Kapanlagi.com - Discount is a price reduction offered by sellers to buyers. The presence of discounts can be one way to attract customers. However, for those of you who are easily tempted by shopping discounts, of course, you need to know how to calculate discounts easily and correctly.
The way to calculate discounts is actually not difficult. It just requires accuracy when calculating discounts. Because, mistakes in calculating discounts can make you disappointed for not getting the appropriate price reduction.
That's why it is important to understand how to calculate discounts easily and correctly. The way to calculate discounts can be done manually or digitally. This means you can use a calculator to help calculate the shopping discounts obtained.
However, without a calculator, you can also easily calculate shopping discounts and get the correct results. Before that, check out more about how to calculate discounts easily and correctly equipped with formulas and examples that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Discount Terms

(credit: unsplash.com)
There are various promotional terms that you often encounter. Knowing these discount terms can make it easier for you to make purchase transactions. Read more about discount terms.
1. Double Discount (Discount (%) + Discount (%))
This discount term is known as a double discount. Because there are two discount percentages that can be given to buyers. However, the meaning of this double discount is not that you can get a discount equal to the percentage stated, but the product will be discounted twice.
A shirt in a store priced at Rp 400,000 gets a 30% + 20% discount. If these discounts are added up, you might interpret it as getting a 50% discount, but this is different. Because it means you need to calculate the first discount first, which is 30 percent, then the result is calculated again with a 20 percent discount and subtracted from the result after the first discount.
2. Up To Discount
This discount term means that it can be discounted up to a certain maximum amount. However, it should be noted again that it does not mean that all items can be discounted at the same price, but there are different discount amounts for each item. For example, a discount up to 50 percent, then there are other items that are also discounted at 10 percent, 5 percent, 25 percent. So not all items get a 50 percent discount.
3. Shopping Voucher Discount
This discount is given in the form of shopping vouchers that usually have a certain time period or range. Therefore, pay more attention if you get a shopping voucher discount.
4. Discount with Conditions
This discount can be obtained with certain conditions. It means there are requirements that buyers need to fulfill to get the discount. For example, when you shop for a minimum of Rp 500,000, you can get a 50 percent discount for one of the items.
5. Buy … Get … Free Discount
This discount is given when you buy one item and get another item for free. It's like buying two items but getting a discount according to the predetermined price.
2. Discount Calculation Formulas

(credit: unsplash.com)
There are several discount calculation formulas that you can use to determine the final price after the discount. There are two easy and correct ways to calculate discounts. The easy and correct way to calculate discounts with the formula is as follows.
1. Formula for Converting Percentage Discount to Decimal Number
The first formula for calculating discounts can be done by converting the discount from percentage to decimal number. The discount formula is as follows:
D: Discount
A: Initial price of the item before discount
B: Selling price of the item after discount
Calculating Discount (D): Discount in percentage (D%) x Initial price of the item (A)
Price of the item after discount (B): Initial price of the item (A) - Discount (D)
2. Formula for Subtracting Discount Amount from 100 Percent
The second formula for calculating discounts is by subtracting the discount amount in percentage from 100 percent. This formula is considered simpler and easier for you to practice. The second formula for calculating discounts is as follows.
D: Discount
A: Price of the item before discount
B: Price of the item after discount
Price of the item after discount (B): (100% - Discount%) x price of the item after discount (A)
3. Example of How to Calculate Discounts

(credit: unsplash.com)
After knowing the formulas for calculating discounts, here are some examples of easy and correct discount calculations. So you can practice calculating discounts easily, both manually and digitally. Here is an example of how to calculate discounts.
1. Example of how to calculate discounts using the first formula
Ani bought a dress at a store for Rp 300,000. It turns out that the dress is discounted by 30 percent. So, what is the price of the dress that Ani bought after the discount?
30 percent x 300,000 = 90,000
Price of the dress after the discount = 300,000 - 90,000 = 210,000
So, the dress that Ani has to pay after the discount is Rp 210,000.
2. Example of how to calculate discounts using the second formula
Ani bought shoes at a store for Rp 550,000. She got a 25 percent discount. What is the price of the shoes that Ani has to pay after the discount?
Price of the shoes after the discount = (100 percent - 25 percent) x 550,000 = 75 percent x 550,000 = 412,500
So, the price of the shoes after the discount that Ani has to pay is Rp 412,500.
That's how to calculate discounts easily and correctly, complete with formulas and examples. The above method of calculating discounts can be easily applied when getting discounts on certain goods or products.
Source: zenius.net, brilio.net
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.