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Meaning of the Name Naura for Girls, Also Learn Examples of Combinations as Reference

Meaning of the Name Naura for Girls, Also Learn Examples of Combinations as Reference Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Naura is one of the popular names in Indonesia. Therefore, it's not surprising that many children are curious and try to find out about the meaning of the name Naura.

Sometimes, children who don't want to ask about the meaning of a name prefer to find out for themselves. If you're experiencing this, this information will be useful. You will know that the meaning of the name Naura has a deep meaning.

This information is also useful for prospective parents who are looking for girl names for their future baby. Not only information about the meaning of the name Naura, but you can also find other names and their meanings as references.


1. Meaning of the Name Naura

What is the meaning of the name Naura? As the owner of this name, it is natural to wonder. Sometimes, a person does not know the complete meaning of their name. This may also be the case for Naura. However, you do not need to worry because the information below will explain the meaning of the name Naura for a baby girl.

In general, Naura is known as a beautiful name for a baby girl. In addition, this name also contains a prayer and a very deep meaning. The word Naura itself comes from the Arabic word "Naurah" which means a flower. In addition, the word Naurah also has a derivative "Nur" which means light.

If we examine the meaning of the name Naura above, it can be seen that your parents did not give you a name randomly when you were born. The name is a prayer given by parents, attached to you from childhood to adulthood. The name can be considered as a form of love and great hope for the future.

There is a hadith narrated by Imam Abu Daud from Abu Dardak r.a which mentions the following name:

"Indeed, on the Day of Judgment, you will be called by your names and the names of your fathers. Therefore, choose good names." (H.R. Imam Abu Daud from Abu Dardak r.a.)

It is reasonable for Muslims to understand this hadith and strive for good names for their children. Because, that name is what will stick and be recognized from the moment the baby is born, growing up, until the end of their life. By naming your child Naura, every time someone calls it, it means there is a prayer for you to become like a beautiful flower or a light that illuminates.


2. 50 Combinations of the Name Naura

After knowing the meaning of the name Naura, maybe you need some examples of name combinations for your child. Therefore, here are some name combinations that might be a reference.

1.Keyzha Naura Asyifa

2.Annisa Naura Zahir Wiyatama

3.Firliza Naura Ansyifa

4.Zivana Naura Ramadhani

5.Zalfa Naura Asnaz

6. Kayza Naura Rosidi

7.Firliza Naura Ansyifa

8.Siti Naura Faradivyah Alnayyah

9.Awalmahera Naura Halmitra

10.Nadia Naura Nalani

11.Nabila Naura Salsabila

12.Salshabiyla Naura Almamira Cukarso

13. Almalia Naura Nur Dewi

14.Niha Naura Jauhar

15.Anindya Naura Hephzibah

16.Yosan Naura Putri

17.Kaisha Naura Rabani

18.Muhammad Naura Muhfid Arrisyid

19.Anindhia Naura Kharie

20. Nazla Naura Ramadhani

21.Journey Naura Salma

22.Annisa Naura Tazkiyya

23.Anastasia Naura Evania Somerose

24.Tesya Naura Putri

25.Amevia Naura Lidyatama

26.Septa Naura Amalia

27. Aurielliza Naura Haerunnisa

28.Dhea Naura Osyana

29.Yasmin Naura Febriana

30.Tri Naura Febriani

31.Sima Naura Al Kamili

32.Deswa Naura Amalina

33.Putu Naura Elin Narendri

34. Andhira Naura Putri

35.Ghina Naura Felisya

36.Belinda Naura Kalangit

37.Chika Naura Ayu

38.Madina Naura Rayyani

39.Dzakiya Naura Salsabila

40.Putri Naura Jasmin

41. Ferizka Naura Aprilia Firdausy

42.Ganiska Naura Afrari

43.Alysa Naura Fadhila

44.Navila Naura Filzah

45.Khanza Naura Rahmat

46.Suci Naura Safitri

47.Raisya Naura Putri Arief

48. Tasya Naura Belinda

49.Ines Naura Syarif

50.Ana Naura Safira


3. 50 Girl Names and Their Meanings

Not only the meaning of the name Naura, there are still many other names with good meanings that you can use as a reference. By looking at some examples and their meanings, you can try to make your own combinations.

1.Andriyani: Strong.

2.Ardiana: Strong-willed.

3.Ariadne: Pure.

4.Ariani: Young at heart, innocent.

5.Arini: Always young.

6. Arisanti: Soft.

7.Aristawati: Skilled and gentle.

8.Bahiyah: Brilliant, beautiful.

9.Bahjah: Beauty, joy.

10.Bahjan: Beautiful.

11.Bahriah: Beauty.

12.Baiduri: Gemstone.

13. Cahya Dewi: Angel of light.

14.Cahyani: Shining.

15.Cahyaningrum: Shining.

16.Dahayu: Beautiful.

17.Dahimah: Strong, agile.

18.Dahiyah: Smart.

19.Dahlia: Valley, eternal flower.

20. Elviana: Wise.

21.Elvina: Friendly and wise.

22.Elvira: Resembling an angel.

23.Elwy : Goodness, benefit.

24.Felicia: Happiness.

25.Felisha: Happiness.

26.Felita: Happiness.

27. Femi: woman.

28.Ghazlina: weaving.

29.Ghina: wealth.

30.Ghita: like a pearl.

31.Habibah: beloved.

32.Habrah: joy.

33.Habriyah: intelligent.

34. Irene: peace.

35.Iris: rainbow.

36.Irma: high-status girl.

37.Irmadel: noble girl.

38.Isadora: highest goddess.

39.Isadora: gift.

40.Jahan: world treasure, land.

41. Jahida: helping the weak.

42.Jamia: beautiful and lovely.

43.Jamilah: beautiful and graceful.

44.Jannat: heaven.

45.Jasmin: jasmine flower.

46.Kaira: peaceful, sincere.

47.Kaizy: beautiful and sincere.

48. Karina: beloved.

49.Kayana: sincere.

50.Keisha: pure.

Well, KLovers, that's an explanation of the meaning of the name Naura along with some ideas for combinations that you can use as a reference.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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