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Complete Collection of Islamic Baby Names for Boys and Girls with Meanings

Complete Collection of Islamic Baby Names for Boys and Girls with Meanings Islamic baby names for boys and girls (credit: Pixabay) - Currently, Islamic names for children are very popular in Indonesia. There are many Islamic names that parents can choose for their children, these names can be taken from the Quran or from the previous Islamic warriors.

Choosing a child's name is always an interesting process. You certainly want to give a unique, beautiful, and meaningful name. Therefore, here is a collection of Islamic baby names for boys and girls, complete with their meanings, as reported from various sources.







1. Strong Baby Boy Names

Expecting goodness for a boy is every parent's prayer. Wanting to make his son a child who can face any obstacles without giving up is the prayer and hope of parents for their child to become a strong man. And here are some references Islamic boy names that are strong.

AlFatih Dhafir: A boy who always starts his life with success.

Fadli Akram I'tisham: A noble man who has virtues and holds firmly to the truth.

Abrar Dayyan: A boy who will become a strong leader with full of virtues.

Raziq Hafuza Madani: A man who becomes a humble servant of sustenance and motivator towards progress.

Abiy Vishaka: A man who has a strong personality, independent, and radiates the light of life.

Jasim Mu'afa Ar-Rasyiq: A man who is healthy and strong.

Arroyyan Vishaka: A man who is strong, brave, and radiates the light of life.

Fadhlurrahman Syathir Labib Pramana: A boy given by Allah who is intelligent, smart, and wise.

Azlan Syarahil: A Muslim man who has a leadership spirit and is brave.

Riffat Tsaqib Agraj Fahim: A smart man with a high leadership spirit and always acts appropriately.

Muhammad Azwar Haidar: A brave boy, a noble-hearted figure who is diligent and always able to achieve success.

Fahlefi Jaasir Addi Tonda: A brave man who is kind-hearted and always prays to his Lord.

Abil Daffa Muwaffaq: A handsome boy who is always successful and becomes a defender of truth and justice.










2. Gentle-hearted Baby Boy Names

Wanting to have a good-hearted and gentle son is something extraordinary. Having a good and gentle heart is a characteristic of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. And here are some names of gentle-hearted boys that might be a reference for you.

Chairil Mihran Ghazzal: A kind-hearted boy who has the qualities of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and is expected to become a Quran expert.

Lafifuddin Mu'tasham: A man who has religious finesse and is protected from sin.

Mashka Shofwanul: A boy who is always patient and filled with sincerity.

Malik Fazal Gafi: A kind-hearted leader who is friendly to everyone and always speaks gently.

Rahid Mumtaz: A special gentle man.

Affan Mirza Sharim: A kind-hearted boy, authoritative, and always achieves success in his life.

Raldien Fayyadh: A boy who always forgives with great nobility.

Dehaan Yaqub Aydin Julian: A young-minded boy who is humble, strong, brave, and has good manners like a prophet.

Said Alman Daniyal: Mama's boy who grows up with a kind-hearted, honorable, smart, and intelligent nature.

Rafqi Aulian: A gentle male leader who has many friends and a friendly attitude.

Ahnaf Syairazy: A pure-hearted and kind-hearted Muslim man.

Halim Rafif Syabani: A pious and gentle son, who is always known as a kind-hearted person.

Zahrain Basim: A boy who always smiles and always shines like gold.











3. Strong Baby Girl Names

Having a beautiful and strong baby is extraordinary. Being able to think independently and provide wise opinions when they grow up is the prayer of parents for their strong and wise daughter. Here are some strong baby girl names that might be a reference for you.

Afifa Fitriya: Pure and dignified.

Afifah Hilya Nafisah: A woman of value and high nobility.

Afifah Talita: A girl with self-respect.

Ainiya Faida Azmi: Whose heart is strong and beneficial to the flourishing tree.

Daimah Rasiyah: A woman who is always strong.

Dalilah Syarihah: Meaning a woman who can speak frankly.

Basilah lailatul hikmah: A brave woman born on a night full of wisdom.

Farida Fakhriyyah: Meaning an independent and outstanding woman.

Fadhila Nur Hamdalah: A noble, excellent, and honorable woman.

Gharizah Jalilah: Meaning a woman of noble and majestic character.

Dzamira Riyya Shadiqah: A brave woman who is good and has the quality of honesty.











4. Gentle-hearted Baby Girl Names

Being a gentle woman is a reflection of a woman. Deciding to find a girl's name with a gentle heart character is extraordinary. And here are some baby girl names that you can use as a reference.

Afifah Khairunnisa: Gentle and the best woman.

Alifah Dzatil Izzah: Gentle, kind-hearted, and noble.

Badi'ah Rahimah: Beautiful and caring.

Anisah Zuhur Afrah: A good woman like a unity of various joyful flowers.

Badiyah Burairah: Beautiful like a full moon that always does good.

Annisa Lathifah Nuraini: A woman who is gentle towards others and becomes the light of her body and soul.

Dariah Askanah: A kind-hearted woman who is gentle.

Arwa Maimun Samihah: A gentle woman who likes to give and receive God's blessings.

Ghadah Rahimah: A gentle and compassionate woman.

Fadiyah Syafiqah: A loving woman who saves.

Iffah Annisa: The gentleness of a woman.

Ghayda Behira: The greatness of a gentle and kind-hearted girl.

Those are a collection of Islamic baby boy and girl names that have beautiful meanings. All names are prayers given by every parent to their children. Hopefully, the above names can provide a reference for KLovers at home who are looking for a name for their beloved child.












Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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