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Biography of Sunan Gresik Alias Maulana Malik Ibrahim, the First Generation of Wali Songo Who Spread Islam in Java

Biography of Sunan Gresik Alias Maulana Malik Ibrahim, the First Generation of Wali Songo Who Spread Islam in Java Biografi Sunan Gresik (credit: flickr) - The spread of Islam cannot be separated from the role of the Wali Songo. As is known, in Javanese, sanga or songo means 9. Therefore, as the name suggests, there were 9 Wali Songo. Sunan Gresik was one of them. Like the other Wali Songo, the biography of Sunan Gresik is also important to read.

Sunan Gresik, whose real name is Maulana Malik Ibrahim, lived in the 15th century. Like the other Wali Songo, Sunan Gresik played an important role in spreading Islam. There are many things that can be learned from the story of Sunan Gresik in spreading Islam. What are they?

Instead of being curious, let's just read the biography of Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim below.


1. Personal Life of Sunan Gresik

As mentioned earlier, Sunan Gresik's real name is Maulana Malik Ibrahim. He is known as a leader and the first generation of the Wali Songo. Therefore, Sunan Gresik played a very important role in spreading Islam in Java.

Sunan Gresik is said to still have blood ties with Maulana Ishaq (the father of Sunan Giri), who is also a famous scholar in the Islamic Kingdom of Samudra Pasai. Sunan Gresik and Maulana Ishaq are both children of a Persian scholar named Maulana Jumadil Kubro. If the genealogy is traced back further, Mulana Jumadil Kubro is also the 10th descendant of Zainal Abidin bin Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad.

When preaching, Sunan Gresik lived in Campa for 13 years. During that time, Sunan Gresik married a princess. From their marriage, Sunan Gresik had two sons, Raden Rahmad or Sunan Ampel and Ali Murtadha.

Maulana Malik Ibrahim is known as Sunan Gresik because he made Gresik city his first destination in preaching. But besides being called Sunan Gresik, Maulana Malik Ibrahim actually has many other nicknames. Some people also know him as Syekh Maghribi or Maulana Maghribi, Sunan Tandhes, Sunan Raja Wali, Wali Quthub, Mursyidur Aulia' Wali Sanga, Sayyidul Auliya Wali Sanga, Ki Ageng Bantal, and even Maulana Makhdum Ibrahim I.


2. The Preaching Style of Sunan Gresik

Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Sunan Gresik is one of the figures who played a significant role in spreading Islam in Java. The story and history of Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Sunan Gresik's preaching began when he arrived in Gresik for the first time in 1404. At that time, Sunan Gresik arrived in the village of Sembalo, now the Leran area, Manyar District, which is 9 kilometers north of Gresik city.

Upon arriving in Gresik, he established the first mosque in the Pasucinan village, Manyar. Sunan Gresik also founded a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) and began preaching. To make his preaching accepted, Sunan Gresik tried to approach the village community by mingling with them in daily life. Prior to that, Sunan Gresik also learned various Javanese cultures and customs.

After getting closer to the community, Sunan Gresik further strengthened his relationship with them by interacting in trade and agriculture. In addition, Sunan Gresik's gentle, compassionate, and friendly nature towards everyone, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, made him more easily accepted. Sunan Gresik traded in a port now known as the Roomo village, Manyar.

Through his trading activities, Sunan Gresik's opportunity to spread Islam widened. Sunan Gresik interacted with traders, shipowners, or investors. After his preaching movement was quite established, Sunan Gresik went to the Majapahit capital in Trowulan. Sunan Gresik's arrival was welcomed by the King of Majapahit at that time. Although in the end, the King of Majapahit remained unmoved to embrace Islam.

At the same time, Sunan Gresik also increased the number of pesantren he founded. In his pesantren, Sunan Gresik educated Islamic religious leaders in the following era. Thus, Sunan Gresik has given birth to scholars who in the following era became successors in spreading Islam.


3. The Death of Sunan Gresik

Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Sunan Gresik spent a lot of time preaching. There are many pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) established by Sunan Gresik to teach Islam and expand its spread.

Finally, Sunan Gresik passed away on Monday, 12 Rabiul Awal 822 AD which coincides with April 8th. Sunan Gresik was then buried in
Kampung Gapura, near the Gresik town square and Masjid Jami' Gresik, East Java. Until now, the grave of Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim is still visited by pilgrims who want to commemorate his services or seek blessings.

That is a brief summary of the biography of Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim, the first generation of Wali Songo who played an important role in spreading Islam in Java. Hopefully, it can be useful and increase knowledge!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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