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Entrepreneur is a Business Activity Actor, Know Its Characteristics and Fields

Entrepreneur is a Business Activity Actor, Know Its Characteristics and Fields Illustration (credit: freepik) - Entrepreneurship has become a familiar term among the general public. Moreover, entrepreneurship has recently become a frequently discussed issue. Entrepreneurship is a business activity aimed at producing innovative and economically valuable things. Meanwhile, an entrepreneur is the term used to refer to someone who engages in entrepreneurial activities.

In addition, an entrepreneur is another term often used to refer to a businessman. Nowadays, becoming an entrepreneur has become a dream for many people. This is because entrepreneurs are known as independent and diligent individuals in conducting business activities. Moreover, there are several individuals known as successful entrepreneurs in everyday life.

To learn more about what an entrepreneur is, read the following summary compiled from various sources.

1. Definition of Entrepreneur

As mentioned earlier, in general, an entrepreneur is a term for a business owner or someone who engages in business activities. This general opinion is in line with the definition of an entrepreneur according to several experts:

1. Raymond
According to Raymond, an entrepreneur is someone who has innovative and creative characteristics and has the ability to realize creativity, with the goal of improving personal well-being in the environment and society.

2. Richard Cantillon
Meanwhile, according to Richard Cantillon, an entrepreneur is an individual with the ability to transfer or convert resources that are economically low in productivity to higher productivity.

3. Kathleen
Another opinion about entrepreneurs is expressed by Kathleen. According to her, an entrepreneur is an individual who is responsible for running, managing, and taking risks in particular jobs, especially in the business world.

4. Geoffrey G. Meredith
Geoffrey G. Meredith refers to an entrepreneur as someone with the ability to see and assess business opportunities and gather resources to gain profit. In addition, an entrepreneur also needs to have the ability to take appropriate action to achieve future success.

2. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

From several explanations above, it seems that there are several characteristics that must be possessed by an entrepreneur. Yes, however, an entrepreneur is a capable figure in carrying out business activities. Therefore, an entrepreneur must have a number of characteristics as follows.

1. Always Think Positive
One of the characteristics that an entrepreneur must have is always thinking positive. This will be realized in every attitude and action taken in running a business. Positive thinking will also bring an entrepreneur to always think and act for the progress of the business.

2. Have Leadership Spirit
An entrepreneur is a leader for his company. Therefore, every entrepreneur must also have a high leadership spirit.

3. Oriented towards Future Results
An entrepreneur is a figure who is keen to read opportunities and profits. Not only keen, an entrepreneur must also always have a forward-looking perspective. Therefore, the results achieved are not limited to today, but also in the long term in the future.

4. Willing to Take Risks
Business activities or businesses, are activities that have quite high risks. Therefore, every entrepreneur must also have the courage to take risks. Without this courage, business activities can run stagnant and not develop.

5. Having Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is also important for an entrepreneur. Self-confidence will be an asset in conducting business activities calmly and convincingly.

3. Entrepreneurial Fields

Along with the development of time, opportunities and chances to become an entrepreneur are increasingly wide open. Currently, there are many fields that can be explored to start a business. Here are some of those entrepreneurial fields.

1. Culinary
Culinary is one of the fields that many beginner entrepreneurs are involved in. This is because the culinary business is considered to have quite enticing opportunities.

2. Fashion
Besides culinary, the fashion business is also often the choice of many people. Similar to culinary, fashion also has promising opportunities because this industry never lacks enthusiasts.

3. Gadgets
Gadgets have now become a necessity just like food and clothing. Human daily activities cannot be separated from gadgets. This makes the gadget business quite attractive today.

4. Handicrafts
With competent raw materials and creativity, the handicraft business can also be a promising business opportunity. Unique and attractive souvenir production is always in demand. Not only in tourist areas, now souvenirs also have opportunities to be sold in various moments such as weddings, graduations, and so on.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Being an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are often seen the same as any other profession. Generally, this is quite reasonable because fundamentally being an entrepreneur also has its own pros and cons. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur.

1. Advantages of being an Entrepreneur:

1) Have the opportunity to create a change.

2) Can do anything they want.

3) Can contribute to society.

4) Have the chance to make significant profits.

5) There is an opportunity to reach their potential.

2. Disadvantages of being an Entrepreneur:

1) The responsibility is very complex.

2) Must be able to make decisions quickly.

3) The level of stress is very high.

4) Income is uncertain and cannot guarantee to meet the needs of survival.

5) The risk of losing investment with a relatively high failure rate for small businesses.

Those are some reviews about entrepreneurs, which are referred to as business practitioners. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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