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Nah He Tweakin Viral on Social Media, This is the Meaning and Origin of the Comment

Nah He Tweakin Viral on Social Media, This is the Meaning and Origin of the Comment Illustration (credit: - The phrase Nah He Tweakin has recently gone viral on social media. Many netizens have questioned the meaning of Nah He Tweakin, which originated from a comment on Instagram.

'Nah He Tweakin' has been widely discussed by netizens since Thursday, (26/08/2021). According to, based on data from Crowdtangle, in the past 12 hours Nah He Tweakin has generated 11 million public interactions on Instagram. It's no wonder that you now see many netizens following the trend of using the phrase Nah He Tweakin.

So what does Nah He Tweakin mean?

This phrase sounds new, unique, and unfamiliar. That's why the comment has sparked curiosity among netizens about its meaning. Especially since the origin of the comment Nah He Tweakin is known to come from an American rapper, singer, and songwriter named Lil Nas X.

Find out more about the meaning of the viral phrase Nah He Tweakin on social media, compiled by from various sources.

1. What Does Nah He Tweakin Mean?

It sounds like a foreign phrase, but the meaning of Nah He Tweakin is actually quite short and easy to understand. The meaning of Nah He Tweakin, as reported by from the Man of Many website, can mean 'Nonsense'.

Some also say that the meaning of Nah He Tweakin is like a foolish action. The meaning is in the word Tweakin. So 'Nah He Tweakin' can mean 'He is doing a foolish action'.

2. Originating From a Comment on Instagram

This comment is not without reason, because there is an origin to the meaning of Nah He Tweakin. According to, Nah He Tweakin originated from a comment on Instagram when Lil Nas X responded to a post from the @rap or Rap by RAPTV account.

In the post, it explained that Tony Hawk announced the release and sale of collaboration skateboards with a company. The skateboard is not just an ordinary skateboard, but a limited edition because it is painted with his blood.

Tony Hawk's skateboard is planned to be sold for $500. If converted to Indonesian Rupiah, it is equivalent to Rp. 7,214,150. The profits from the sale of the skateboard will be used to help address plastic pollution and build a skatepark in low-income communities.

However, this caused Lil Nas X to respond. As previously known, Lil Nas X also released a shoe called 'Satan Shoe' that was mixed with blood on the sole. But at that time, Lil Nas X's 'Satan Shoe' caused a lot of controversy. Various criticisms from the public caused him to face several problems.

Meanwhile, Tony Hawk's skateboards seem to not receive similar criticism like Lil Nas X's shoes. As a result, Lil Nas X made a comment with the phrase Nah He Tweakin. This comment seems to show frustration and annoyance because there was no public anger towards Tony Hawk's skateboard mixed with blood.

3. Lil Nas X's Tweet Draws Attention

In addition to commenting on @rap's post about Tony Hawk's blood-infused skateboard sales, Lil Nas X made a tweet on his own Twitter account. Lil Nas X questioned the public's reaction to Tony Hawk's skateboards, which did not provoke anger or controversy.

"Now that Tony Hawk has released skateboards with his blood painted on them, and there was no public outrage, are y'all ready to admit y'all were never actually upset over the blood in the shoes? And maybe u were mad for some other reason?" wrote Lil Nas X on Twitter @lilnasx.

(Now Tony Hawk has released skateboards with blood mixed in the paint, and there was no public outrage. Are you all ready to admit that you were not really upset about the blood in the shoes? And maybe you were angry for some other reason?)

4. Nah He Tweakin Becomes Popular on Social Media

The comment Nah He Tweakin has become popular and viral on social media. In fact, the comment, which was first uttered by Lil Nas X within 24 hours, has been liked by 141,070 netizens. The comment has also received thousands of responses from netizens. Many have flocked to follow the trend of using the phrase Nah He Tweakin on Instagram or Twitter.

It is unknown whether the public's response to the Nah He Tweakin trend is to support Lil Nas X or just for entertainment purposes. However, what is clear is that the phrase Nah He Tweakin is still being widely discussed by netizens on various social media platforms.

That is the meaning of Nah He Tweakin that has gone viral on social media. The origin of the phrase Nah He Tweakin began when Lil Nas X responded to Tony Hawk's blood-infused skateboard.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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