Kapanlagi.com - In social media conversations, regional language vocabulary often appears. Furthermore, the term may be widely used. This is happening with the word sambat which, in its use, is now often mixed with Indonesian. So, what is the meaning of sambat?
The meaning of sambat can be understood as complaining. Complaints themselves are expressions that come out because of difficult feelings, suffering something heavy, pain, and so on. After complaining, usually people will feel better.
Therefore, it is reasonable if you find many complaints on social media, whether it's on WhatsApp, Twitter, or Facebook status. If you're curious about a further explanation of the meaning of sambat, let's check out the complete information below.
1. Meaning of Sambat

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
As explained above, one of the reasons why the word 'sambat' has become widely known is due to its massive usage on social media. The meaning of 'sambat' is indeed to complain. However, the Javanese language has several terms to express this feeling. Here is an explanation about it taken from the book 'Indonesia-Javanese Dictionary' by Sutrisno Sastro Utomo.
1. Complaining
Complaining can be replaced with the words 'ngresula', 'nggresula', 'ngadhuh', 'bekah-bekuh', 'mbekos', 'ngeluh', 'ngesah', 'pasambat', 'sesambat', 'ngalualah', 'ngangluh', 'ngaruhara', 'ngathuh', and 'nggresah' in Javanese.
2. Complaining in one's heart
There is a more specific term to describe someone who complains in their heart, namely 'grunengan', 'grunag-gruneg', 'grunegan', and 'grundelan'.
3. Complaining due to suffering
When feeling suffering, your complaints in Javanese can be replaced with the words 'sesambat' and 'ngresula'.
4. Complaining due to illness
Furthermore, there is a condition where someone complains due to illness. This condition can be expressed with the term 'gembrek-gembrek'.
5. Complaining continuously
Finally, there is a term for the activity of complaining continuously. This activity is called 'nggrantang'.
2. How to Avoid Excessive Complaining

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Not only understanding the meaning of complaining, you also need to learn how to avoid becoming someone who complains excessively. Here are some ways you can follow.
1. Learn to Adapt
Some people think that living under pressure and dominated by complaints is normal. In fact, complaining constantly can affect the brain and physical health. Moreover, this can increase sadness and become a real dissatisfaction with life.
2. Always Think Positive
Changing thoughts or always trying to be positive is not easy. Nevertheless, you still have to try to develop a positive mindset towards a problem. Sometimes, accepting that life is uncertain will help you accept it.
3. Be More Aware
This awareness is related to the past and the future. You need to remember that the past can never be changed and worrying about the future is pointless. Therefore, complaining about this is better reduced. You can immediately move, remember that everything can change. Bad things today can turn into good things and vice versa. Life does offer good and bad possibilities.
4. Be Firm
Firm attitude is needed for those of you who complain excessively. You may feel weak, but don't let it drag on. This also applies to your relationship with others. Instead of complaining, you can directly express your wishes clearly.
5. Be Grateful for What You Have
Complaints are often associated with gratitude. That's true. Acceptance of life can keep you away from feeling less. If not, no matter how much you get, you will still want to complain because you feel less. Well, instead of continuing to complain about something that will only waste energy and time, it's better for you to learn to be grateful for what you have now.
3. Complaining Words

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
You have learned the meaning of 'sambat' and how to avoid excessive complaining from the previous information. Now, you also need to know the phrases of 'sambat' that can be used as statuses below. Remember, complaining is allowed as long as it is not excessive, KLovers!
1. "Sing penting aku wes tau berjuang masio ora tau disayang."
(What's important is that I have struggled even though I have never been loved).
2. "Aku sing gemati jare meh ngancani malah ngeliyo ati."
(I who love dearly, supposedly want to accompany but instead turn to another heart).
3. "Kerep nggo dolanan ning aku tetap bertahan."
(Often used as a toy but I still hold on).
4. "Sing penting aku wes tau berjuang masio ora tau disayang."
(What's important is that I have struggled even though I have never been loved).
5. "Atose watu akik isih kalah karo atose omongan tonggo."
(The hardness of agate stone still loses to the harshness of neighbor's words).
6. "Nek ngomong ojo dhuwur-dhuwur. Mengko lambemu iso kesampluk pesawat."
(When speaking, don't be too loud. Otherwise, your mouth might hit the airplane).
7. "Aku sing gemati jare meh ngancani malah ngeliyo ati."
(I who love dearly, supposedly want to accompany but instead turn to another heart).
8. "Kerep nggo dolanan ning aku tetap bertahan."
(Often used as a toy but I still hold on).
9. "Witing tresno jalaran soko kulino, lunture tresno jalaran ono wong liyo."
(Love comes from habit, the loss of love comes from someone else).
10. "Jenenge urip mesti akeh cobaan, yen akeh saweran kui jenengan dangdutan".
(Life is full of challenges, if there are many donations, it's called 'dangdutan').
11. "Kadang mripat iso salah ndelok, kuping iso salah krungu, lambe iso salah ngomong, tapi ati ora bakal iso diapusi."
(Sometimes eyes can be mistaken, ears can be mistaken, mouth can be mistaken, but the heart cannot be deceived and deceive).
12. Time is money. Yen kancamu mbok jak dolan raono wektu, brarti wonge lagi ra duwe duit."
(Time is money. If your friend doesn't have time to hang out, it means they don't have money).
Well, that's the explanation of 'sambat', how to avoid excessive complaining, and the phrases of 'sambat' that you can use to make your WhatsApp status.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.