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Meaning of the Name Kenzo for Baby Boys and its Full Prayerful Connotation

Meaning of the Name Kenzo for Baby Boys and its Full Prayerful Connotation Illustration (credit: - The name Kenzo is one of the most popular names for baby boys. Moreover, Kenzo is classified as a modern baby name with a good meaning. So what is the meaning of the name Kenzo?

Every parent certainly wants to give their child a good, beautiful, and meaningful name full of prayerful hope. One of them is the name Kenzo, which has a beautiful and good connotation. The meaning of the name Kenzo itself is a name for a boy with a Japanese nuance.

Because the meaning of the name Kenzo comes from the Japanese language. Therefore, if you are interested in using the name Kenzo, first know what the meaning of the name Kenzo is for baby boys.

Well, below is an explanation of the meaning of the name Kenzo along with its combination. Just check out the review of the meaning of the name Kenzo for baby boys as follows.


1. The Meaning of the Name Kenzo for Baby Boys

There are several modern baby boy names that are popularly used. One of them is the name Kenzo, which is usually used for a boy's name. Moreover, the name Kenzo is also used for the name of an artist's child, namely Baim Wong and Paula Verhouven's child.

Yes, this celebrity couple named their second child Kenzo Eldrago Wong. Not only is it a modern and popular name, but the meaning of the name Kenzo is also very good. Therefore, many parents are interested in naming their baby boys with the name Kenzo. But do you know what the meaning of the name Kenzo is?

The meaning of the name Kenzo actually comes from the Japanese language. Where the meaning of the name Kenzo, which consists of 5 letters, consists of two syllables, namely Ken and Zo. The meaning of the name Kenzo for the word Ken is wise, healthy, simple. And the meaning of the name Kenzo for the word Zo is three.

So if it is summarized, the meaning of the name Kenzo is wise, humble, simple, strong, intelligent, or creative. That is the explanation of the meaning of the name Kenzo for baby boys.


2. The Significance of the Name Kenzo

After knowing the explanation of the meaning of the name Kenzo, in that name also contains a very good significance. Yes, the meaning of the name Kenzo has a meaning that a child can grow up to be a wise, intelligent, strong, creative, healthy but also humble person.

In addition, the meaning of the name Kenzo also shows the character of a child who is suitable to become a leader. However, the meaning of the name Kenzo and its significance also depends on the character of each child. But basically, the meaning of the name Kenzo has a good meaning and prayer.


3. Kenzo Name Series

The meaning of the name Kenzo can be combined with a number of other names that also have good and beautiful meanings. Where the Kenzo name series can be placed at the beginning, middle or end of the name. Meanwhile, there are several Kenzo name series that you can use as a reference. Well, below are the Kenzo name series.

1. Kenzo Alfi Bahar: Meaning a boy born in spring full of wisdom, humble, simple, intelligent, healthy.

2. Kenzo Shaquille: Meaning a handsome, wise, intelligent, and simple boy.

3. Keenan Kenzo: Meaning a wise, healthy and reserved boy.

4. Sultan Syarif Kenzo: Meaning a noble leader of aristocratic descent who is wise, humble, healthy and strong.

5. Tristan Kenzo Satria: Meaning a brave knight, wise, healthy, and simple boy.

6. Shaka Kenzo Setiawan: Meaning a kind-hearted, loyal, wise boy when making decisions.

7. Noah Kenzo Nugraha: Meaning a healthy, wise, pleasant and blessed boy.

8. Kenzo Maulana: Meaning a boy as a protector of the family, wise, healthy, and simple.

9. Zafran Yusuf Kenzo: Meaning a handsome boy like Prophet Yusuf, has glory, wise, healthy and simple.


4. Inspiration for Modern Baby Boy Names

After knowing the meaning of the name Kenzo, there are a number of inspirations for modern baby boy names that you can use as a reference. Therefore, below are inspirations for modern baby boy names along with their meanings.

1. Alvaro: Meaning a male child like a fairy warrior.

2. Andra: Meaning a strong and brave male child.

3. Adnan: Meaning a male child who brings happiness, heaven.

4. Adelardo: Meaning a male child like a brave prince.

5. Baim: Meaning a male child as a good ruler.

6. Chan: Meaning a boy who shines.

7.Daniel: Meaning a boy like a king of justice.

8.Deon: Meaning a boy like a god.

9.Dhafin: Meaning a boy full of goodness.

10.Eric: Meaning a boy like an eternal leader.

11.Ebrahim: Meaning a boy who carries the message of God.

12.Felix: Meaning a happy boy.

13. Fawwaz: Meaning a boy as a blessing and grace.

14.Farrel: Meaning a boy like a brave human.

15.Giovanni: Meaning a boy given by God.

16.Gibran: Meaning a boy who is clever.

17.Ivander: Meaning the best boy.

18.Keenan: Meaning a boy who is an owner.

19.Kenzie: Meaning a boy as a person who can give justice.

20. Michael: Meaning a boy who brings justice.

21.Nicholas: Meaning a boy who brings victory.

22.Nathan: Meaning a boy as a protector.

23.Paramudya: Meaning a boy who is good and wise.

24.Pahlevi: Meaning a boy who is good and brave.

25.Theo: Meaning a boy as a gift from God.

26.Rayhan: Meaning a boy who is loved by Allah.

27. Raditya: Meaning a boy who shines like the sun.

28.Samuel: Meaning a boy chosen by God.

29.Valentino: Meaning a boy who is strong and healthy.

That is the explanation of the meaning of the name Kenzo that you need to know. So it makes it easier for you to find references to the meaning of the name Kenzo.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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