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Belly Fat in Early 20s, Here are 7 Lifehacks to Reduce it Without Diet

Belly Fat in Early 20s, Here are 7 Lifehacks to Reduce it Without Diet (c) Shutterstock - Insecurity can peak when you know your stomach is bloated. Even though you're only in your 20s and not eating much, how can it be bloated?

There are many factors that contribute to bloated stomach in your early 20s. One of them is an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. But there are also life hacks that you can do to shrink your stomach without dieting. What are they?

1. Consume Fiber-Rich Foods

Instead of eating a full plate of rice for every meal, consuming fiber-rich foods will make you feel full for a longer period of time. This method will help you avoid overeating.

Later on, the fiber in your body will dissolve and form a gel when it comes into contact with water. This gel increases the absorption time of nutrients and slows down the emptying of the stomach, so you won't easily get hungry.

2. Reduce Intake of High Sodium Foods

It cannot be denied that savory and salty foods are really delicious to consume. However, it should be known that these types of foods can disrupt body health.

The salt in the food will bind and retain water in the body. This is what causes the shape of the stomach to change and become more bloated.

3. Life Begins After Breakfast

Among the many types of eating patterns, one that should not be missed is breakfast. Not only does it make the body healthy, but breakfast also provides energy to go through the day and increases metabolism.

Not only that, breakfast will also help the body control the portion of lunch. This serves to prevent overeating during the day.

4. Chew Food Slowly

Not only digestion, the brain also needs time to process that you have eaten enough. Chewing food slowly will automatically make the duration of eating longer.

Eating with a long duration will increase the feeling of fullness and make you not need to eat more. How quickly you finish your food will also affect your weight!

5. Eat with Small Plates

Optical illusion also affects your eating portion and digestion, especially if the food that enters your body is junk food.

Eating with small plates will help you eat less. This is because the portion of food will appear larger.

6. Get Enough and Regular Sleep

Getting enough and regular sleep is an inseparable unity. This is important because lack of sleep and disruption of the rest cycle will disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin.

These hormones can increase hunger and the desire to eat continuously. If left for a long time, not only a potbelly but also obesity will lurk.

7. Drink Water Regularly

It has been a common secret that drinking water before meals will help control your appetite. You can control your eating patterns by drinking water beforehand. Not only that, drinking water regularly will also improve your body's metabolism and prevent nutrient accumulation.

You don't need to go on a diet or use chemical drugs, you can also control your bloated stomach independently. Happy trying KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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