Kapanlagi.com - There are various types of Indonesian language that are adjusted based on the type of word and its level. One of them is common words and special words. The use of common words and special words is often used in sentence construction. The definition of common words and special words can be used as a way to distinguish between the two types of words.
As the name suggests, of course, we already have a little understanding of the definition of common words and special words. Yes, both can be seen from the meaning of the words that can be used widely or in a limited scope.
Understanding the meaning of common words and special words is not difficult. Because, examples of common words and special words are often used in daily conversations. Its function is certainly to explain a meaning, facilitate understanding of the message content, or compose a message in a sentence so that it can be understood by the message recipient.
Therefore, here are some references that explain the definition of common words and special words in Indonesian language. In addition, there are also examples of common words and special words that will help you understand the meaning of both types of words.
1. Definition of Common Words

Illustration (credit: freepik.com)
Understanding common words, of course, can help you differentiate them from specific words. Common words are used in sentence construction and have a broader and wider meaning. This means that common words are used to explain something that is not specific or can still be expanded in meaning. That is why common words often confuse readers. Because there is nothing more specific to explain the meaning of the message conveyed.
2. Definition of Specific Words

Illustration (credit: freepik.com)
After understanding the definition of common words, here is an explanation of the definition of specific words. Not far from common words, specific words are also often used in sentence construction. Specific words are used in sentence construction that has a limited, more specific, and narrower meaning.
This means that specific words explain something specific, such as objects, places, time, shapes, events, and so on, and cannot be expanded further. That is why specific words can make it easier for readers to understand the meaning of the message conveyed compared to common words.
3. Examples of Common and Specific Words

Common and specific word examples (credit: freepik.com)
There are various examples of common and specific words that we often use in everyday conversations. Here are some examples of common and specific words that can help you understand their meanings.
Examples of common words:
- Flower
- Vegetables
- Tree
- Weather
- Color
- Reading
- Carrying
- Bicycle
- Water
- Village
- Mountain
- Island
- Country
- Seeing
- Beautiful
- Clothing
Examples of specific words:
- Orchid, rose, jasmine, frangipani
- Broccoli, cabbage, carrot, spinach
- Banyan tree, grape tree, bay tree
- Rain, hot, cold
- Black, white, blue, red, green
- Poem, rhyme, short story, article
- Lifting, carrying, dragging
- BMX, folding
- Drinking water, soda water, milk
- Giritirto Village, Makmur Jaya Village
- Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand
- Observing, looking, glancing, watching
- Beautiful
- Dress, suit, sportswear
4. Examples of Common and Specific Words in Sentences

Common and specific word examples (credit: freepik.com)
Some examples of common and specific words mentioned earlier are still in the form of whole words. Meanwhile, examples of common and specific words in sentences can be found in the following explanation. Here are some references of common and specific words in sentences.
1. Examples of common and specific words in sentences (flowers, orchids):
- Ani plants flowers in her backyard.
- Ani plants orchid flowers in her backyard.
In the above examples, the common word is flowers, while the specific word is orchids.
2. Examples of common and specific words in sentences (reading, poetry):
- Budi sets aside two hours a day for reading.
- Budi will participate in a poetry reading competition next week.
The common word in the above sentences is reading, while the specific word is poetry.
3. Examples of common and specific words in sentences (vegetables, spinach):
- There are various vegetables offered at the market this morning.
- Mom chooses to buy spinach for lunch.
The common word is vegetables, while the specific word is spinach.
4. Examples of common and specific words in sentences (bicycle, foldable):
- Every weekend, Andi always rides a bicycle around the city.
- Andi chooses a foldable bicycle for exercise.
The common word is bicycle, while the specific word is foldable.
That's the understanding of common and specific words which are one of the types of words in Indonesian language. In addition to the definition of general and specific words, there are also examples of general and specific words to make it easier for you to understand the meaning of words.
However, some examples of general and specific words above are just a few among many examples of various general and specific words. So they can be used as a reference for you in using general and specific words.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.