Kapanlagi.com - Perhaps the words Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna are unfamiliar to us. However, the meaning of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna has a good meaning as advice for our lives, KLovers. Yes, the meaning of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna is a verbal expression that reflects the desire to be humble.
Therefore, this word can also be advice that, it is better for us who have power or high position not to be arrogant or conceited. Well, in this article we will discuss in detail the meaning of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna.
For that reason, from various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna and other Javanese proverbs as life advice.
1. Explanation of the Meaning of Adigang Adigung Adiguna

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
The meaning of Adigang, Adigung and Adiguna is that humans should not rely on and boast about their strengths. Adigang means strength, Adigung means power, and Adiguno means intelligence.
These words can be found in the Serat Wulangreh by Sri Sunan Pakubuwana IV, in Pupuh gambuh stanza 4-10. In the fourth stanza below, it is mentioned that the Adigang nature is represented by "Kijang", Adigung by "Gajah (esthi)" and Adiguna by "Ular".
In addition, the meanings of Adigang, Adigung and Adiguna are also verbal expressions that reflect the desire to have a humble nature. It also describes the unwillingness to hurt others' feelings in speech and action.
Therefore, the words Adigang, Adigung and Adiguna can also be advice that contains a reminder not to be arrogant. It is hoped that with this expression, listeners can grow and develop with a humble attitude towards others.
Because in the words Adigang, Adigung and Adiguna, a person's arrogance is likened to the nature of an elephant that relies on its strength (Adigung), the nature of a snake that relies on its venom (Adigang), and the nature of a deer that relies on its jumping ability (Adiguna).
2. Expressions for a Leader

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Of course, the words Adigang, Adigung and Adigun are often used as advice for leaders. Quoted from the journal Kearifan Lokal Jawa sebagai Basis Karakter Kepemimpinan by Warih Jatirahayu, Javanese people are considered to highly value the andhap asor or lembah manah or humble nature.
Therefore, an arrogant or haughty attitude is not good for a leader to have. Thus, in the meaning of Adigang, Adigung and Adigun, it serves as a reminder or advice for leaders not to have an arrogant and haughty attitude.
Not only for leaders, the meanings of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna are also a warning to anyone who has strengths (power, position, or authority) not to act arbitrarily towards others, especially towards those who are less fortunate.
3. Other Javanese Proverbs

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Well, besides the Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna proverb, there are also other Javanese proverbs that we can use as a reminder or advice in life. And here are some Javanese proverbs in life along with their meanings.
1. Mikul dhuwur mendhem jero. This Javanese proverb means, "A child who upholds the dignity of their parents."
2. Rukun agawe sentosa, crah agawe bubrah. This Javanese proverb means, "Living in harmony will surely lead to peace, while constant quarrels will lead to separation."
3. Lamun sira durung wikan alamira pribadi, mara takona marang wong kang wis wikan. This Javanese proverb means, "If you have not yet understood your own nature, you should ask someone who has."
4. Manunggaling kawula gusti. The meaning of this proverb is, "The unity or union between a servant and the attributes of their God."
5. Manungsa iku kanggonan sipating Pangeran. The meaning of this proverb is, "Humans have the nature of God."
6. Sluman slumun slamet. The meaning of this proverb is, "Even if one is careless, they are still given safety."
7. Sabar sareh mesthi bakal pikoleh. The meaning of this proverb is, "Whatever work you do, do not rush it to be successful."
8. Dhemit ora ndulit, setan ora doyan. Its meaning is "Prayer and hope for always being given safety, there are no obstacles and hindrances."
9. Tuna sathak bathi sanak. The meaning of this proverb is "Losing wealth but gaining friends."
10. Becik ketitik, ala ketara. The meaning of this proverb is, "Good deeds will always be recognized, and bad deeds will also be known later."
11. Kacang ora ninggal lanjaran. Its meaning is, "A child's habits always imitate their parents."
12. Dudu sanak dudu kadang, yen mati melu kelangan. This Javanese proverb means, "Even though there is no blood relationship, it feels like part of the family, who if there is sorrow, feels sad and lost."
13. Sembur-sembur adus, siram-siram bayem. This Javanese proverb means, "A goal that is achieved because it is supported by many people."
14. Obah ngarep kobet mburi. Its meaning is, "All actions of a leader always become the responsibility of their subordinates."
15. Menthung koja kena sembagine. This Javanese proverb means, "Describing someone who feels like they have deceived others, but in reality, they themselves have been deceived."
16. Lambe satumang kari samerang. This Javanese proverb means, "A person who has been advised many times, but still does not listen."
17. Kebat kliwat, gancang pincang. This Javanese proverb means, "Hasty actions will never be perfect."
18. Dandhang diunekake kuntul, kuntul diunekake dandhang. Its meaning is, "Bad things are considered good, while good things are considered bad."
19. Beras wutah arang bali menyang takere. This Javanese proverb means, "Describing something that is already damaged and cannot be returned to its original state."
20. Ngundhuh wohing pakerti. This proverb means, "Whatever we do will yield appropriate results."
That is an explanation of the meaning of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna. In addition to explaining the meaning of Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna, there are also other Javanese proverbs as life advice along with their meanings.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.