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For KLovers Who Miss Learning, When Will School Start Again? This is Nadiem Makarim's Official Explanation

For KLovers Who Miss Learning, When Will School Start Again? This is Nadiem Makarim's Official Explanation © - The PSBB period has ended and transitioned into the New Normal. Of course, some policies will also change, including education policies.

Many have been wondering, when will school start again?

Recently, the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, provided guidelines to educational institutions in Indonesia for conducting learning activities in the new academic year amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out the summary here!




1. Starting in July 2020

There are two main points from the Minister of Education and Culture's guidelines for learning during this pandemic. The first point is that the new academic year 2020/2021 will still begin on July 21, 2020.

And the second point is the division of zones for students who will return to school. There are four zones: green, yellow, orange, and red.

For areas in the green zone, students can return to school with certain conditions. Districts or cities in the green zone must obtain permission from the local government or the local Ministry of Religious Affairs office.

If all the requirements and documents submitted by the institution are complete and meet the criteria, and parents also agree for their children to have face-to-face learning with teachers, then learning at school can resume.

As for the yellow, orange, and red zones, learning from home must continue for the time being.

2. Gradual Start

Although it has obtained permission from the local government, the resumption of learning in schools in this green zone area must still be done gradually.

In the first stage, for those of you who are currently in high school (SMA, SMK, MA, and SMP, Mts), you can start returning to school in the new academic year in July 2020.

The second stage will take place in the third month of the new academic year 2020/2021. Now it's the turn of elementary school children to start returning to school and directly meet their teachers.

And the third stage will take place in the fifth month. This time it's the turn of younger siblings who study in formal early childhood education, such as kindergarten, RA, TKLB, and non-formal early childhood education.

However, if there is an increase in cases or the risk level starts to rise in the green zone, face-to-face learning in schools must be closed until the zone returns to green.

3. Rules for Schools and Dormitories

Different rules are also applied to boarding educational institutions. Although located in an area with a green zone, school dormitories and pesantren are prohibited from opening dormitories during the transition period in the first two months.

The opening of dormitories and face-to-face learning will also be carried out gradually. In the first phase, the capacity of the dormitories must not exceed 100 students.

4. List of Education Institution Readiness

Before starting direct learning again, the institutions are also required to comply with the health protocols from the Ministry of Health. There are six points that institutions must pay attention to before starting direct learning.

First, there must be sanitation and cleanliness facilities, such as clean toilets, hand washing facilities with running water and liquid hand soap (hand sanitizer and disinfectant).

Some other protocols are that schools must be able to access health facilities (community health centers, hospitals, and others), must wear masks (cloth masks or transparent masks), there must be a temperature measuring device, and several other rules.

5. Learning Schedule

Class readiness, apart from cleanliness and health, also includes the implementation of a learning schedule. This learning schedule is determined by the relevant institution according to the conditions.

Students will attend school on a rotating basis. Each class is only allowed to accommodate a maximum of 18 students and a distance of 1.5 meters is also applied between each seat.

This rule will apply during the transition period or the first two months after entering school. And if the condition stabilizes or even improves, phase two or the New Normal school can begin in the third month.

During this transition period, students are only allowed to study at school. Gathering activities such as extracurricular activities and sports are temporarily prohibited until this transition period ends.


6. Higher Education

For higher education, the new academic year 2020/2021 will still start in August 2020. However, unfortunately, for you students, you have to study online at home for now.

Activities on campus are only allowed for activities that cannot be replaced with online methods, such as thesis, research, laboratory work, and dissertations, as long as they comply with the protocols implemented by the institution.

Well, for KLovers who will soon be returning to school, you must still take care of your health. Don't forget to wash your hands frequently with running water and soap, and maintain a safe distance.

Welcome back to school, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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