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How to Withdraw Money from BCA ATM Without a Card Easily, Check Out the Steps

How to Withdraw Money from BCA ATM Without a Card Easily, Check Out the Steps Illustration (credit: - How to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card is now very easy and practical. Because with just one mobile phone, customers can withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card and perform other transactions easily.

Nowadays, several banks in the country provide mobile services and transactions. One of them is BCA, which also has mBCA mobile that can be accessed through a mobile phone. Moreover, the way to use mBCA mobile is very simple. Various types of transactions can even be done without using a BCA debit card.

However, some BCA customers may not know how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card. That's why, below is an explanation about how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card and perform other transactions without using a card. The explanation about how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card can be found below. Let's check out the easy reference on how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card.

1. How to Withdraw Money from BCA ATM Without a Card

Cash transactions are now switching to non-cash transactions. Non-cash transactions can be done using various types of banks, one of which is BCA. However, in addition to using an ATM card, now you can withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card.

This means that BCA customers can withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card by knowing simple and practical steps. Withdrawing money from BCA ATM without a card is certainly very convenient for customers who want to withdraw cash from BCA without needing a debit card. BCA provides a feature known as Cardless in BCA Mobile.

BCA Mobile allows customers to access their accounts without a card. Whether it's for cash withdrawal or cash deposit, everything can be done easily through BCA Mobile. Now, if you are a BCA customer, first learn how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card. Because withdrawing money from BCA ATM without a card is very easy and fast. Here is a review of how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card.

- First, customers need to open internet banking on their mobile phones.

- After that, customers can open BCA Mobile on their mobile phones.

- Next, click on the Cardless menu in BCA Mobile.

- Then, select Withdraw.

- Determine the source account and the amount to be withdrawn.

- Enter your mBCA PIN to get a 6-digit transaction code.

- Then find the nearest BCA Cash ATM in your area.

- Enter the Cardless Transaction on the ATM machine.

- Next, enter your BCA mobile phone number and the 6-digit transaction code.

- Wait until the money comes out of the ATM machine. Then you can withdraw money from the ATM.

- Finished, that's how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card, which is very easy and practical.

2. How to Deposit Cash to BCA ATM Without a Card

There are various transactions that can be done at BCA ATM without a card. Yes, not only withdrawing money from BCA ATM without a card, but customers can also deposit money to BCA ATM without a card. No need to be confused about how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card and how to deposit cash without a card, because both can be done in just one feature, which is BCA Mobile. After knowing how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card, here is how to deposit cash to BCA ATM without a card.

- First, customers need to open internet banking on their mobile phone.

- After that, customers can open BCA Mobile on their mobile phone.

- Next, click on the Cardless menu in BCA Mobile.

- Then choose Deposit Cash.

- Determine the account to be deposited.

- Enter your mBCA PIN to get a 6-digit transaction code.

- After that, find the nearest BCA cash deposit ATM in your area.

- Then choose Cardless Transaction on the ATM machine.

- Enter your mobile phone number used for BCA Mobile.

- Enter the 6-digit transaction code.

- Next, deposit cash at the ATM.

- If you have checked the money to be deposited, then you have finished using the method of depositing cash to BCA ATM without a card, very easy, right?

3. How to Make Transactions at Branches Without a Card

There is also a feature for making transactions at branches without a card. The steps for making transactions at branches without a card are just as easy as withdrawing money from an ATM BCA without a card and depositing cash without a card. Now, here are the steps for making transactions at branches without a card that you can follow.

- First, open BCA Mobile on your phone.

- Then select Cardless.

- Choose Branch.

- Click OK.

- Enter your mBCA PIN and you will receive a 6-digit code for the transaction, which is valid for 1 hour after obtaining the code.

- Then go to the nearest BCA branch.

- Make the transaction at the BCA branch through a teller or customer service.

- Enter your phone number and transaction code to process the transaction at the BCA branch.

- Done.

4. What is Cardless from BCA Mobile?

After knowing how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card and how to deposit cash without a card, you also need to know about what Cardless from BCA Mobile is. That's why below is an explanation of what Cardless in BCA Mobile is, as quoted from

The Cardless feature is one of the new features that previously replaced the Setor Tarik feature. In this feature, there are several services that customers can use. Among them are cash withdrawal without a card, cash deposit without a card, and branch transactions without a card.

Yes, the Cardless feature allows customers to make transactions without using a BCA debit card. So it's more practical and easy. Where later, when customers use the Cardless feature, they can make transactions without a card by entering their mobile number and transaction code. Well, this transaction code can be obtained through BCA Mobile that you have registered on your mobile phone.

Those are the steps on how to withdraw money from BCA ATM without a card, how to deposit cash without a card, or how to make branch transactions without a card. Hopefully, the above review can help you make transactions using BCA ATM without a card.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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