Kapanlagi.com - The word import itself is already familiar to us. Yes, in general, the public knows that import meaning is a trading activity by buying a product from overseas. However, that is not the only meaning of import.
In fact, the meaning of import can be broad KLovers. Well, in addition to knowing the meaning of import, KLovers can also find out the benefits and prohibited items in import activities. So, what are the explanations of the meaning of import according to experts.
Therefore, reported from various sources, here is the meaning of import along with the benefits and prohibited items that KLovers can know and learn.
1. Explanation of Import Meaning

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As previously explained, the meaning of import is a trading activity where we purchase a product from a foreign country to meet the supply needs of a product within the country.
However, in addition to that, the meaning of import is also an activity or marketing of products from a customs area. This import activity is usually done on a large scale and is accompanied by customs. The government usually sets tax rates for each imported product for importers.
This is what causes imported products to have a higher price than local or domestic products. Consumers feel the impact of the taxes paid by importers when importing goods into a country.
Therefore, from the explanation above, we can understand that the meaning of import is an activity where the activity involves importing goods into a customs area or buying goods or services from abroad to meet domestic needs.
2. The Meaning of Import According to Experts

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Now, what about the meaning of import according to experts? Yes, not only knowing the general meaning of import. To understand it more, KLovers can find out how the explanation of the meaning of import according to experts. And here is how the meaning of import according to these experts.
1. Ali Purwitodan Indriani (2015:10)
The meaning of import according to Ali Purwitodan Indriani is the activity of importing goods into a customs area, both carried out by individuals or legal entities brought by means of transport that have crossed the country's borders and are required to fulfill customs obligations such as paying import duties and taxes.
2. Marolop Tandjung (2011:379)
The meaning of import according to Marolop Tandjung is the activity of importing goods from abroad into a customs area.
3. Astuti Purnamawati (2013:13)
The meaning of import according to Astuti Purnamawati is buying goods from abroad in accordance with government regulations paid for using foreign currency.
4. Susilo Utomo (2008:101)
And the meaning of import according to Susilo Utomo is an activity of importing goods from abroad into the customs area in the country carried out by representatives of both countries, both individuals and companies.
3. Prohibited Imported Goods

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
However, not all goods can be imported, KLovers. In fact, there are many goods that are prohibited from being imported, especially in Indonesia. The following are some goods that are prohibited from being imported according to the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 18 of 2021 concerning Prohibited Export Goods and Prohibited Import Goods, which include:
1. Prohibited import of certain types of sugar.
2. Prohibited import of certain types of rice.
3. Prohibited import of substances that damage the ozone layer.
4. Prohibited import of used bags, sacks, and clothing.
5. Prohibited import of goods based on refrigeration systems.
6. Prohibited import of hazardous and toxic waste or non-hazardous and non-toxic waste.
7. Prohibited import of hand tools.
8. Prohibited import of health equipment containing mercury.
4. Benefits of Importing

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
After knowing the meaning of import and what goods are prohibited from being imported, the last thing is an explanation of the benefits of importing itself. The following are some benefits that can be obtained when importing goods.
1. International Cooperation
The first benefit of import is becoming a form of cooperation between countries. In international trade activities, import and export activities themselves become a form of communication or cooperation that is good for each country. Thus, maintaining good relations with other countries.
2. Improving Balance of Payments
In addition to meeting domestic needs, the purpose of importing is to improve the balance of payments and reduce the outflow of foreign exchange to other countries.
3. Increasing the Prosperity of a Country
International trade or import and export activities also have a role in increasing the income of each country involved. This is because countries that have excess and shortage of a certain product can sell and obtain the product they need.
4. Obtaining Unavailable Goods
Import activities are beneficial for obtaining goods and services that cannot be produced by a country due to geographical factors and others. In addition, import activities are beneficial for obtaining raw materials and modern technology. Indirectly, import activities will support the stability of the country.
5. Expanding the Market
One of the benefits of international trade is expanding the market for companies. This is done by producing optimally, without fear of excess production and falling prices.
That is the explanation of the meaning of import that KLovers can know and understand. Not only knowing the general meaning of import, but also the meaning of import according to experts, and the benefits of importing.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.