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Meaning of Democracy According to Experts, Types, Objectives, and Principles

Meaning of Democracy According to Experts, Types, Objectives, and Principles Illustration (credit: - The meaning of democracy is that sovereignty lies in the hands of the people. Several experts also explain the meaning of democracy with their respective opinions, which basically state that power lies in the hands of the people.

Democratic governance is already well-known to you. This is because Indonesia also implements a democratic system of government, namely Pancasila democracy. The meaning of democracy is diverse. Basically, the meaning of democracy involves the people in a government.

The meaning of democracy comes from the Greek language, where the word Demos means people, and Kratos means government. Therefore, it can be concluded as a system of government that is in the hands of the people. To understand more clearly about the meaning of democracy, check out the explanation below. The following is a summary of the meaning of democracy according to experts, compiled by from various sources.

1. Meaning of Democracy According to Experts

Understanding the system of government, you must be familiar with the democratic system of government. The democratic system of government is also adopted by Indonesia. That is why using this democratic system, every citizen has the right and plays an important role in a country. One of the meanings of democracy is the freedom to express opinions, gather, and practice religion.

Meanwhile, several experts also express their opinions about the meaning of democracy. Here are the explanations about the meaning of democracy according to experts.

1. Abraham Lincoln: The meaning of democracy according to Abraham Lincoln is a system of government by the people, for the people, and of the people.

2. H.Harris Soche: The meaning of democracy according to H.Harris Soche is a form of government by the people. It means that the people hold the power in the government and have the right to govern, defend, and protect themselves from coercion by their representatives.

3. Charles Costello: The meaning of democracy according to Charles Costello is a social and political system of self-government with limited government powers by law and custom to protect the individual rights of citizens.

4. Sidney Hook: The meaning of democracy according to Sidney Hook is a form of government where important government decisions, directly or indirectly, are based on freely given majority agreement from adult citizens.

5. C.F Strong: The meaning of democracy according to C.F. H.Harris Soche: The meaning of democracy according to H.Harris Soche is a form of government by the people. It means that the people are the holders of power in the government and have the right to govern, defend, and protect themselves from coercion by their representatives.

3.Charles Costello: The meaning of democracy according to Charles Costello is a social and political system of self-government with government powers limited by law and custom to protect the individual rights of citizens.

4.Sidney Hook: The meaning of democracy according to Sidney Hook is a form of government where important government decisions, whether direct or indirect, are based on the freely given majority agreement of adult citizens.

5.C.F Strong: The meaning of democracy according to C.F. Strong is a system of government in which the majority of council members from the community participate in politics based on a representative system.

Those are some meanings of democracy according to experts. From the explanation above, it can also be concluded that the meaning of democracy is sovereignty in the hands of the people. The people have the right and freedom to determine or have, as well as make decisions directly or through representation in politics or lawmaking.

2. Meaning of Democracy and its Types

The meaning of democracy as one form of government system in which sovereignty is in the hands of the people has several types. These types of democracy are known in two forms. The explanations of the meaning of democracy based on its types and forms are as follows.

1. Direct Democracy

The meaning of direct democracy is democracy in which every citizen has the right to express their aspirations through their opinion or vote in making decisions. It means that the people have the right to represent themselves in choosing policies, so that the political situation is directly in the hands of the people.

2. Representative Democracy

The meaning of representative democracy is democracy in which all citizens are involved in a general election to choose representatives. Furthermore, the people also have the right to convey their aspirations in addressing national issues through the elected representatives.

3. Meaning of Constitutional Democracy

The meaning of constitutional democracy is a democracy based on freedom. Its characteristic is limited government power and not allowed to act arbitrarily towards its people. Because the government's power is already limited by the constitution.

4. Meaning of People's Democracy

People's democracy, also known as proletarian democracy with Marxist-Communist orientation. This democracy idealizes a life that does not recognize social classes. Where the people are freed from their attachment to private ownership without oppression. However, to achieve such a society, it can be done by force.

5. Meaning of Pancasila Democracy

The meaning of Pancasila democracy, as adopted in Indonesia, is the source and cultural-social values of the nation based on Pancasila and based on deliberation for consensus. This is done by prioritizing the balance of common interests.

6. Meaning of Formal Democracy

The meaning of formal democracy is usually applied in liberal countries. This democracy upholds equality in the political field without efforts to reduce economic disparities.

7. Meaning of Material Democracy

The meaning of material democracy is usually applied in communist countries that emphasize efforts to eliminate economic differences. Meanwhile, the political field tends to receive less attention and can even be eliminated.

8. Meaning of Combined Democracy

The meaning of combined democracy is a democracy that takes the good and discards the bad from formal democracy and material democracy.

Those are the types of democracy that you need to know. So by understanding the meaning of democracy and its types, it can make it easier for you to interpret the forms of democracy.

3. Meaning of Democracy and its Objectives

Certainly, a system of government has specific objectives. Including the democratic system which also has objectives and functions. The objectives of the democratic system of government are as follows.

- Creating a prosperous society.

- Creating a just and prosperous society.

- Prioritizing the concepts of justice, honesty, and transparency.

- Freedom of speech and sovereignty in the hands of the people.

4. Meaning of Democracy and its Principles

Meanwhile, there are also principles of democracy applied in a system of government. Some democratic principles can be observed through the following explanation.

- Recognition of Human Rights.

- Government based on the law.

- Constitutional guarantee of individual rights, including the procedures.

- Separation of powers or the division of power.

- Independent and impartial judiciary.

- Freedom of expression.

- Freedom of association and assembly.

- Political education.

- Majority rule.

- Popular sovereignty.

- Equality before the law.

- Honest and free elections.

- Values of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation, and consensus.

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Democratic System

After understanding the meaning of democracy according to experts with various types, goals, and principles. It is also necessary to know the disadvantages and advantages of the democratic system. There are several disadvantages and advantages of democracy that you need to understand. Here is the review of the disadvantages and advantages of the democratic system.

Advantages of Democracy:

1. People's interests are protected in social, political, and economic fields.

2. Every citizen has an equal position before the law or is equal.

3. The government runs stably and efficiently.

4. There is political education for the people.

5. Forming good citizens who understand rights and obligations.

6. There are no elements and influences from the ruling party.

7. The economy tends to be more stable and rapidly developing.

Disadvantages of Democracy:

1. Tends to prioritize quantity over quality.

2. There is an unreasonable concept of equality.

3. Participation in elections tends to not reach 100 percent.

4. Misuse of time and available resources.

That is the meaning of democracy with other complete explanations that you need to understand. Hopefully, with the above review, it can make it easier for you to understand the meaning of democracy in a governance system.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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