benefits. For example, it can be a good source of energy for the body. In addition, its benefits can also support an active lifestyle while helping to meet daily nutritional needs, as this product also contains macronutrients and micronutrients. For those who are trying to gain weight, the calories in sweetened condensed milk, when combined with various culinary creations, are quite high, making it beneficial for weight gain.
6. Ide Sajian dengan Topping Sweetened Condensed Milk for Breakfast Complement

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There are several ideas for dishes with sweetened condensed milk toppings that can be tried to complement breakfast at home. In addition to easily available ingredients, the process of making it is also practical. However, the taste is still able to indulge the tongue when consumed. Curious about what these dish ideas are?
1. Strawberry Ice Cream with Sweetened Condensed Milk
Prepare 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, mashed strawberries, 1 sachet of liquid coconut milk, 250 grams of granulated sugar, 5 tablespoons of cornstarch, and ½ teaspoon of vanilla powder. Mix all the ingredients in a pan. Heat it up, so that everything is mixed well. After boiling, remove from heat and wait a few minutes until the mixture cools down.
After it has cooled down a bit, pour the mixture into a container and put it in the freezer. Let it freeze for 1-2 hours. Take out the mixture and steam it until it melts completely. Remove from heat and mix the mixture, which is still slightly warm, until it expands. Prepare a mold and pour the ice cream mixture into the mold.
Put it back into the freezer. Wait a few hours for the ice cream to freeze completely. Once frozen, this ice cream is ready to be enjoyed with your family at home. To make it more delicious, add condensed milk on top as a topping.
2. Tiramisu Milk Ball with Condensed Milk
Prepare a bowl, then mix margarine, powdered sugar, condensed milk, biscuits, and tiramisu powder. Mix well until thick. Shape into balls. Freeze the balls in the freezer for 1 hour until solid. Then, melt the chocolate bar with margarine, stir until well combined.
Take out the balls. Use toothpicks to dip the balls into the chocolate. To make it even better, add condensed milk as a topping. Enjoy the delicious combination with your loved ones.
3. Condensed Milk Pudding
Prepare 1 can of full cream condensed milk, 1 packet of plain agar-agar powder, and 6 glasses of water. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan. Cook while stirring until boiling. Remove from heat and let the hot steam dissipate from the room temperature milk.
Pour the pudding mixture into a mold. Let it sit for a while until it thickens. After that, put it in the refrigerator to make the pudding taste fresher. Serve by adding fresh fruit slices and condensed milk as a topping.
From various explanations, it can be known that the issue or assumption that condensed milk is not a developed milk is incorrect. In fact, through these reviews, it can be known that condensed milk is still included in the milk category because the product does contain milk, as explained by BPOM. So, don't hesitate to use it as a topping in various breakfast creations at home.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.