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Comprehensive Meaning and Usage, Understand Examples of Application

Comprehensive Meaning and Usage, Understand Examples of Application Illustration (credit: - There are various popular terms used in formal contexts. One of them is comprehensive, a loanword from English that can be used in various fields.

The meaning of comprehensive as explained in the KBBI is described in several points. Meanwhile, the use of the word comprehensive is more often used in the academic world and journalism.

Where the meaning of comprehensive can indicate a report that something has been done thoroughly, completely, intact, without any shortcomings. In addition, the meaning of comprehensive also explains that something is done until completion.

To learn more about the meaning of comprehensive and its use, let's just take a look at the reviews below. Here is the meaning of comprehensive and its complete use that has been summarized by from various sources.

1. The General Meaning of Comprehensive

The meaning of comprehensive is more often used in formal contexts or the academic and journalism world. That's why the meaning of comprehensive may not be known by many people even though it is very familiar to us.

To understand the meaning of comprehensive, you can actually find it in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). Meanwhile, before you listen to the meaning and definition of comprehensive in the KBBI, know that this word actually comes from English.

Where the word comprehensive has been absorbed into Indonesian. Meanwhile, if referring to the online version of KBBI, the meaning of comprehensive is explained in three points. First, the meaning of comprehensive is able to capture (receive) well. Second, the meaning of comprehensive in KBBI is broad and complete. Third, the meaning of comprehensive is to have and show broad insights.

Based on the above meaning of comprehensive, it can be interpreted that this word is used to explain something that can be seen or understood completely, broadly, and thoroughly. Therefore, you often hear the use of comprehensive meaning can enter various fields, whether health, education, or services. That's the explanation of the general meaning of comprehensive.

2. Synonyms of Comprehensive Meaning

Understanding the comprehensive meaning is incomplete without knowing what its synonyms are. Because there are several synonyms of comprehensive meaning that you need to know. Because comprehensive meaning also has similar meanings with a number of words below. Let's check out what are the synonyms of comprehensive meaning KLovers.

1. Universal.

2. Complete.

3. Global.

4. Thorough.

5. Whole.

6. Large.

7. Inclusive.

8. Full.

9. Many.

10. Rich.

11. Abundant.

12. Adequate.

13. Maximum.

14. Extensive.

15. Integral.

Those are some synonyms of the word comprehensive that you need to know. So it makes it easier to understand the similarity of the word comprehensive meaning. Have you no longer confused about the meaning of comprehensive?

3. Comprehensive Meaning and Its Use

As mentioned in the previous review, the meaning of comprehensive is actually more commonly used formally. Especially in the academic world, the use of the word comprehensive is very common. In addition, the use of the word comprehensive can also be used in various fields. From education to health, the word comprehensive has its own meaning and meaning according to its context. Well, here are the meanings of comprehensive and its use that need to be understood.

1. Comprehensive Meaning in Philosophy

The use of the word comprehensive can be used in the field of philosophy. The comprehensive meaning in philosophy means a comprehensive way of thinking so that someone can see something more complete, whole, and comprehensive in various aspects. So that it can see up to the smallest part or root of a problem and find a solution.

2. Comprehensive Meaning in Health

In the field of health, comprehensive meaning means comprehensive care or treatment for patients from initial diagnosis to recovery.

3. Comprehensive Meaning in Accounting

Meanwhile, the comprehensive meaning in accounting explains the process or principle of making financial reports and data. The preparation of financial statements is made comprehensively and completely. Thus it can be a benchmark for assessing the performance of a company.

4. Comprehensive Meaning in Service

The comprehensive meaning in the field of service means providing comprehensive and complete services. Among them are starting from prevention, promotion, addressing, or rehabilitative to those who need the service.

5. Comprehensive Meaning in the Field of Organization and Leadership

The comprehensive meaning is a way of thinking that produces a proactive attitude. This proactive attitude is necessary for leaders to lead an organization or group to be more effective.

Those are some explanations about the comprehensive meaning and its use. Where the use of comprehensive meaning can actually be used in various fields.

4. Example of Comprehensive Use

After knowing the comprehensive meaning, here is an explanation of the example of using the word comprehensive. Where the use of comprehensive is commonly used to explain something that is considered, seen, felt complete and thorough. For an explanation of the examples, you can see below.

- Mrs. Mawar has received comprehensive care from Nusa Bangsa Hospital.

From this example, the meaning of the word comprehensive is that Mrs. Mawar received complete and thorough care until the healing process.

- The latest news of the flood disaster was broadcast comprehensively by TV station XX from the cause to the handling of victims.

The comprehensive meaning of the above example means that if the news is reported completely, thoroughly, and comprehensively until the handling of flood victims.

- Nusa Bangsa High School held a comprehensive exam for students.

The meaning of the word comprehensive is that the exam is carried out completely covering various fields of science. So it can be used as a benchmark for assessing student achievement.

Those are some explanations about the comprehensive meaning that you need to understand. So it makes it easier for you to know the meaning behind the comprehensive meaning.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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