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Primbon is a Book of Life Predictions, Along with its Contents and 11 Teachings

Primbon is a Book of Life Predictions, Along with its Contents and 11 Teachings Illustration of Primbon Book (credit: - For the Indonesian people, especially the Javanese people, of course, they are familiar with primbon. Yes, primbon is a book that contains predictions about human life in the world.

However, besides knowing that primbon is a book of predictions, in this article, KLovers can also find out the explanation of the contents of Javanese primbon and also the teachings that exist in it.

Therefore, as reported from various sources. Here is an explanation about primbon as a book of predictions along with its contents and also 11 teachings.

1. Primbon Adalah

For the Indonesian people, especially the Javanese people, they must know about primbon. Basically, primbon is a book that contains predictions about human life in the world. From this primbon, people can see various things.

For example, personality traits, name meanings, job predictions, marriage matters, auspicious days, everything can be seen in the Primbon Jawa book. However, to know the contents of the predictions, it can't be done carelessly. Because the system of primbon uses calculations.

In general, primbon is the life cycle of humans. Every human life has been written in this Javanese primbon. In primbon, it is also explained that at each stage of the life cycle, there are usually rituals that can be performed to obtain safety.

That's why there are many ceremonies or rituals. For example, when a baby is born, there is a selamatan event. Then, when reaching the age of 7 months, there is a tujuh bulanan event. When entering adolescence, boys are circumcised. Then, after becoming an adult, they get married, and so on.

Every ceremony or selamatan ritual cannot be performed at any time. Everything must be done on certain nights determined according to the calculation of Javanese primbon. Everything is done based on the calculation of primbon in the hope of obtaining blessings and safety.

2. Contents of Javanese Primbon

Yes, in Javanese astrology itself has contents related to human life and also nature, KLovers. From here, we can find out what the contents of Javanese astrology are. For human life astrology, it is explained that there are two things, human character and good and bad days.

As for nature astrology, Javanese astrology is believed to be able to predict the condition of nature and natural disasters. Whether it's for small weather changes, to significant and dangerous weather. Therefore, here are some explanations of the contents of Javanese astrology:

1. Human Character

According to astrology, a person's character is seen from their birth date. This calculation is done by counting the date and day in the Javanese calendar. Not only Monday to Sunday, but also with Javanese market days, namely Legi, Pahing, Won, Wage, and Kliwon. In practice, the calculation of these market days is commonly used to find a compatible partner.

2. Good and Bad Days

Javanese astrology can also be used by someone to determine good and bad days. The calculation of good and bad days is generally done before making a decision or before carrying out an important activity. This is because Javanese people believe that good events should also be held on good days, such as weddings, building houses, and so on.

3. Natural Events

Javanese astrology is also believed to be able to predict the condition of nature and natural disasters. For example, earthquakes, riots, natural phenomena like eclipses are also believed to be signs of impending disaster. In addition, Javanese almanac can also be used to estimate seasonal changes.

3. Teachings in Primbon

Yes, in the almanac there are also teachings, KLovers. According to Suwardi Endraswara, the almanac is a teaching that is divided into eleven kinds of teachings. And here is a description of the teachings of the almanac along with their explanations:

1. Pranata Mangsa

This teaching is a ritual of reading the universe. Nowadays, this teaching is often used by rural communities who work as farmers and fishermen to calculate the right time for planting rice and going to sea.

2. Petungan

This teaching is about calculations of neptu or numerical values that are used to match something, such as determining the right match for someone based on the calculation of their Javanese name according to the seven divisions.

3. Pawukon

First, the almanac teaching is about calculating good timing, whether it's the day of the week, month, or year. Pawukon actually does not differ from other astrological calculation methods where a person's birth date is divided based on the date and year of birth.

4. Treatment

This doctrine is traditional medicine used to treat a specific disease. One example of the primbon treatment listed in Primbon Mangkuprajan is a mantra to treat toothache. To use it, the mantra is written on paper, then burned, and the ashes are rubbed on the affected tooth.

5. Wirid

Wirid, which is usually in the form of wedha literature, is messages, suggestions, or prohibitions considered necessary to be followed for the creation of harmony between humans, nature, the universe, and God as the creator.

6. Aji-Aji

This doctrine reflects the supernatural aspect of Javanese life. It is believed that extraordinary supernatural power is contained in a mantra if it is truly believed.

7. Kidung

This teaching is in the form of poems. Its contents usually contain advice or similar things.

8. Prophecy

Prophecy or prediction is not much different from petungan. The difference is that prophecy has a broader scope. Prophecy not only deals with individual issues such as marriage but also society, for example, Jangka Jayabaya.

9. Slametan Procedures

This primbon teaching contains guidelines for the implementation of Javanese rituals with various purposes, such as expressing gratitude and rejecting misfortune.

10. Donga

Then there is donga or mantra, which is similar to wirid and aji-aji. However, in donga, there is the use of Quranic verses with altered spelling.

11. Ngalamat

Lastly, there is ngalamat or Sasmita Gaib, which is usually considered as a strange phenomenon in the universe. The phenomenon is then interpreted as a sign of something.

4. Various Javanese Primbon Books

Various Primbon knowledge is found in ancient books. Each of these ancient books discusses a more specific branch of Primbon knowledge, ranging from predictions, calculations, advice, and so on. Here are various Javanese Primbon books along with their contents or the knowledge discussed in them.

1. Javanese Primbon Book

This book contains various Primbon and their explanations, which are very relevant to daily life.

2. Javanese Primbon Weda Mantra Book

This book is the most well-known Primbon book among the general public. It contains mystical knowledge, Javanese mantras, and mystical knowledge.

3. Bekti Jamal Primbon Book

This book contains predictions, address predictions, tumbal kaweruh, and astronomy knowledge. It also includes time calculations and other Javanese knowledge.

4. Wejangan Wali Sanga Primbon Book

As the name suggests, this book contains complete advice from the Nine Saints who influenced the spread of Islam in Indonesia.

5. Sabda Sasmaya Primbon Book

This book contains 170 complete advice sabdas from Sasmaya.

6. Javanese Jangka Ranggawarsita Primbon Book

This book is also quite famous among the general public. It tells predictions, jaka lodhang, and time calculations based on kaladitha periods.

7. Javanese Mantra Yoga Primbon Book

This book contains various Javanese mantras and prayers with explanations of their respective functions.

8. Sabda Amerta Primbon Book

This Primbon book reveals predictions based on calculations of the day of the week and pasaran weton to determine a person's character.

9. Book of Primbon Pustaka Raja

This primbon book contains a collection of yoga mantras with the aim of obtaining supernatural powers or deepening supernatural knowledge.

10. Book of Primbon Serat Panagguhing Dhuwung

In detail, this book discusses the keris weapon. It covers the manufacturing process, philosophical value, and mystical elements related to it, as well as how to care for and enhance the power of the keris.

5. Recommended Books about Javanese Primbon

In the more modern era, discussions about Javanese Primbon can be found in the form of books. These books discuss various Primbon sciences in a more focused manner, making them suitable for those who want to deepen their knowledge of a specific Primbon science. Here are some interesting recommendations for Javanese Primbon books to read.

1. Book of Javanese Primbon Betaljemur Adammakna

The book of Javanese Primbon Betaljemur Adammakna was published by Sultan Hamengku Buwono. This book, written in Javanese language, is considered complete. The discussion in this book includes predictions about characteristics, auspicious days, mystical objects, mantras, and so on.

2. Book of Javanese Primbon Atassadhur Adammakna

The book of Javanese Primbon Atassadhur Adammakna is the work of Prince Tjakraningrat, also known as Patih Danuredjo VI. This book discusses spirituality, self-essence, Yoga practice (meditation), spirituality, supernatural powers, prayers, and various mantras. In addition, this book also summarizes the teachings of the Saints in Java.

3. Book of Primbon Lukmanakim Adammakna

This book is part of the Adamakna series. This book thoroughly discusses various topics, such as longevity, mystical objects, medicinal remedies (healing primbon), rules of love in terms of religion, and gendhing literature.

4. Book of Versatile Javanese Primbon: Still Relevant Throughout Time

Next, there is the book of Versatile Javanese Primbon: Still Relevant Throughout Time. This book is written by R.Gunasasmita. Inside, various myths in Javanese Primbon are discussed. This book explains various signs or phenomena related to nature, animals, and plants. Various phenomena are thoroughly explained from the perspective of traditional Javanese beliefs.

6. The Use of Javanese Primbon in Daily Life

Javanese Primbon is still widely used among the Javanese people. It is not only used as mere knowledge, but Javanese Primbon is still used in daily life for various purposes. Here are some uses of Javanese Primbon in the daily life of the people:

1. The Use of Javanese Primbon for Predicting Destiny

Primbon contains a series of beliefs, traditions, and knowledge. In practice, Javanese Primbon is often used to predict someone's destiny through various aspects of life, such as date of birth, name, habits, and specific situations. From the various aspects studied, predictions or insights about someone's destiny in various aspects such as fortune, career, love life, and so on can be obtained.

2. The Use of Javanese Primbon for Predicting Character

Another use of Javanese Primbon is to identify someone's character. Through the calculation method using the Javanese calendar, such as the days of the week and the Javanese pasaran, such as Legi, Pahing, Won, Wage, and Kliwon, Javanese Primbon produces special characteristics. For example, a person born on Friday Pon tends to be relaxed, wise, honest, but may also be lacking in self-confidence.

3. The Use of Primbon to Determine Good and Bad Days

In addition to identifying character and predicting fate, primbon is also used to determine good and bad days. This is usually used for important activities such as marriage or building a house. Special calculations are made to determine whether a day is considered good or bad.

4. The Use of Javanese Primbon to Predict Seasons

By traditional society, primbon is also used for counting dates and seasons known as pranata mangsa, a calendar that depicts 12 months of seasons and provides detailed information about the weather conditions in each month. In the past, the Javanese people used pranata mangsa to determine the planting time for farmers and the appropriate time for fishermen to go to sea. Furthermore, this calendar also serves as a warning of the possibility of bad weather that can bring disasters, which makes people need to be more cautious.

7. Primbon in Various Indonesian Cultures

Primbon has become part of Indonesian culture. Not only in Java, people in various other regions also have similar books that are believed to be true. By the local community, these books also have more or less the same usefulness as the Javanese people. Here are some examples of primbon books in various cultures other than Java:

1. Primbon Sunda

Like the Javanese Primbon, the Sundanese Primbon is a book of predictions that uses calculations to predict someone's character and destiny in the future. In addition to predictions, the Sundanese Primbon is also used as a guide to determine auspicious days, especially in important events such as weddings, engagements, or moving houses. In the Sundanese Primbon, each birth day has a special value called wedal. This wedal value is used to read and interpret predictions in Sunda Primbon.

2. Bali Primbon

Bali Primbon also contains a collection of knowledge about aspects of human life in the world, including predictions or prophecies, how to determine good days, bad days, and a person's character. Bali Primbon has a different calendar and a very different way of determining neptu compared to Javanese Primbon.

Bali Primbon has its own calendar called the Saka and Pakuwon calendar. This calendar system is used as a reference for using Bali Primbon to determine good days, bad days, or even to predict a person's character and fate.

3. Bugis Primbon

From the island of Sulawesi, there is also Bugis Primbon. As the name suggests, this Primbon is owned by the Bugis tribe. Bugis Primbon is also known as Lontar because many of its manuscripts are written on lontar leaves. The Bugis Primbon calendar system adopts a year calculation system based on harvest time, consisting of 12 months calculated every six months. Unlike the Gregorian month, which can have 27 to 31 days, the months in Bugis Primbon can range from 30 to 32 days.

That is an explanation of what Primbon is that you can know and understand. In the explanation, Primbon is a book of life, and you can also learn about its contents and teachings.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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