Kapanlagi.com - The month of fasting is not only about hunger and thirst. Often, during fasting, a person experiences problems that test their patience. As Muslims, it is appropriate for us to be patient in facing problems, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.
Avoiding anger while fasting in order to become a obedient and God-fearing person. However, even though we have tried to be patient, there are still some people who cannot control their anger. Emotions that cause anger can reduce the reward of fasting. The Prophet Muhammad said:
"Fasting is a shield. If one of you is fasting, do not speak indecently or act foolishly. If he is insulted or invited to fight, he should say 'I am fasting'." (Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 1904, and Muslim, no. 1151).”
Although in daily life, we often face problems that require us to be patient. However, it is good for us to try to control ourselves by reciting prayers from the Quran and righteous hadiths that can guide us when our hearts are angry. Here is a collection of prayers for patience during the month of Ramadan that you can apply:
1. First Prayer

Prayer for Patience (credit: freepik)
It is appropriate to seek patience in Islam that you can pray when facing problems with the following prayer:
'Robbanaa Laa Tuzigh Quluubanaa Ba'da Idz Hadaitanaa wa Hab Lanaa Min-Ladunka Rohmatan, innaka Antal-Wahhaab'
Meaning: "Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us mercy from Yourself. Indeed, You are the Bestower of gifts." (Quran 3:8).
2. Second Prayer
This prayer for anger can be recited anytime and anywhere when you feel a bad heart. Like the following prayer:
Robbanaa Afrigh 'Alainaa Shobron wa Tsabbit Aqdaamanaa wanshurnaa 'Alal Qoumil Kaafiriin'.
Meaning: "Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people." (Quran 2:250).
3. Third Prayer

Prayer for Patience (credit: freepik)
If there is a problem in life with someone, it is not only about patience, but it should also be followed by efforts to solve the problem. This short prayer can also be a solution for you to increase the reading of prayers asking for patience.
'Allaahumma Mushorrifal Quluub, Shorrif Quluubanaa 'Alaa Tho'atika'
Meaning: "O Allah, the One who directs hearts, direct our hearts to always obey You." (HR. Muslim).
4. Fourth Prayer
This prayer is the most frequently recited prayer by the Prophet peace be upon him.
'Ya Muqollibal Quluubi Tsabbit Qolbiy 'Alaa Diinika'.
Meaning: "O the One who turns hearts, strengthen my heart on Your religion." (HR. At-Tirmidzi no.3522, Imam Ahmad IV/302, Al-Hakim I/525. See Sahih Sunan At-Tirmidzi no.2792).
5. Fifth Prayer

Prayer for patience (credit: freepik)
Increase reading prayers for patience as well as an attitude of surrender so that Allah always provides the best solution for your problems.
Allohumma laka aslamtu wa bika amantu wa 'alaika tawakkaltu, wa ilaika anabtu, wa bika khoshomtu. Allohumma inni a'udzu bi 'izzatika laa ilaha illa anta an tudhillani. Antal hayyu alladzi laa yamuut wal jinnu wal insu yamuutun.
Meaning: O Allah, I surrender myself to You, I believe in You, I rely on You, I repent to You, and I complain about my affairs to You. O Allah, I seek refuge in Your glory - there is no god worthy of worship except You - from anything that could misguide me. You are the Ever-Living, who never dies, while the jinn and mankind will surely die. (HR. Muslim, no. 2717)
6. Sixth Prayer
A calm heart and a patient attitude are the key to finding solutions to problems. Therefore, if your heart is filled with anger, recite the following prayer:
"Alloohummna inniiasaluka ta'jiila 'aafiyatika washobron 'alaabaliyyatika wakhuruu jam minaddun-yaa ilaa rohmatika."
Meaning: "O Allah, I ask You to hasten Your safety for me and to remain patient in facing Your trials, and to depart from this world towards Your mercy."
These are some prayers from the Quran and authentic Hadiths that can guide us when our hearts are provoked by anger. Stay patient and seek His help to remain a good servant. May it be beneficial and put into practice.
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