Kapanlagi.com - There are several surahs in the Quran, including the Madaniyah surahs. Madaniyah surahs means surahs and verses that were revealed in Medina. One of them is Surah Al Maidah which means The Table Spread.
The meaning of Al Maidah contains many wisdoms that Muslims need to emulate. One of them is found in verse 48 which explains several important points such as the perfection of the Quran compared to the previous books.
To understand more about the meaning of Al Maidah verse 48, you can read the explanation below. The following discussion explains the meaning of Al Maidah, its recitation, interpretation and virtues. Let's check out the explanation of the meaning of Al Maidah verse 48 that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning of Al Maidah Surah 5 in the Quran

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Surah Al Maidah is the 5th surah in the Quran. It is a Madaniyah surah that was revealed in Madinah. Surah Al Maidah is one of many Madaniyah surahs in the Quran. The meaning of Al Maidah contains many lessons that Muslims should understand.
Because the meaning of Al Maidah explains the stories of the Prophets in its verses. So, what is the meaning of Al Maidah surah, which consists of 120 verses? Understanding and knowing the meaning of Al Maidah is certainly important for Muslims. Besides being a guide and a good practice, understanding the meaning of Al Maidah can help increase our faith and Islam towards the religion brought by Prophet Muhammad, which is Islam.
Well, the meaning of Al Maidah is a banquet. The meaning of Al Maidah can also be called a banquet. The name Al Maidah itself is given in relation to the event when the followers of Prophet Isa asked Allah to send down a banquet of food from the sky. This is the background why the meaning of Al Maidah is a banquet.
Therefore, there are verses in Surah Al Maidah that explain about halal and haram food for Muslims. However, the meaning of Al Maidah in each verse also contains other lessons from the stories of the Prophets that we can emulate.
In addition to the meaning of Al Maidah as a banquet, this surah also has other names. Among the other names of Surah Al Maidah, for example, is Al Uqud, which means covenant. This name is given because Allah commands mankind to keep the promises they have made to Allah or other human beings.
There is also another name for Surah Al Maidah, which is Surat Al Munqidz, which means the savior. This name is given in connection with the story of Prophet Isa, who was then given the title Almasih or the Savior. That is the explanation of the meaning of Al Maidah that you need to know.
2. The Arabic Text and Meaning of Al Maidah Verse 48

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After knowing the meaning of Al Maidah, one of the verses that will be discussed in this article is verse 48. Where the Latin reading and the meaning of Al Maidah verse 48 explain about the perfection of the Quran compared to previous books. As for the Latin reading and the meaning of Al Maidah verse 48, you can see it below.
Wa anzalnaa ilaikal-kitaba bil haqqi mushaddiqal lima baina yadaihi minal kitaabi wa muhaiminan 'alaihi fahkum bainahum bimaa anzalallahu wa laa tattabi' ahwaa-ahum 'ammaa jaa-aka minal haqq, likullin ja'alnaa mingkum syir'ataw wa min-haajaa, walau syaa'allahu laja'alakum ummataw waahidataw wa laakil liyabluwakum fii maa aataakum fastabiqul-khairaat, ilallahi marji'ukum jamii'an fa yunabbi' ukum bimaa kuntum fiihi takhtalifuun.
Meaning of Al Maidah verse 48:
"And We have sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ." Only to Allah you all will return, then He will inform you of what you used to dispute about."
3. Contents of Al Maidah Verse 48

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There is a content in the meaning of Al Maidah verse 48 that you also need to know. Where the content of Al Maidah verse 48 explains about several things that indicate the position and perfection of the Quran as the book of the Muslim community. In addition, the Quran, which is a holy book, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW as a book that completes the previous books.
Meanwhile, according to tafsirweb.com, the Indonesian Ministry of Religion explains that the holy book of the Quran brings true truth, which confirms some of the contents of the previous books, namely the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospel. And it protects it from deviation or alteration done by people for their own benefit. Therefore, decide a matter that is disputed according to the book revealed by Allah and do not follow the desires and whims of others by leaving the truth that has come to you.
Furthermore, it also explains that every community has been given its own rules and a clear path according to its conditions. With the will of Allah SWT, all can be made into one community, but Allah SWT has a different will and will test you with the blessings and all the blessings that He has given you. Therefore, every human being should strive for goodness.
Then humans need to know that only to Allah they will return and at that time Allah SWT will inform you of what disputes you have had during your life in the hereafter. It is important to know that Prophet Muhammad, when the Jews presented a matter among themselves and expected your decision, then decide according to the rules and you (Prophet Muhammad) should decide the matter that happened with what Allah SWT has revealed as in the Torah. So, do not decide the matter according to their desires that can cause injustice to others. Therefore, be careful and cautious of their attitudes and words, do not let them deceive you (Prophet Muhammad) about some of what Allah has revealed to you, namely the Quran as a book that contains straight guidance. So, if they turn away, then Allah SWT will bestow calamity as a warning for some of their sins. So that it can be a lesson and a test for them. However, many people do not realize it, which makes them included among the wicked (not practicing the teachings believed and believed in. If we draw conclusions in several points, then the contents of Surah Al Maidah verse 48 are as follows: 1. Every human being has their own sharia and law according to the time and conditions of their respective lives at that time. However, know that everything is only devoted to Allah SWT alone. 2. What has been done in the world will later receive a reward from Allah SWT when they return to His embrace. 3. The position of the Quran as a true holy book and there is no doubt in it. In addition, the Quran becomes a book that perfects the previous book and becomes the judge of the book. Because the previous book is no longer in accordance with its original or there is human intervention. 4. The diversity of humanity becomes a test for everyone to compete in goodness.
4. The Virtues of Surah Al Maidah

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Then after knowing the meaning of Al Maidah verse 48, understand also some virtues of the Al Maidah surah which means The Banquet. Below are the virtues of the Al Maidah surah that can be obtained by Muslims who practice it.
1. Prayer to avoid the attributes of polytheism and as a prayer to purify faith. As a tradition that says,
Abu Ja'far said, "Whoever reads the Al Maidah surah every Thursday, then his faith will not be subjected to injustice and will not commit polytheism to his Lord." (Tsawabul a'mal: 143)
2. The first seven surahs memorized by knowledgeable and pious people.
3. Including Al-Matsani Ath-Thiwal for Prophet Muhammad SAW which is the balance of the Tablet of Moses as.
4. Eliminating the qualities of doubt, fear, or suspicion towards the Islamic religion in performing worship. The way to practice it can be done by reading the seventh verse of the Al Maidah surah even though the exact number of readings is not known.
5. With the permission of Allah, verses 89-110 of the Al Maidah surah can be used as a means to heal people who often lie. The way is to read the surah and then give water to the person who likes to lie. With the permission of Allah SWT, it can eliminate the lying nature of a person.
6. Getting intercession from Prophet Muhammad SAW as narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri who explained that the Prophet SAW repeatedly recited a verse,
Abu Dzar said, "The Prophet once prayed on a night. He also recited a verse until dawn. The verse is the Al-Maidah surah verse 118." When dawn arrived, I asked him, "O Messenger of Allah, why do you continuously recite that verse until dawn?" He replied, "Verily, I ask my Lord for intercession for my Ummah, and He grants it to me. This intercession will be given to whoever does not associate anything with Allah." (HR.Ahmad)
That is the explanation of the meaning of Al-Maidah that you need to know. Thus, it facilitates understanding the meaning of Al-Maidah.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.