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Meaning and Definition in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Know the Characteristics and Examples

Meaning and Definition in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Know the Characteristics and Examples Illustration (credit: - The word definition is often found in a sentence or paragraph. Usually, the word definition is used to explain, describe, or elaborate on something, whether it's a word, phrase, or specific sentence. So what is the actual meaning of definition?

Indonesian language has various types of sentences and words with their own meanings and interpretations. One of the words definition has a meaning and interpretation. The meaning of definition in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) has several explanations and meanings.

But basically, the meaning of definition is to explain or elaborate on something to understand its meaning. So that the reader can understand the information conveyed in a sentence of definition.

For a complete explanation of the meaning of definition in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), you can read it through the following review. Just read the review that has been summarized by from various sources about the meaning of definition.

1. Arti Definisi di KBBI

In Indonesian language lessons, you may often come across the word 'definisi' (definition). Usually, the word 'definisi' is used to explain something in a sentence, word, or phrase. Sometimes, you may consider the meaning of 'definisi' to be similar to the understanding, intention, and meaning of something.

So what is the actual meaning of 'definisi'? According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), the meaning of 'definisi' is explained in three points. First, the meaning of 'definisi' in KBBI is a word, phrase, or sentence that expresses the meaning, description, or main characteristics of a person, object, process, or activity, and limitations. This meaning of 'definisi' is also known as 'arti' (meaning).

Second, the meaning of 'definisi' in KBBI is a formulation about the scope and characteristics of a concept that is the main topic of discussion or study. Meanwhile, the third meaning of 'definisi' is the level of clarity or sharpness and contrast of an image.

Based on the meaning of 'definisi' in KBBI above, it can be concluded that 'definisi' is often used to explain the meaning of something, whether it is an object, person, process, activity, or specific concept. In addition, there is also a word derived from 'definisi' with a different form, which is 'mendefinisikan' (to define). And 'pendefinisian' means the process, method, or act of defining. That is the important meaning of 'definisi' in KBBI that you should know.

2. Meaning, Definition, and Characteristics

After knowing the meaning of definition in KBBI, there are several characteristics of definition that you need to know. So that it can distinguish the meaning of definition from certain understanding, meaning, or significance. Here are the characteristics of definition.

1. The characteristic of definition is that there is a definiendum or an element of words and terms that are defined.

2. Explains the meaning of word elements, phrases, or sentences.

3. The characteristic of definition is usually preceded by the word ada-lah or a noun.

4. The characteristic of definition can also be preceded by the word yaitu- with a verb.

5. The characteristic of definition explains the meaning of form, appearance, preceded by the word merupakan.

6. Definition can be preceded by a synonym and the word ialah.

Those are some characteristics of definition that you need to know and understand. So by knowing these characteristics of definition, it can make it easier for you to recognize the types of definition sentences.

3. Meaning, Definition, and Types

Meanwhile, in Indonesian language lessons, it is also known as the type of definition sentence. This definition sentence is further divided into several classifications that you need to understand. The meaning of definition and its types are as follows.

1. Nominal Definition

The meaning of nominal definition is to explain something in the form of synonyms or what is usually used in dictionaries. For example, the word 'laki-laki' has the synonym 'pria'. So, if referring to the characteristics of the definition, it can be written as 'laki-laki ialah pria'.

2. Formal Definition

The meaning of formal definition is a definition that explains something specific. In addition, this type of definition is constructed based on formal logic with elements of class, genus, or differentiator. There are several requirements that need to be fulfilled in a formal definition. Among them are starting with clarification, followed by words to be defined, then mentioning the genus and ending with a differentiating description. A brief example is, 'Mahasiswa adalah pelajar di perguruan tinggi' (Student is a learner in a higher education institution).

3. Operational Definition

The meaning of operational definition is a definition used as a guide for carrying out certain activities or work. Usually, operational definitions are related to time, place, work, concept boundaries, actions, and so on.

4. Paradigmatic Definition

The meaning of paradigmatic definition is a definition that aims to influence the thinking patterns of others. This definition usually has certain values ​​that influence attitudes, behaviors, or actions.

5. Broad Definition

The meaning of broad definition is a definition whose boundaries are at least one paragraph. This is because the explanation is longer and more complicated, requiring longer and more detailed sentences with one main idea.

4. Meaning, Definition, and Examples

The following examples of definitions might help you understand the true meaning of definitions. You can find explanations about the meaning, definition, and examples through the following explanations.

1. A laptop is a portable computer.

2. Fish breathe by using gills to filter oxygen from the water.

3. Cucumber is a type of fruit and vegetable that belongs to the gourd family.

4. Penguins are a type of bird that cannot fly but are skilled at swimming.

5. Democracy comes from the Greek language, where demos means people and cratos means power.

That is an explanation of the meaning of definitions that you need to understand. So that it makes it easier for you to know the meaning of definitions.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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