Kapanlagi.com - Javanese Primbon has become part of a tradition passed down through generations. Primbon is used for various purposes, such as making predictions or forecasts. In practice, primbon uses a special time marking system, which includes the term pakuwon or wuku. More specifically, within the pakuwon or wuku marking, there is the term Kuningan. So, what is the meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan?
Kuningan is actually one of the pakuwon or wuku in Javanese primbon. As known, in Javanese primbon belief, each day has its own special qualities. The same goes for Wuku Kuningan, which is believed to have several special qualities that other wukus do not possess.
Curious about the explanation of the special qualities of the meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan? To find out, just read the following review.
1. What is Wuku

What is Wuku Kuningan (credit: unsplash)
In the Javanese calendar system, the term 'wuku' may not be as popular as Javanese market or 'weton'. Therefore, it is understandable that many people do not understand the meaning of the Kuningan 'wuku' in the calendar. However, just like the Javanese market (Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, and Kliwon) or 'weton' (Monday Legi, Tuesday Pahing, Wednesday Pon, etc.), 'wuku' also plays an important role in traditions based on the Javanese calendar.
The meaning of the Kuningan 'wuku' in the calendar is one of the 30 'pakuwon' or 'wuku'. So, before knowing what Kuningan 'wuku' is, it is necessary to first understand the concept of 'wuku'. In the Javanese calendar, 'wuku' or 'pakuwon' is a time dating system that divides time in a month into a cycle consisting of 30 'wuku'.
Just like the Javanese market, birth day, and 'weton', each 'wuku' is believed to have different characteristics and energies. Each 'wuku' is associated with its own luck and spiritual message. Understanding the concept of 'wuku' is important in understanding the Javanese calendar time marking system. Because with that, someone can identify the energy and influence associated with each 'wuku'.
2. Meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan

Meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, each wuku has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan to understand its characteristics and uniqueness compared to other wukus. Each wuku has its own uniqueness.
For example, one of the wukus is Sinta, which is believed to symbolize love and romantic relationships. Another example is Bala, which symbolizes safety and protection. Then there is Tolu, which is considered a time of healing, making it suitable for medical treatment.
On the other hand, the meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan is a wuku that is under the protection of Batara Indra. Therefore, people born on the day of Wuku Kuningan are believed to have noble and obedient characteristics. They also have a gentle manner of speaking, but can also be firm when necessary.
They are also known to be introverted and prefer peace over crowds. In addition, owners of Wuku Kuningan are known to be critical, capable of analyzing every event wisely.
3. 30 Wuku in Javanese Primbon

Meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan 30 Wuku in Javanese Primbon (credit: unsplash)
In Javanese culture and tradition, it is important to understand the concept of wuku. This is because, from understanding wuku and its characteristics, a person can get guidance for daily life, including choosing auspicious days for marriage, moving houses, starting a business, etc.
As mentioned earlier, in Javanese primbon, there are at least 30 wuku with their own uniqueness and characteristics. Therefore, besides the meaning of Primbon Wuku Kuningan, it is also important to know the other 30 wuku. Here are the 30 wuku in Javanese primbon.
1. Sinta
2. Landep
3. Wukir
4. Kurantil
5. Tolu
6. Gumbreg
7. Warigalit
8. Warigagung
9. Julungwangi
10. Sungsang
11. Galungan
15.Julung Pujud
18. Mrakeh
25. Bala
These are some explanations of the meanings of the Kuningan primbon wuku and their uniqueness. Hopefully, it is useful and can answer your curiosity. For the rest, the decision to believe or not believe is left to the reader. So it is expected to be approached wisely.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.