Kapanlagi.com - For some people, it is indeed difficult to apply for credit, so it is important to know how to check BI checking. In fact, you can also find out how to check BI checking on your Android phone, KLovers. But in addition to knowing how to check BI checking on Android phones, it is also important to know what BI checking actually is.
BI Checking is information that contains the history of someone's credit or loan repayment that can be accessed by all banks. You need to understand things related to the blacklist or BI Checking blacklist that can directly reject you when applying for credit. This is important to know if you really want to apply for credit.
Now, for KLovers who are curious about how to check BI checking on Android phones easily and practically. Here is how to check BI checking on Android phones along with the definition of BI checking. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. What is BI Checking?

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As previously known, BI checking is an Individual Debtor Information or abbreviated as IDI Histori that provides a record of the smoothness or congestion of credit installments. This record is a valid data that is systematically collected to determine whether a debtor is capable of paying off debts or not.
This data is used to determine the eligibility of prospective debtors. If the record shows a lot of congestion when paying off credit, then the debtor is potentially rejected. On the other hand, if the installment payments are smooth, then the potential for accepting new credit applications will be greater. There are many individuals or prospective debtors who are disappointed after receiving news that their credit application is not approved by the bank.
This is again due to their bad record of being unable to pay installments. In BI checking, there is also the term "Blacklist", but what is it actually? Blacklist BI checking is a blacklist that states that individuals cannot apply for credit because of their previous bad credit record. So their credit record is included in the blacklist.
2. Prepare Supporting Documents

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
After understanding the meaning of BI checking, here are the initial steps you can take to check BI checking on your Android phone. The first step is to prepare supporting documents. There are two types of documents that need to be prepared, individual debtor documents and business entity debtor documents. Here are some of the documents that need to be prepared:
1. Individual debtor
- Photocopy of identity card and original identification such as KTP (for Indonesian citizens).
- For Foreign Citizens, photocopy of identity card and original identification such as a passport.
- Photocopy of the accompanying identity card with the original power of attorney (if authorized).
2. Business entity debtor
- NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number).
- Deed of Establishment.
- Amendments to the articles of association which include the structure and jurisdiction of the management, as well as the original identification of the management and the business entity (or legalized photocopy).
- Bring the original power of attorney, photocopy and original identity of the business entity, photocopy and original identity of the power of attorney (if authorized).
3. Fill in the BI Checking Online Queue Form

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
If you have prepared the above documents, the next step to check BI checking on an android phone is by filling in the online BI checking queue form. Here are several steps and online queue schedules as one of the ways to check BI checking on an android phone:
1. The first step is to open this link to the OJK website: OJK online queue form https://konsumen.ojk.go.id/MinisiteDPLK/Registrasi.
2. Then fill in the IDEB application form.
3. After that, choose "Queue" in the form of schedule time and information on remaining queue slots. Here are the online queue services opened by OJK divided into sessions:
08:00 - 09:00 (Monday - Friday)
09:00 - 10:00 (Monday - Friday)
10:00 - 11:00 (Monday - Friday)
11:00 - 12:00 (Monday - Friday)
13:00 - 14:00 (Monday - Friday)
14:00 - 15:00 (Monday - Friday)
4. Perform Data Verification and Check Email

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
After filling out the online queue form, you will receive approval via email. To complete the data verification phase, you will be asked to contact the OJK-SLIK Whatsapp number listed in the email. Pay close attention to the contents of the email to avoid any mistakes, so that you can complete the verification process according to the guidelines.
After that, you are required to check your incoming email on your account, do this after completing all the steps above. SLIK OJK will deliver the details of the SLIK Debtor to your email address. If you encounter difficulties reading the debtor content, OJK has provided a guide on how to do it through its official website. Once finished, all stages are completed.
5. BI Checking Score

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
After completing all the steps in how to check BI checking on an Android phone, you can find out the BI checking score. As quoted from the OJK website, credit history will be measured based on the credit activities of each debtor on a scale of one to five, or often called collectibility (col). And here are some score scales in BI checking:
1. Good Credit or (Col 1)
Credit where the debtor is able to fulfill all obligations without any flaws.
2. Special Attention Credit (DPK) or (Col 2)
Credit with arrears for 1-2 months due to late payment.
3. Non-Performing Credit or (Col 3)
Credit with arrears for 3-4 months.
4. Doubtful Credit or (Col 4)
Non-performing credit that has matured with arrears of more than 5-6 months.
5. Bad Credit or (Col 5)
Non-performing credit with arrears of more than 6 months. Efforts have been made to reactivate it but it still does not produce results.
Those are some steps or ways to check BI checking on an Android phone that you can do. All of these ways to check BI checking on an Android phone will make it easier for you to check on BI checking. Good luck KLovers.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.