Kapanlagi.com - Dreaming of becoming a flower is a common experience for humans. There are many types of dreams that can be experienced, and it is believed that dreams also have meanings. For example, like the meaning of dreaming of catching fish which can be a sign of good or bad luck.
Yes, some believe that certain dreams have meanings and are a sign of good or bad luck. However, it cannot be confirmed whether these dream meanings are true or not. It could be that dreams come from your subconscious or from Satan, not from God.
Therefore, it cannot be trusted whether these dream meanings are true or not. Well, for KLovers who are curious about the meaning of dreams of catching fish. Here are 17 meanings of dreaming of catching fish as a sign of good or bad luck. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish According to Primbon

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The first meaning of dreaming of catching fish is the meaning according to primbon. If KLovers have this dream, it may signify a change or goodness. In Javanese primbon, the meaning of dreaming of catching fish usually indicates the arrival of fortune in the near future.
2. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish According to Islam
Then, the meaning of dreaming of catching fish for the second time is, there is a meaning of dreaming of catching fish in Islam. Yes, in Islam, there is a different view from Javanese horoscopes on the meaning of dreaming of catching fish.
Luck or success will not come easily, you must seek your fortune and never give up to achieve your goals. Therefore, this can be interpreted that you must strive to be able to achieve success.
3. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish in Clean Water

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If in your dream you catch fish in clean water, it is a sign that you will receive blessings. Even, there is a possibility that in romantic relationships such as marriage, your life will go smoothly and be showered with blessings.
If you and your partner have not been blessed with children, supposedly the meaning of dreaming of catching fish in clean water is a sign that you will soon have the children you have been dreaming of. Keep praying to God, hopefully, this will be a good dream.
4. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish in Mud
Apparently, not only clean water, catching fish in muddy water also has its own meaning, KLovers. Mud is often understood as a difficult condition, sadness, illness, disaster, and even poverty.
If KLovers dream of catching fish in muddy water, then this can be interpreted that you will soon get out of difficult or stressful conditions.
However, the meaning of dreaming of catching fish in muddy water can also be interpreted differently. The meaning of dreaming of catching fish in mud can also reflect your psychological condition that is experiencing anxiety, sadness, or severe illness.
5. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish in Dirty Water

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The meaning of dreaming of catching fish in dirty water is that it is a sign that you are experiencing anxiety, sadness, or difficulty in earning money. This may be a sign of your psychological condition.
6. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish in a Pond
What if KLovers get the meaning of dreaming of catching fish in a pond? Yes, the meaning of dreaming of catching fish is not good news for KLovers. This may be a sign that someone dislikes or envies you. Keep praying to God and ask to be kept away from things that could be harmful to your life.
7. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish in the Sea

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Dreaming of catching fish in the sea is believed to be a good sign. For KLovers who experience it soon, this will be a sign that you will receive abundant blessings. Not only that, these blessings were never thought of before, so you will feel full of happiness.
8. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Goldfish
If KLovers feel like they're catching a goldfish in their dreams, this could be a good sign for you. This dream can be understood as you will receive good news soon and unexpectedly. This good news can come from work, business, or family.
9. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Dead Fish

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For those of you who dream of catching dead fish, this can be a bad sign. This is related to your closest environment. Where you will be disappointed by someone you love. Whether it's family, friends, or lovers.
10. The Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Catching Fish
Another meaning of dreaming of catching fish is seeing someone catching fish. And if you see someone catching fish in a dream, it can also be a good sign. Yes, this dream can be interpreted that you will feel peace in your heart.
11. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish in a Rice Field

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If you dream of catching fish in a rice field, this can be a good sign for you KLovers. The meaning of dreaming of catching fish in a rice field can be interpreted as you will experience happiness and abundant fortune, successful business, and successful romantic relationships.
12. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching a Big Fish
For KLovers who dream of catching a big fish, this is a sign that something good is about to come. The meaning of this dream can also indicate an abundance of blessings in your career. This dream signifies that the work you are doing will bear fruit.
In addition, the meaning of dreaming of catching a big fish can also be a sign that you will have an ambition and effort made for that activity. Healthy ambition will not harm anyone.
13. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching a Small Fish

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What about the meaning of dreaming of catching a small fish? If dreaming of catching a big fish will get a good sign, then catching a small fish can be a bad sign. The meaning of dreaming of catching a small fish usually indicates that there will be a disaster or difficulty in your life.
14. Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Fish with Bare Hands
There are various ways to catch fish, one of which is using bare hands. In the real world, this method is certainly quite difficult if not done by experts. However, if you succeed in doing it in a dream, it means you need spiritual awakening in your life.
In addition, there is a possibility that you will be able to help someone achieve their dream. However, the meaning of dreaming of catching fish with bare hands can also be interpreted as less good. There may be people talking about you behind your back that can ruin your reputation.
15. The Meaning of Dreaming of Catching Scaleless Fish

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The meaning of dreaming of catching other fish is that there is a meaning of dreaming of catching scaleless fish. If you have this dream, it could be a sign of something bad. The meaning of dreaming of catching scaleless fish can be interpreted as a calamity, for example, you will fall ill.
16. The Meaning of Dreaming of Being Bitten by a Fish
In general, dreaming of catching fish does have a good meaning and brings good luck. Then, what if the fish you catch bites your hand? It turns out that dreaming of catching and being bitten by a fish has a bad meaning, KLovers.
You need to be careful because there is someone who has evil intentions towards you. Even someone who seems good may not necessarily be sincere. Pray to God to keep you away from those who intend to harm you.
17. The Meaning of Dreaming of Getting a Fish

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And the last meaning of dreaming of catching fish is that there is a meaning of dreaming of getting a fish. You need to be cautious about this dream, KLovers. This is because it could be a sign that someone will have evil intentions to hurt you from behind.
It could be someone close to you who appears to be good, friendly, and caring from the front. However, behind your back, they intend to stab you. The meaning of dreaming of catching fish is also similar to the meaning of dreaming of being bitten by a fish.
That is the meaning of dreaming of catching fish that you can believe or know, KLovers. However, this is only a dream interpretation, and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. It is best to seek protection from God if it has a bad meaning.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.