Kapanlagi.com - Hangout is a slang term that is familiar. Many young people use the term hangout to explain something when they plan or gather with their friends.
The meaning of hangout is very easy to understand. Where the meaning of hangout comes from the English language which, when translated, means gathering or socializing with friends. The use of the word hangout is usually used by young people when they are spending time with their friends.
And of course, hangout is not done at home, but rather going out to a place either just sitting and chatting or going for a walk. Well, to know the meaning of hangout, just take a look at the review below. Here's the meaning of hangout that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning of Hangout in Slang Language

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As time goes by, there are many slang languages that emerge among young people. Not a few of these young people's slang languages come from English. Whether it's English abbreviations, slang, or Indonesian language borrowed from English, they complement the young people's slang dictionary.
One example is the meaning of hangout, which we are already familiar with. Although this word is quite often used, not a few people still don't know the meaning of hangout in slang language. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss the meaning of hangout in slang language.
The meaning of hangout actually comes from English. Where the meaning of hangout is to gather, base, frequently visited place, or a place to stay. The meaning of hangout is a noun that refers to a certain activity.
However, in slang language, the meaning of hangout is more commonly referred to as socializing with friends to go to a certain place or just hang out. In addition, the meaning of hangout does sound almost similar to hanging out. You are certainly very familiar with the term hanging out, which describes when young people gather with their friends in a place like a cafe or base. That's the explanation of the meaning of hangout in slang language.
2. The Meaning of Hangout

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After knowing the meaning of hangout in English, understand the real meaning of hangout as well. Not much different from the meaning of hangout, this vocabulary explains an activity when someone gathers or hangs out with their close friends.
In other words, the meaning of hangout is spending time with friends or acquaintances in a certain place. The place can be a tourist destination, headquarters, entertainment venues, cafes, or others.
In addition, to better understand the meaning of hangout, it can also be said that this is an activity when you have quality time with close friends. Quality time with friends can be done just by sitting and relaxing in a cafe, going for a walk, or going on vacation to a certain place. That is an explanation of the meaning of hangout that you need to understand.
3. Other Slang Terms Besides Hangout

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Besides the meaning of hangout, there are a number of slang words that have almost the same meaning as hangout. However, every slang language certainly has a meaning and usage that can be adjusted to the topic being discussed. Meanwhile, there are several slang words besides the meaning of hangout that you need to know. Here are some references to slang language besides the meaning of hangout.
1. Meet up: means to meet, gather, or hold a meeting.
2. Nongki: means to hang out or gather with friends in a certain place.
3. Quality time: means spending time with someone, whether it's friends, family, or a partner.
4. Kuy: means let's go, a sentence to invite someone to do something.
5. Meeting Point: means to meet.
6. Hang around: means to hang out, socialize, or go out.
7. Kopdar: means a coffee meeting that means to meet or gather with close friends.
8. Kongkow: means to chat when gathering with friends and acquaintances.
Those are some slang languages besides the meaning of hangout that have almost the same meaning. Hopefully, it can add to your slang language references, KLovers.
4. Millennial Slang Language

(credit: pexels.com)
Not only do you need to know what hangout means, because there are still a number of slang language that young people nowadays use. That's why you need to know what other millennial slang language there is. Well, here are some references to millennial slang language nowadays.
1.Circle: Means friendship circle, gang, group.
2.Bestie: Means best friend.
3.Bucin: Means love slave.
4.Love language: Means the language of love.
5. Mleyot: Means melting when you like or fall in love with someone.
6.Plot twist: Means an unexpected or surprising ending to a story.
7.Mager: Means lazy to move.
8.Toxic relationship: Means an unhealthy relationship.
9.Insecure: Means anxious about various things and lacking confidence.
10.Salty: Means angry and is a slang language.
11.Baper: Means bring feelings.
12. Hidden gem: Means a hidden and unknown place to many people.
13.Spill the tea: Means to reveal a secret.
14.Lowkey: Means secret or needs to be kept secret.
15.Healing: Means the process of healing wounds or sadness.
16.FYI: Means new information.
17.TBL: Means really scared.
18.Clingy: Means a person who depends on others.
19. OTW: Meaning on the way or in transit.
20.Ghosting: Meaning disappearing without any notice or explanation like a ghost.
21.PHP: Meaning false hope giver.
Those are some explanations about the meaning of hangout that you need to know. So you won't be confused anymore when encountering the meaning of hangout which actually means gathering, going out, hanging out or quality time with friends.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.