Kapanlagi.com - There are several requirements when performing Ramadan fasting. Of course, fundamental things like this must be known by Muslims. In fiqh, requirements are something that must be fulfilled before performing something. In fasting worship, there are 2 requirements that need to be known, namely obligatory requirements and valid fasting requirements.
Ramadan is the most special and awaited month for Muslims. In this month, good deeds will be multiplied. Therefore, Muslims compete to perform worship, one of which is fasting.
Fasting means restraining oneself from eating and drinking and all actions that can invalidate the fast. Fasting is done from dawn until sunset, with certain conditions. Certainly, this is to increase the piety of a Muslim. Therefore, to understand the complete explanation of the definition, the requirements for a valid fast, let's take a look at the complete review below:
1. Understanding Fasting

(credit: freepik)
Fasting according to Islamic law is a form of worship that is done by refraining from everything such as eating, drinking, and bad deeds from dawn until sunset, accompanied by the intention for the sake of Allah SWT.
Fasting in Arabic means 'shaum'. The word has the meaning of al-imsak or restraining oneself from something. Fasting or shaum is one of the five pillars of Islam.
Basically, fasting is one of the obligatory acts of worship for Muslims when the month of Ramadan arrives. It is also recommended to fast outside of Ramadan. Another definition of fasting is refraining from two desires, namely the stomach and the genitals, as well as from anything that enters the throat. Fasting is done from the break of dawn with the intention until sunset, and it is invalidated by reciting a prayer. Fasting itself is done to obtain the pleasure of Allah SWT.
2. Mandatory Fasting Conditions

(credit: freepik)
- Islam
The first and most important requirement for fasting is being a Muslim. A person who observes the fasting ritual must be a Muslim.
- Baligh
Baligh is a sign or boundary for a Muslim who is already an adult and capable of distinguishing right from wrong. The signs of baligh for males and females are different. For males, baligh is marked by the emission of semen either during sleep or while awake. For females, it is when they have reached the age of menstruation.
- Sound Mind
The next requirement for fasting is having a sound mind, or not being mentally ill. A person who is mentally ill or experiencing mental disorders is not obligated to observe the fasting ritual. This is because a person with a mental disorder cannot distinguish between what is good and what is bad. In addition to people with mental disorders, drunk people are also not required to fast. However, they must make up for the missed fasting.
- Able
For those who are seriously ill and unable to fast, it is not obligatory to fast. However, they must make up for it on another day. As for the elderly who are unable to fast, they are required to pay fidyah.
This is because the requirement for fasting is the ability to do so. Therefore, if someone is seriously ill, it is not recommended for them to fast in order to prevent their illness from worsening.
- Knowing the Month of Ramadan
The next requirement for obligatory fasting is that a person has seen the new moon and knows that they are required to perform the fasting. However, not everyone may have the ability to see the new moon. Therefore, the Ministry of Religion or other Islamic organizations hold a confirmation meeting (sidang isbat). Fasting in the month of Ramadan is also explained in the following hadith:
From Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu 'Anhu, the Messenger of Allah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
Fast when you see it (the new moon) and break your fast when you see it. If the new moon is not visible to you, then complete the month of Sha'ban as thirty days.
3. Valid Fasting Conditions

(credit: freepik)
- Islam
The first valid fasting condition that must be known is that the person must be a Muslim.
- Tamyiz or sanity
During fasting, the next valid condition is to be of sound mind. Of course, fasting is not valid if done by someone who has lost their sanity due to madness, epilepsy, or intoxication.
- Free from menstruation and postpartum bleeding
A person is considered to have valid fasting if they have stopped menstruating, postpartum bleeding, and childbirth. Even if they have not performed the obligatory bath to purify themselves from menstruation and postpartum bleeding, their fasting is considered invalid. However, it is obligatory to make up for the missed fasting, but it is not obligatory to make up for missed obligatory prayers.
- Not on forbidden days
Performing fasting will earn abundant rewards, but there are certain times when fasting is not accepted. These times include fasting on the day of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
- Observing the Hilal
Another valid fasting condition is to know the beginning of the month of Ramadan by directly observing the Hilal (crescent moon), or it can be done through rukyat (observing the crescent moon) or calculations. Usually, there is a trusted institution with complete equipment that all Muslims rely on.
Understanding the valid and mandatory conditions for fasting in Ramadan that must be known by Muslims. Hopefully, it is beneficial.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.