Kapanlagi.com - Prayer for learning is very important to be recited before the learning process takes place. It is not surprising that in school, teachers suggest praying first before starting to learn.
There are various prayers for learning that can be practiced by Muslims. One of them is warzuqni fahma, which means in the prayer before learning that has a good meaning. Because warzuqni fahma means in the fragment of prayer for learning is to be given understanding, comprehension of the knowledge being studied.
That is why it is very important to recite prayers before learning that bring many benefits. Well, the following review can be used as a reference for you to know what prayers to recite before and after learning.
Also note that before seeking knowledge, it is important to pay attention to a number of important etiquettes such as intending to learn, reciting prayers, focusing, and concentrating. Let's directly see the reading of warzuqni fahma, which means in the fragment of prayer for learning as follows.
1. What does Warzuqni Fahma mean?

What Does Warzuqni Fahma Mean? (credit: pexels.com)
Reading a prayer before studying is highly recommended. Because by praying before starting an activity, we will receive many blessings and ease. Now, one of them is the prayer before studying. In school, maybe some of you are already familiar with the phrase 'warzuqni fahma' in the prayer before studying.
'Warzuqni fahma' means is one of the references for a prayer for studying. This prayer is recited when someone is about to start studying, whether it is reciting the Quran or seeking other knowledge. Now, 'warzuqni fahma' is a part of the prayer for studying that is often practiced by Muslims. You can find the meaning of 'warzuqni fahma' below.
Robbi zidnii 'ilmaa, warzuqnii fahmaa, waj'alnii minash-sholihiin.
Meaning: 'O my Lord, increase my knowledge, grant me understanding, and make me among the righteous.'
There is also a recitation of the phrase 'warzuqni fahma' in the prayer for studying. The recitation of the prayer for studying is as follows,
Rodhitu billahirobba, wabil islaamidina, wabi-muhammadin nabiyyaw warosula. Robbi zidnii 'ilmaa warzuqnii fahmaa.
Meaning: 'We are pleased with Allah as our Lord, Islam as our religion, and Prophet Muhammad as our Prophet and Messenger. O Allah, increase me in beneficial knowledge and grant me good understanding.'
2. References for Prayer Before Studying

Prayer for Learning (credit: pexels.com)
The phrase 'warzuqni fahma' in the prayer for studying is often used by Muslims. However, besides using the phrase 'warzuqni fahma' to ask Allah SWT for good understanding in seeking knowledge, there are also several other references in the prayer before studying. The other prayers for studying can be found below.
Allahummanfa'ni bima 'allamtani wa 'allimni ma yanfa'uni wa zidni 'ilman walhamdulillahi 'ala kulli halin.
Meaning: "O Allah, benefit me with the knowledge that You have taught me, teach me what is beneficial for me, and increase my knowledge. All praise is due to Allah in every situation."
In addition to that, there is also a prayer for studying other than the ones mentioned above, which goes as follows:
Allaahumma Akhrijnaa Min Dzulumaatilwahmi Wa Akrimnaa binuuril Fahmi Waftah'alainaa Bima'rifatika Wasahhil Lanaa Abwaaba Fadl-lika Ya Arhamar Raahimiin.
Meaning: "O Allah, free us from the darkness of prejudice, honor us with the light of understanding, open the understanding of knowledge to us, and open for us the doors of Your grace, O Most Merciful."
Those are some prayers for studying besides using the phrase 'warzuqni fahma' that is often used for prayers before studying. Hopefully, this can be a reference for you.
3. Prayer After Learning

Prayer After Learning (credit: pexels.com)
In addition to knowing the meaning of the warzuqni fahma reading in the prayer before studying, also pay attention to what the prayer after studying is like. That's why below there is a reference for the prayer after studying that you can read after seeking knowledge.
Allahumma Arinal Haqqa Haqqan Warzuqnat tibaa'ahu.Wa Arinal baathila Baa-Thilan Warzuqnaj tinaabahu.
Meaning: "O Allah, show us the truth, so that we can follow it. And show us the falsehood, so that we can avoid it."
The above prayer is a prayer that can be recited after studying with the intention that Allah SWT provides true guidance for the knowledge being studied. In addition, there are also other references for prayers after studying as follows.
Allaahumma innii istaudi'uka maa 'allamtaniihi fardud-hu ilayya 'inda haajatii wa laa tansaniihi yaa robbal 'alamiin
Meaning: "O Allah, indeed I entrust to You what You have taught me, so return it to me when I need it. Do not make me forget it, O Lord of the worlds."
Next, there is also a prayer after studying that you can practice as follows:
Rabbanan fa'naa bima 'alamtanaldzi yanfa'una wa zidna 'ilman walhamdulillahi 'ala kullihal.
Meaning: "Our Lord, make our knowledge beneficial, teach us what is beneficial for us, and increase our knowledge. All praise is due to Allah in every condition."
4. Benefits of Praying Before and After Learning

Benefits of Praying Before and After Studying (credit: freepik.com)
As mentioned in the previous review, praying before engaging in activities is highly recommended, especially when seeking knowledge or learning, as it can bring many benefits. The following is a discussion of the benefits of praying before and after learning:
- Brings many virtues to the knowledge being studied.
- Facilitates the learning process.
- Receives blessings from Allah SWT for the knowledge being studied.
- Gains beneficial knowledge.
Those are some explanations regarding the prayer for learning. One of its parts is the recitation of 'warzuqni fahma', which means to be granted understanding in seeking knowledge. Hopefully, this can help you understand the recitations and meanings of the prayer for learning and after learning.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.