Kapanlagi.com - In Islam, there are several recommended worship practices for Muslims. Not only prayer, fasting, alms-giving, pilgrimage, and reading the Quran, but in addition to these mandatory worship practices, there are other practices that have great rewards. One of them is tawasul. So, what is the meaning of tawasul?
As it is not included in the five pillars of Islam, many Muslims still do not understand the meaning of tawasul. In short, tawasul is a worship practice performed to get closer to Allah SWT. Tawasul is done by doing several things, including reciting prayers. It is believed that performing tawasul can make a Muslim's prayer or worship more acceptable and granted by Allah SWT.
Therefore, it is necessary for every Muslim to know and understand the meaning of tawasul, along with how to perform it. Therefore, let's directly take a look at the following review that has been summarized from various sources.
1. Meaning of Tawasul

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As previously recommended, tawasul is a practice that is encouraged to be performed by Muslims. However, specifically, tawasul is often practiced by Muslims who follow the Imam Shafi'i school of thought.
Looking at the origin of the word, tawasul is believed to come from the word al-wasilah which means to convey and get closer to something. Meanwhile, according to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of tawasul is to ask or pray to Allah SWT through the intermediary of someone who is considered holy and close to God.
In Islam, tawasul is a way for a Muslim to get closer to Allah SWT. This can be done by fulfilling the sharia or doing what is commanded and avoiding every prohibition. In addition, tawasul is also done by reciting prayers through someone who is close and beloved by Allah SWT, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
2. Evidence about Tawasul

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In general, the meaning of tawasul is to get closer to Allah SWT. Although it tends to be only practiced by certain madhabs, the recommendation to do tawasul is in the Quran. Here are some Quranic evidences about the meaning of tawasul.
1. Al-Maidah verse 35, which means:
"O you who believe, fear Allah and seek means of nearness to Him and strive in His cause that you may succeed."
2. Al-A'raf verse 180, which means:
"To Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing."
Based on these two evidences, scholars agree that tawasul is like a ladder that will bring humans closer to Allah SWT. Thus, tawasul will become a righteous deed that will facilitate the prayers or needs of a Muslim to be granted.
3. Types of Tawasul

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It turns out that the practice of tawasul consists of several types. Therefore, learning the meaning of tawasul will not be complete without knowing its types. Because, each type of tawasul has different meanings and understandings. Here is a description of the types of tawasul.
1. Direct Tawasul with Allah SWT
The first tawasul is done by directly getting closer to Allah SWT. This tawasul is generally done by praising Allah SWT with His good names and attributes. This tawasul is based on the following evidence:
"To Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them..." (Q.S Al-A'raf: 180).
2. Tawasul by Doing Deeds
The second tawasul is done by doing various deeds. This tawasul is based on the following evidence:
And [mention] when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House and [with him] Ishmael, [saying], 'Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.'" (Q.S Al-Baqarah: 127).
3. Tawasul by Praying
The third type of tawasul is done by prayer. This tawasul is based on the following evidence:
"They said, `O our father, ask for us forgiveness of our sins; indeed, we have been sinners.'" (Q.S Yusuf: 97).
4. Reading Tawasul Prayer
To perform tawasul, there is a prayer that must be recited. Therefore, after understanding the meaning of tawasul, its evidence, and its types, it is also important to know the recitation of the prayer. So that way, you can perform tawasul in accordance with the sharia. Here is the prayer recitation to perform tawasul.
Astaghfirullahal'adziim (3 times)
Asy-hadu allaa-ilaaha illallah wa Asy-hadu anna Muhammadarrosulullah.
'Ala hadzihin niyati wa'ala kulli niyatin sholihah, Ilaa hadrotin nabiyil-Musthofa Muhammadin SAW wa 'alaa aalihi wa azwajihi wadzurriyyatihi wa ahli baitihil-kirom ajma-'iin, Syai-u lillahi lahumul-faatihah: (Recite Surah Al-Fatihah)
Tsumma Ila hadroti jami-'i ash-habi rosulillahi SAW Khusushon sayyidina Abu Bakar Shidiq wa 'Umarobnil-Khothob, wa 'Utsmanabni 'Affan, wa 'Ali bin Abi Tholib wa 'ala baqiyati min shohabatihi ajma'iin, wa ila jami'il-anbiya-i, wal mursalin, was Syuhadaa-i, was-Sholihin, wal-'ulamaa-il-'aamilin, wal-Malaa-ikatil-Muqorrobin, wal-Karubiyyin, war-Ruhaniyyin, wal-Karomal-Kaatibin wa li sayyidina Malaa-ikati: Jibril, Mika-il, Isrofil, 'Izro-il, wa hamalatil-'arsyi 'alaihimussalam ajma'iin.Al-Faatihah (Recite Surah Al-Fatihah).
Tsumma Ila hadroti jami'i Awliya-illahi mingkulli waliyyin wa waliyatin, mimmasyaariqil-ardhi ila maghoribiha, fi barriha wa bahriha wa jami'i Awliya-i tis'ah Qoddasallohu sirrohum, wa Khushushon ila Hadroti Sulthon Awliya-i, Sayidina Syekh 'Abdul-Qodir Al-Jailani, Shohibil-Karromah wal-Ijazah, Qoddasa llohu sirrohu, Tsumma Ila Arwahi jami'i Aba-ina, wa ummahatina, wa jaddina, wa jaddatina, wa kholina wa kholatina, wa 'ammina wa 'ammatina, wa jami'i ustadzina wa asatidzatina, wa masyayikhina wa masyayikhi masyayikhina, wa lijami'i jama'atina, wa zaujina wa zaujatina wa auladina wa banatina wa dzurriyatina wa ikhwanina minal-muslimina wal-muslimat wal-mukminina wal-mukminat, wa liman hadhoro fi hadzal-majlisi minal-mukminin, Rohmatullahi ta'ala 'alaina wa 'alaihim ajma'in Syai-ul lillahi lana wa lahum ajma'in Al-faatihah: (Recite Surah Al-Fatihah).
Those are some explanations about the meaning of tawasul, its evidence, types, and the recitation of the prayer. Hopefully, it is beneficial and can increase our knowledge and faith as a Muslim. Amen.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.