Kapanlagi.com - Not only the Javanese people, it turns out that Sundanese people also have a book of predictions that has been trusted for generations. If the Javanese people have Primbon, then the predictions belonging to the Sundanese people are often called Paririmbon. However, there are also many who still choose to call it Sundanese Primbon. Until now, many still believe in the truth of Sundanese birth primbon.
Yes, not much different from Javanese Primbon, the predictions in Paririmbon also use the calculation system of the birth day. However, of course, the birth day used in Primbon is based on Sundanese culture. So the procedures and results are clearly different from Sundanese Primbon. From the calculation of Sundanese birth primbon, you can recognize someone's character.
Curious, what is the content of Sundanese birth primbon? To find out, just read the following explanation.
1. Getting to Know Sundanese Primbon

Illustration Knowing Sundanese Primbon (credit: unsplash)
Sundanese Primbon may not be as popular as Javanese Primbon. However, for some Sundanese people, Sundanese Primbon remains a prediction or a guide that has been held since ancient times until now. Basically, there are many similarities between Sundanese Primbon and Javanese Primbon. Both are in the form of books containing predictions that have been believed for generations.
In addition, Sundanese Primbon also has similarities with Javanese Primbon in terms of its use in traditional society. Just like Javanese Primbon, to know the contents of the predictions in Sundanese Primbon, calculations need to be done. From these calculations, a person can see predictions about various things, ranging from character traits to the fate or events that will befall someone in the future.
In addition to containing predictions, Sundanese Primbon is also used as a guide for Sundanese people. Sundanese Primbon can be used to determine whether a certain day is considered auspicious or not. This is commonly applied to determine important dates or days such as weddings, engagements, moving houses, and so on.
2. Counting in Sundanese Primbon Birthdays

Illustration Counting in Sundanese Primbon Birthdays (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, to understand the contents of Sundanese Primbon, calculations are performed. These calculations are based on the birth day. However, the calculations in Sundanese Primbon are different from Javanese Primbon, which uses the terms 'weton' and 'neptu' determined by the value of the birth day and the market.
In Sundanese Primbon, each birth day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) has its own value. This value is known as 'weda'. From the calculation of the value of the birth day or 'weda', the predictions in Sundanese Primbon can be read and interpreted. Here are the details of the 'weda' numbers in Sundanese Primbon birth day.
- Birth day Monday or 'weda' Monday = 4
- Birth day Tuesday or 'weda' Tuesday = 3
- Birth day Wednesday or 'weda' Wednesday = 7
- Birth day Thursday or 'weda' Thursday = 8
- Birth day Friday or 'weda' Friday = 6
- Birth day Saturday or 'weda' Saturday = 9
- Birth day Sunday or 'weda' Sunday = 5
Aside from performing calculations, the 'weda' in Sundanese Primbon birth day is also used by traditional Sundanese people to determine fasting. Traditional Sundanese people believe that observing fasting according to the number of 'weda' in their birth day will bring many benefits.
For example, someone whose birth day is Monday has a 'weda' of 4.
With that, he is recommended to fast for 4 days starting from Monday. Another example, for someone whose birthday is on Thursday, then his recommended fasting is for 8 days starting from Thursday.
3. Character According to Sundanese Primbon Birthdays

Illustration Character According to Sundanese Primbon Birthdays (credit: unsplash)
According to Sundanese Primbon, the day of birth also determines the personality or character of a person. Someone who is born on Monday will have a different character compared to those born on other days such as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. For further details, here is an explanation of Sundanese Primbon for the day of birth.
1. Character Based on Primbon for Monday
Monday is also called Isnen wedalan. Those who are born on this day are depicted as flowers that are liked by many people because of their beauty. However, they often tend to prioritize their appearance, which always looks neat and clean.
2. Character Based on Primbon for Tuesday
Tuesday is also called Salasa wedalan, which is symbolized by seuneu or fire. People born on Tuesday are generally considered to have a high social spirit and like to help others. Additionally, they are seen as loyal and difficult to fall in love. They also have a fiery nature, meaning they tend to exaggerate problems.
3. Character Based on Primbon Birth Day Wednesday
In Sundanese Primbon, Wednesday is symbolized by leaves. Those born on Wednesday tend to be quiet and have a calm but authoritative and friendly personality. Only when we know and get to know them better can we find out that they are very warm and pleasant people.
4. Character Based on Primbon Birth Day Thursday
People born on Thursday according to Sundanese Primbon are symbolized as wind. They have a character that never gives up, works hard, is very firm, and holds commitments. Unfortunately, they find it difficult to stay in one place. Additionally, this person has a forgiving nature and is not vengeful.
5. Character Based on Primbon Birth Day Friday
Those whose birth day is Friday or wedal Friday are symbolized by water. They have a calm, authoritative character and are liked by many people. However, sometimes they can be like waves, easily getting angry.
6. Character Based on Primbon Birth Day Saturday
Meanwhile, people born on Saturday or wedal Saturday are symbolized by earth. Meaning, they have a very strong character and like to help others.
Finally, according to Sundanese astrology, people born on Sunday or wedal Minggu are symbolized by the sky. They have a very wide heart and mind. They also live their lives optimistically. Unfortunately, because they are above others, they often become arrogant, feeling smarter than others, making it difficult for them to accept other people's opinions.
4. Matchmaking Prediction Based on Sundanese Wedal

Illustration of Matchmaking Predictions Based on Wedal Sunda (credit: unsplash)
Just like Javanese Primbon, Wedal or Sundanese Primbon is also commonly used for various purposes. One of the uses of Sundanese Primbon is to predict love matches or compatibility between lovers.
Not much different from Javanese Primbon, Wedal's matchmaking prediction also uses a counting method. This counting is done by adding up the birth day value or Wedal value of a couple. After that, the sum is divided by 7.
Later, the result of this counting method is used to see the list of matchmaking predictions in Wedal or Sundanese Primbon. To understand it better, let's take a look at the following example.
List of Birth Day Values or Wedal Monday - Sunday:
1. Birth day Monday or Wedal Monday = 4
2. Birth day Tuesday or Wedal Tuesday = 3
3. Birth day Wednesday or Wedal Wednesday = 7
4. Birth day Thursday or Wedal Thursday = 8
5. Birth day Friday or Wedal Friday = 6
6. Birth day Saturday or Wedal Saturday = 9
7. Birth day Sunday or Wedal Sunday = 5
For example:
Rendi was born on Monday, so his Wedal value is 4. Rendi's lover named Sinta was born on Tuesday, so her Wedal value is 3. Therefore, if we add 4 + 3 = 7. The result of 7 is then divided by 7, like 7 : 7 = 1. This final number 1 is the reference to see the list of matchmaking predictions according to Wedal.
5. Results of Matchmaking Predictions in Sunda

Illustration of Results of Matchmaking Predictions in Sunda (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, the calculation results will be used to see the predictions in matchmaking predictions according to Wedal or Primbon Sunda. At least, there are 7 matchmaking predictions in Wedal or Primbon Sunda. Here are the results:
1. Pinang Nugel (Not Good)
2. Lumbung Gumilang (Not Good)
3. Tunggak Kasemi (Not Good)
4. Satria Lalaku
5. Sangga Waringin (Good)
6. Paparingan Kebek (Good)
7. Ratu Sabdaning Pandita (Good)
6. Household Predictions Based on Birthdays According to Primbon Sunda

Household Predictions Based on Birthdays According to Primbon Sunda (credit: unsplash)
Not only that, Sundanese astrology also provides a description of couples who are considered suitable for marriage based on their birth day. Couples who are considered compatible can bring wealth, build a lasting household, full of safety, and receive blessings that can be enjoyed by their descendants.
1.Couples with Wealthy Birth Day According to Sundanese Astrology
Sundanese astrology predicts that there are several birth day couples who are believed to bring a lot of wealth and become wealthy when married. Here are some birth day couples who are wealthy with abundant blessings according to Javanese astrology:
- Tuesday and Wednesday
- Tuesday and Thursday
2.Couples with a Lasting Birth Day According to Sundanese Astrology
According to Sundanese astrology, couples with a birth day of Sunday and Wednesday are believed to last. As a couple, they will complement and protect each other. Couples with a birth day of Sunday and Wednesday will also receive safety from calamities that test their household.
3. Harmonious Birth Date Couples According to Sundanese Primbon
According to Sundanese primbon, here are some birth date couples destined to have a harmonious marriage:
- Sunday and Friday
- Monday and Tuesday
- Monday and Friday
- Wednesday and Thursday
- Wednesday and Friday
- Wednesday and Saturday
- Thursday and Thursday
- Thursday and Friday
4. Blessed Birth Date Couples According to Sundanese Primbon
Sundanese primbon predicts that couples with a birth date of Monday and Saturday will have lasting blessings.
7. Personality Based on Sundanese Primbon Birth Day

Personality Based on Sundanese Primbon Birth Day (credit: unsplash)
Just like Javanese primbon, Sundanese primbon can also be used to predict someone's character or personality. One of the methods of predicting Sundanese primbon character is by identifying based on the birth date. Here is an explanation of character division based on birth date according to Javanese primbon.
1. Character of People Born on Monday
According to Sundanese primbon, someone who is born on Monday has independent and confident traits. They tend to have strong and firm judgments in making decisions. They are also considered as natural leaders in social environments and tend to have strong charisma.
2. Character of People Born on Tuesday
Meanwhile, people who are born on Tuesday are considered to have hardworking and persistent traits. They rarely complain and always strive to achieve the goals that have been set. They are also considered individuals who have high emotional intelligence.
3. Characteristics of People Born on Wednesday
For those born on Wednesday, the Sundanese horoscope states that they tend to be intelligent and creative. They have strong imagination and are able to find unique solutions to problems. They are also considered flexible individuals who can easily adapt to changes.
4. Characteristics of People Born on Thursday
People born on Thursday are considered to be loving and generous. They tend to care about their surroundings and often become a place to pour out their hearts for their friends. They are also considered loyal and reliable individuals.
5. Characteristics of People Born on Friday
On the other hand, for those born on Friday, the Sundanese horoscope states that they tend to be romantic and sensitive. They have a high sense of beauty and are often seen as individuals who can understand the feelings of others. They tend to have strong empathy and always seek peace in interpersonal relationships.
6. Characteristics of People Born on Saturday
For those born on Saturday, the Sundanese horoscope states that they tend to be calm and wise. They have the ability to control their emotions and have wisdom in making decisions. They are also considered individuals who can give good advice to others.
7. People Born on Sunday
Lastly, for those born on Sunday, the Sundanese horoscope states that they tend to be enthusiastic and optimistic. They have high energy and can inspire others. They are also considered individuals full of hope and have strong beliefs in achieving their goals.
Those are some of the explanations of the Sundanese horoscope for birth dates. Hopefully, it can answer your curiosity all this time.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.