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Interesting Closing Speech with Various Topics, Definitions, and Methods

Interesting Closing Speech with Various Topics, Definitions, and Methods Closing speech (credit: Pixabay) - Speech is the expression of thoughts in the form of words addressed to the public to convey congratulations, welcome guests, commemorate certain important days, and various other activities. Of course, all the contents of the speech are important, one of which is the closing speech. You can create an interesting closing speech, KLovers.

Essentially, a speech is a monologue art in speaking skills. Speech is two-way, the speaker must pay attention to the interlocutor even though the speaker dominates the conversation more. That's why choosing a short and interesting speech becomes an option for those who will deliver a speech.

In addition, in giving a speech, you also need courage and self-confidence to make the speech good and amaze others. Even making a unique closing in a speech can be an important thing to end a conversation.

Therefore, from various sources, here are some examples of cool closing speeches along with the definition of speech, types, and methods used. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. What is a Speech

Before you create a speech, of course you must know the definition of a speech. So, what exactly is a speech? According to KBBI, a speech is the expression of thoughts in the form of words addressed to many people, or a discourse prepared to be spoken in front of an audience.

In general, a speech is a public speaking activity carried out to express opinions or provide an overview of something. A speech can be delivered to a large audience or a gathering.


2. Types of Speeches

Apparently, speeches themselves have their own types, KLovers. Yes, there are 4 types of speeches, and here is an explanation of each type of speech:

1. First, there is a state speech, yes this type of speech is delivered by the head of state in front of the DPR/MPR or the official speech of the head of state. So this type of speech is an official type of speech.

2. Then the second type of speech is the inauguration speech. This type of speech is traditionally delivered by a university professor when officially appointed. Similar to the first type of speech, this second type of speech is also an official type of speech.

3. Next, the third type of speech is the radio speech. This type of speech is delivered or broadcasted through the radio. It can be official or semi-official.

4. And the last type of speech is the television speech. This type of speech is delivered or broadcasted through television. Similar to radio speeches, television speeches are also official and semi-official.


3. Methods Used in Speech

Not only expressing a statement or words, a speech also has its methods, KLovers. Just like types of speech, speech methods also have 4 types. Here are some methods that you can use for a speech:

1. Impromptu: For the first method, it is a speech method that is done directly or spontaneously without any prior preparation.

2. Memoriter: Then for the second method, there is memoriter, this method is a speech method by memorizing the speech text beforehand.

3. Manuscript: Next, there is a manuscript, which is a speech method by reading the prepared text during the speech.

4. Extemporaneous: And the last method is a speech method by preparing the speech concept in outline form with making small notes.


4. Interesting Closing Speech Examples About Drugs

Here is an example of an interesting closing speech about drugs, let's check it out:

Respected audience,

Consuming drugs is one of the actions that causes the emergence of crimes, satanic acts, and also despicable acts that must be avoided so that we are safe in this world and the hereafter, and the community environment is peaceful without any crimes.

Do not ever try to use drugs, because if we try it, we will lose our lifetime. Life feels trapped and dependent on something that actually ruins our lives.

Therefore, let us, the sons and daughters of the nation, from now on, stay away from narcotics and start striving to achieve high aspirations so that we will not suffer losses in the future.

Respected audience,

Perhaps this is the only speech that I can convey, if there are any mistakes or misstatements, please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


5. Examples of Interesting Closing Speech for School Farewell

Next, here is an example of an interesting closing speech about school farewell, let's check it out:

Respected audience,

Time has passed so quickly that today we are heading towards the farewell gate and stepping into a new journey of life ahead. Everything we have gained during our time in this school is very meaningful and will always be cherished.

We express our gratitude to the teachers who have patiently and diligently guided us in acquiring knowledge. We pray that what has been given will become our provision to become useful individuals.

Where there is a meeting, there will always be a parting. Hopefully, this farewell is not the end of everything. We, as future alumni, will continue to maintain a close relationship with our beloved school. As students, we may have made many mistakes and troubled the educators in this school. We apologize sincerely to all the teachers.

That's all from me as a representative of the students in this beloved school farewell event. May we all achieve our dreams with continuous enthusiasm!

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.



6. Interesting Closing Speech Example About Education

Then there is also an interesting example of a closing speech about education, let's check it out:

Respected audience,

Part of the virtue of seeking knowledge is being facilitated and guided on the path to truth. How important it is for people who seek knowledge to be given extraordinary knowledge. The role of educators is also very important so that those who are with them can acquire knowledge from them, even if it's only for one hour, it is more preferred by Allah SWT than the reward of worshiping for a thousand years.

That's all I can convey, hopefully it is beneficial and may we be granted beneficial knowledge and blessed by Allah SWT. Amen.

Peace be upon you, and may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.


7. Interesting Closing Speech Example About the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

Not only that, here are some interesting closing words about our love for the Republic of Indonesia, let's check it out:

Indonesia has abundant culture. In Indonesia, there are various kinds of culture. Culture in our country is passed down from generation to generation because it is used by their descendants. Examples of culture are traditional wedding dances, music, and many more cultures that exist in Indonesia. Eventually, our children will also use these cultures.

Before I conclude my speech, I would like to ask. Do you know the conclusion of this speech? If no one knows, I will tell you. The conclusion is that we must get to know each other, love our own cultural products, and lastly, we must love our culture and our own country. That is the conclusion of my speech, before I conclude this speech, does anyone have any questions? If not, I would like to say thank you.

Peace be upon you.


8. Interesting Examples of Closing Speeches on the Prophet's Birthday

And finally, there is an interesting example of a closing speech on the Prophet's Birthday. Here is an example of an interesting closing speech on the Prophet's Birthday, let's check it out:

Thanks to him, we understand various good and righteous actions, and are free from the ignorance of the pre-Islamic era. Thanks to him, we are all guided to walk on the path full of the light of faith and devotion to Allah SWT.

Especially in this month, let us all increase our love for Prophet Muhammad according to the words of Allah SWT mentioned in the Quran, Surah Al Ahzab, verse 6, "The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves."

Therefore, as Muslims, we are required to prioritize our love for Allah SWT and His messenger in our hearts compared to worldly matters. Remember that life in this world is only temporary and the hereafter is more eternal.

Those are some interesting closing speech examples along with their meanings, types, and methods that can be done. Hopefully, the above example can become new knowledge for KLovers.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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