Kapanlagi.com - Cooperation in various fields is inseparable from human life. Moreover, there are many forms of cooperation that are easily found in daily life. Do you already know the meaning of cooperation?
The meaning of cooperation is closely related to two or more individuals who work together with a certain goal. Therefore, in cooperation, each individual has an important role in a group.
Thus, with cooperation, a job feels lighter and can be quickly completed. This is a brief explanation of the meaning of cooperation that is commonly known. Meanwhile, cooperation is also classified into several types.
You can check out the explanation of the meaning of cooperation, functions, types, and examples in daily life in the following discussion. Check out the importance of cooperation as follows.
1. Meaning of Cooperation in KBBI

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Collaboration is a term that is already very familiar in various fields. Just mention collaboration between companies, organizations, education, and others. Already familiar with the term collaboration, then what is the meaning and definition?
The meaning of collaboration in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is an effort or activity carried out by a number of people, whether in institutions, government, companies, to achieve a common goal. Therefore, the meaning of collaboration is people who have common goals and interests to achieve a certain goal.
So collaboration is needed to facilitate them in achieving that goal together. Meanwhile, when deciding on a collaboration, each individual will have different tasks and responsibilities. This makes it easier for them to achieve that goal quickly. That is the explanation of the meaning of collaboration according to KBBI.
2. The Meaning of Collaboration According to Figures

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After knowing the meaning of collaboration according to KBBI, below is an explanation of the meaning of collaboration according to figures. Because there are several figures who define the meaning of collaboration as follows.
1. J. Pamudji Suptandar
A figure named J. Pamudji Suptandar also explained the understanding of collaboration. According to him, the meaning of collaboration is a job done by two or more people by interacting with each other. Where they will collaborate to achieve a common goal. In conclusion, in collaboration according to Pamudji, there is interaction, people who collaborate, and the same goal or interest.
2. Hessel Nogi S. Tangkilisan
The meaning of collaboration according to Hessel Nogi S. Tangkilisan is a source of strength that arises in an organization that can then influence the decisions and actions of the organization.
3. Charles H. Cooley
The meaning of collaboration according to a figure named Charles H. Cooley explains that the understanding of collaboration is individuals who realize that they have the same interests and have enough knowledge and awareness of themselves so that those interests can be fulfilled.
Those are some meanings of collaboration from several figures. So it can be a reference in understanding the meaning of collaboration. Easy, right KLovers?
3. The Meaning and Function of Collaboration

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The benefits of cooperation are not only to fulfill a certain interest and goal, but there are also several functions or benefits of cooperation. Therefore, below is an explanation of the meaning of cooperation and its functions.
- Facilitating a job so that it can be completed faster, feels lighter, and easier.
- Facilitating the achievement of shared interests and goals.
- Encouraging a sense of unity among individuals in a team.
- Improving communication and interaction skills.
- Increasing togetherness and companionship.
- Fostering a sense of trust.
- Training creativity.
- Fostering a sense of unity and togetherness.
- Fostering a sense of respect among individuals who are part of a team.
4. The Meaning of Cooperation and Its Types

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Meanwhile, there are several objectives for cooperation. As mentioned in the previous review, the meaning of cooperation is a group of individuals who have the same interests and then work together to achieve them. Well, this is the meaning of cooperation and its types that you also need to know.
1. The meaning of Coalition cooperation is a type of cooperation formed by two specific organizations or groups who agree to cooperate in achieving the same goals or interests.
2. The meaning of harmony cooperation is close cooperation with the social life of the community. This means that this cooperation is based on mutual harmony, for example, mutual cooperation. In mutual cooperation, each individual works together without any reward.
3. The meaning of bargaining cooperation is a cooperation that is an exchange agreement for goods or services. This cooperation is closely related to the business world and bargaining. The benefits obtained in this cooperation will be obtained fairly.
4. The meaning of cooperative cooperation is cooperation that is the process of accepting new things in organizational leadership and political implementation. This step is taken to prevent problems that cause the organization to become unstable.
5. The meaning of joint venture cooperation is cooperation that involves two or more companies or businesses in a large project. With this cooperation, a task can be fulfilled and carried out. In this cooperation system, each party will use their wealth or capital in a project.
5. Examples of Cooperation in Daily Life

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Meanwhile, there are several examples of cooperation in daily life that you may have done. The examples of cooperation in daily life are explained below:
- Mutual cooperation in cleaning the environment, repairing roads, building bridges, maintaining security, and others.
- Cleaning the house together.
- Saving electricity usage at home.
- Sharing tasks at home.
- Group tasks at school.
- Planting trees for environmental greening.
That is the explanation of the meaning of cooperation that you need to know. This will make it easier for you to understand the meaning of cooperation along with its functions and types.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.