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How to Create an Easy and Interesting CV

How to Create an Easy and Interesting CV Photo of how to create a CV, source: Kabar24 - - A resume or CV is a document that provides information about a job seeker's professional qualifications.

The information mentioned in the resume includes personal information, education, professional qualifications, skills, and work experience.

Translated from Latin, Curriculum Vitae or CV means "My Life's Journey".

To meet job application requirements, the CV must contain information that can depict professional and academic experiences.

A good CV will strengthen the candidate's first impression on the recruiter, thus increasing the chances of being called for the next selection stage, namely a job interview.

How to write a good CV for a job interview? Here is a complete review to learn how to write and a collection of CV examples summarized on Sunday (25/2/2024).

1. Job Application CV Content

Not all information needs to be included in a resume. Since a CV is usually limited to 2 pages, the information in the CV should also be selected based on its relevance to the job you are applying for.

Below is the general structure of writing a resume for a job application:

  1. Personal Information

  2. Self Description

  3. Work Experience

  4. Educational Background

  5. Skills

  6. Additional Information

2. Tips Making CV

Interesting CV formats and designs are important to attract employers' attention. Important things to consider when formatting and designing a resume are:

  1. Choose the appropriate CV format

  2. Create a CV according to the job applied for recruitment

  3. Create a clear resume and carefully design the CV

3. How to Make a CV

An interesting CV has a very wide implication.

What is interesting to the HR team of one company may not be the same as what is interesting to another company.

The field of work in general also determines the definition of attractiveness.

In this digital age, CVs can now be made online. Creating an online CV is often popular because of its attractive design, can be updated anytime, can be integrated into a portfolio, and can be sent quickly and efficiently.

In short, creating an online CV saves time and money.

4. Creating a CV on a Mobile Phone

In today's era of technological advancement, creating a CV can be done quickly using only a mobile phone.

Job seekers no longer need to worry about determining the desired CV design.

Creating a CV on a mobile phone can be done using Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or specialized CV creation applications such as Canva, Resume Builder, or CV Engineer. Here are the steps to create a CV using a mobile phone:

  1. Open your chosen application and select the desired CV template.

  2. Some applications provide free CV templates that can be used to compose the content of the CV.

  3. After finishing the content, adjust the layout and design.

  4. If there is an editing feature available, you can change the font size, color, and adjust other design elements.

  5. The CV has been successfully created.

5. What Application Can I Use to Make a CV on a Mobile Phone?

According to other sources, there are three applications that can be used to create a CV, such as CV Maker - Job Application PDF - Intelligent CV, Resume Builder & CV Maker - Mobotechnology Inc, Resume Builder - Nithra.

6. What is CV an Abbreviation for?

Quoted from other sources, the definition of CV (in Dutch: Commanditaire Vennootschap) is a limited partnership (Commanditaire Vennotschaap) or also called CV, which is a partnership established by one or more limited partners with one or more general partners, to carry out continuous business activities.

7. What is CV Used for?

It is known that the function of a CV is to convince employers that the applicant has the required skills to perform the job.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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