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Meaning of Lunar Eclipse Address According to Javanese Primbon Based on the Time of Occurrence, Can Be a Good or Bad Sign

Meaning of Lunar Eclipse Address According to Javanese Primbon Based on the Time of Occurrence, Can Be a Good or Bad Sign Illustration of Lunar Eclipse Address According to Javanese Primbon (credit: unsplash) - Lunar eclipse is one of the celestial events that always attracts attention. In the view of Javanese Primbon, lunar eclipse is not an ordinary natural phenomenon. Behind the phenomenon of lunar eclipse, it is believed that there is a deep meaning in human life. Therefore, every time this rare phenomenon occurs, many people seek to find out the meaning of the lunar eclipse address according to Javanese Primbon.

According to Javanese tradition written in Primbon, lunar eclipse is seen as a spiritual event. The phenomenon of eclipse can be a sign or omen that affects the fate of an individual or even the community collectively. Interestingly, there are many interpretations of lunar eclipse based on several factors, one of which is the timing of the eclipse.

Curious about a more detailed explanation of the lunar eclipse address according to Javanese Primbon? To find out, just read the following review.

1. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Suro

As mentioned earlier, the interpretation of lunar eclipse according to Javanese Primbon can vary depending on the timing. If the lunar eclipse occurs during Suro, which is the first month of the Javanese calendar or the Islamic month of Muharram, it could be a sign of something unfavorable.

According to Javanese Primbon, a lunar eclipse that occurs during Suro or Muharram is a sign that something distressing will happen. For example, the outbreak of diseases, the departure of leaders, price increases of goods, and so on.

2. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Sapar

Meanwhile, if the lunar eclipse occurs in the second month, which is Sapar or Safar, this phenomenon is also considered unfavorable. The eclipse is believed to be a sign of drought due to the absence of rain for three months. In addition, a lunar eclipse in the month of Sapar is also believed to be a sign of an impending disaster of strong winds.

3. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Mulud

Mulud becomes the third month in the Javanese calendar. In its cycle, Mulud is the same as Rabiul Awal in the Hijri calendar. When a lunar eclipse occurs during the month of Mulud or Rabiul Awal, it is believed to be a sign of something unfavorable. An eclipse can be a symbol of grief or sadness felt by a leader. 

4. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Bakdo Mulud

Similar to previous months, in the month of Bakdo Mulud or Rabiul Akhir, Javanese Primbon also mentions that a lunar eclipse can be considered a sign of something unfavorable. An eclipse that occurs in the month of Bakdo Mulud according to Javanese Primbon is a sign of the arrival of a disease outbreak for those who are less fortunate.

5. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Jumadil Awal

Meanwhile, the meaning of a lunar eclipse according to Javanese Primbon that occurs during the month of Jumadil Awal is actually believed to be a good sign. This phenomenon is believed to be a sign that the prices of basic necessities will tend to decrease, so that people will live a more prosperous and happy life.

6. The Meaning of a Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Jumadil Akhir

Unfortunately, the meaning or sign of a lunar eclipse according to Primbon that occurs during Jumadil Awal and Jumadil Akhir has opposite meanings. This is because an eclipse that occurs during Jumadil Akhir is believed to bring bad omens.

If a lunar eclipse occurs during the month of Jumadil Akhir, it indicates that rain will soon come, but it can also cause the death of many pets.

7. The Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Rejeb

Rejeb is the seventh month in the Javanese calendar system. The month of Rejeb is also equivalent to the month of Rajab in the Hijri calendar. Lunar eclipses that occur during this month, according to Javanese Primbon, can have both positive and negative meanings.

Based on Javanese Primbon, a lunar eclipse that occurs during the month of Rejeb or Rajab can be a positive sign that the basic needs of the community will be more affordable. However, on the other hand, it is believed that a lunar eclipse during Rejeb can also be a sign of conflicts among the people.

8. The Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Ruwah

A lunar eclipse that occurs during the month of Ruwah or Sya'ban, according to Javanese Primbon, also has its own meaning. Unfortunately, according to Javanese Primbon, a lunar eclipse in the month of Ruwah has a negative meaning. Traditional Javanese people who adhere to Primbon believe that a lunar eclipse during this month can be a sign of the outbreak of contagious diseases.

But don't panic, because Javanese Primbon also reveals that the meaning or indication of a lunar eclipse in the month of Ruwah or Sya'ban can also mean a decrease in the prices of food and clothing. So let's just pray for the best!

9. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Poso

Sasi Poso or the month of Ramadan is a special time for Muslims. So, what does it mean if a lunar eclipse occurs during the month of Poso or Ramadan?

According to Javanese Primbon, a lunar eclipse that occurs during the month of Poso or Ramadan signifies the arrival of a long rainy season. This heavy rainy season is often accompanied by intense lightning and thunder. So, stay cautious and alert!

10. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon during Sawal

In addition to sasi Poso, Sawal or the month of Syawal is also a month full of joy for Muslims. This is because Muslims will celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday during this month.

Along with the happiness of the holiday, a lunar eclipse that occurs during the month of Sawal or Syawal is also believed to be good news. This phenomenon is believed to be a sign that the prices of basic necessities will increase.

11. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon in Dzulqoidah

Meanwhile, when a lunar eclipse occurs in the month of Dzulqoidah or Dzulkaidah, it turns out to be a bad sign. The phenomenon of a lunar eclipse that occurs in this month according to Javanese Primbon is interpreted as a sign of a major upheaval. The potential occurrence of such upheaval is feared to cause suffering for the people.

12. Meaning of Lunar Eclipse According to Primbon in Suro

Lastly, the meaning or interpretation of a lunar eclipse according to Javanese Primbon that occurs in the month of Besar or Dzulhijjah. The eclipse that occurs in this month is also considered quite good. A lunar eclipse during the month of Besar or Dzulhijjah is a good sign in Javanese Primbon tradition, promising prosperity and safety for the people.

Those are some explanations of the meaning or interpretation of a lunar eclipse according to Javanese Primbon. Hopefully, they are useful and can answer your curiosity.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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