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Itidal Meaning: Part of the Pillars of Prayer, Know the Proper Procedure and Recitation

Itidal Meaning: Part of the Pillars of Prayer, Know the Proper Procedure and Recitation Illustration (credit: - Understanding how to perform the pillars of prayer is certainly very important for Muslims. So that the worship that is carried out becomes more perfect and brings a lot of goodness.

There are several pillars of prayer that must be performed by a Muslim. One of them is knowing the meaning of Itidal, which is part of the pillars of prayer after bowing. Discussing the meaning of Itidal is included in the series of prayer procedures that must be performed, may already be very familiar to Muslims.

However, there are several things that need to be considered when performing Itidal. That is why below there is a discussion about how to perform Itidal, which means rising from bowing.

First, understand the meaning of what Itidal is, which is also important for you to know. Let's check out the following explanation about the meaning of Itidal in the pillars of prayer, which has been summarized by from various sources.



1. Itidal Means Including the Pillar of Prayer

As mentioned in the previous review, itidal is a series in the procedure of prayer. Where itidal means including the mandatory pillar of prayer. Because if a Muslim performs prayer but does not perform itidal, then his prayer can be considered invalid.

That is why it is very important to understand what pillars there are in prayer, both mandatory and sunnah. Yes, itidal is performed after performing ruku'. Where itidal means rising from ruku'. Where after you perform ruku', which is bowing the body and reciting the ruku' prayer, you can stand or rise again.

When performing itidal, you can rise from ruku' by raising both hands while reciting the itidal prayer. A narration explains the meaning of itidal in the pillar of prayer. Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

"Then bow down with tranquility, then rise up until you are straight." (HR. Bukhari).

That is an explanation of the understanding of itidal that you need to know. That way, it can make it easier for you to understand each mandatory or sunnah pillar of prayer.



2. Latin Recitation of Itidal

Not only do you know that itidal means getting up from ruku' because there is a reading or prayer that you need to read when performing itidal. With this, the prayer can be more perfect or maximum. Well, this itidal reading is read when you get up from ruku' while lifting both hands. Then you can immediately read the Latin itidal reading as follows.

Itidal prayer recitation:

Sami'allahu liman hamidah.

Meaning: "I hear those who praise Him."

Then you can read the tahmid reading as follows:

Rabbanaaa lakal hamdu mil-ussamaawaati wa mil-ul-ardhi wa mil-u maa syik-ta min syai-im ba'du. (HR. Muslim and Abu Awanah).

Meaning: "O Allah our Lord, all praise is due to You, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that You will after that."

However, there are differences of opinion among scholars regarding the ruling on reciting tasmi' and tahmid in itidal. Where the Hanbali scholars believe that the recitation of tasmi' and tahmi is mandatory for the imam and mufarid. While for the congregation, only the recitation of tahmid is required. Meanwhile, the majority of scholars say that reciting tasmi' and tahmid is a sunnah. However, in practice, many follow the first opinion based on one of the narrations from Abu Hurairah as follows,

"The Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, when he stood up for prayer, he said takbir when he stood up, and takbir when he bowed down, then he said: sami'allahu liman hamidah. Then he stood up from bowing until his spine was straightened, then he said: rabbana walakal hamdu" (HR. Bukhari no. 789, Muslim 392).

That is the latin reading of itidal that you need to know. This can make it easier for you to memorize the itidal recitation in the rukun of prayer. Easy, right?



3. Correct Itidal Procedure

Not only rising from ruku', because there is a very important itidal procedure that you need to pay attention to. Moreover, performing prayer also becomes a mandatory worship for Muslims. Therefore, pay attention to how to perform the movements or procedures of prayer, including itidal correctly. Well, here are some correct itidal procedures.

- After you perform a series of prayer pillars starting from reciting the intention to bowing, perform itidal by rising from ruku'.

- When rising from ruku', raise both hands (like takbiratul ikhram) and stand upright. When raising hands, make sure the position is correct. A narration from Abu Humaid As-Sa'idi said,

"When the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam raised his head (from ruku') to stand until every vertebra of the spine was in its original position" (HR. Bukhari no. 828)

- When performing itidal, recite Sami'allahu liman hamidah.

- Then recite the itidal prayer when standing upright perfectly.

Those are some itidal procedures that are included in the mandatory worship of prayer. In addition, the recitation of itidal can also be repeated.



4. Things to Pay Attention to

In addition, there are several things that need to be considered. This is related to the important requirements of itidal that must be known. The review of the itidal requirements can be seen as follows, as reported by NU Online:

- When getting up from ruku', the goal is to perform itidal and not for any other purpose.

- Perform itidal with tranquility and stand upright calmly and quietly. You can maintain this condition for about the time it takes to read the tasbih sentence (subhanallah).

- The length of time standing for itidal is no longer than the time it takes to read Surah Al Fatihah.

That is an explanation of the meaning of itidal that you need to understand. This makes it easier to know the mandatory or sunnah prayer movements.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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