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Meaning of Trigger in Dictionary and Slang, Also Know Its Synonyms

Meaning of Trigger in Dictionary and Slang, Also Know Its Synonyms Illustration (credit: - Understanding the meaning of each word in English is certainly important to know. Moreover, there are several words in English, including popular slang. One of them is the word trigger, which is also trending on social media.

What is the real meaning of trigger comes from English. This word often appears in several captions, posts, or funny memes on social media. It's no wonder if you don't know the meaning of trigger, you will definitely wonder about its meaning.

That's why below is an explanation of the meaning of trigger in the dictionary and slang. Not only the word trigger, there are several synonyms and antonyms of the word trigger that also need to be known.

Let's directly see the explanation below about the meaning of trigger in the English-Indonesian translation dictionary along with its synonyms. Here is the meaning of trigger that has been summarized by from various sources.

1. Meaning of Trigger in Indonesian-English Translation Dictionary

The word trigger has become quite familiar after gaining popularity in social media. What is the actual meaning of trigger in English? When translated into Indonesian, the meaning of trigger has several meanings. So what are the meanings of trigger in the Indonesian-English translation dictionary?

In the dictionary, the meaning of trigger can mean pemicu (trigger) or picu (trigger). The meaning of trigger in the dictionary also includes mencetuskan (to trigger), menggerakkan (to move), or pelatuk (trigger). Yes, the word trigger is commonly used in conversations that indicate something that triggers, initiates, or moves.

Meanwhile, if we look at the word pemicu (trigger) in the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Dictionary), it means a person who triggers or a triggering device. On the other hand, if it comes from the word picu (trigger), it means the upper part of the trigger that is moved with the index finger on a rifle or shot. That is the meaning of trigger in the dictionary, which apparently means trigger.

2. Meaning of Trigger in Slang Language

The meaning of trigger according to the dictionary is indeed a trigger. But is there another meaning of trigger that is also included in slang language? The meaning of trigger in slang language is actually the same or there is no difference.

But not only the word trigger, but also known as the word triggered. The meaning of trigger and triggered is the same, which is related to the word trigger or stimulus. But the meaning of triggered itself is triggered. In slang language, the word triggered means a certain action or response to something that causes your emotions to rise or burn.

For example, watching a video that causes your emotions to be triggered. This is where the word trigger is used to describe your feelings towards something. So there is also what is called being triggered, being triggered, or being trigger.

For example, you are a fan of idol A but there is a hatter who badmouths your idol. Then there is anger or emotion because of their harsh words. This is what is known as being triggered. That is the meaning of trigger in slang language that you need to know.

3. Synonyms of the Word Trigger

After knowing the meaning of trigger, there are several synonyms of the word that also have similar meanings to trigger. Where there are several synonyms of the word trigger with not much different meanings. Want to know what are the synonyms of the word trigger? Let's directly refer to it below KLovers.

1. Produce: Generate.

2. Prompt: Remind.

3. Spark: Sparkle.

4. Cause: Cause.

5. Start: Beginning or Start.

6. Bring about: Bring.

7. Generate: Generate.

8. Activate: Activate.

9. Provoke: Provoke.

Trigger Antonyms:

1. Destroy:

2. End: Destroy.

3. Stop: End or stop.

4. Check: Check.

5. Block: Block.

6. Halt: Stop.

4. Other Slang Languages

After knowing the meaning of trigger which is also included in slang language, there are several other slang terms that you also need to know. So that it makes it easier for you to understand the meaning and significance in every slang language that exists. Curious about what other popular slang languages are? Let's see the review below.

1. Gabut: It means blind salary.

2. Absurd: It means unclear, funny, silly, strange, ridiculous.

3. Halu: It means hallucination.

4. Caper: It means seeking attention.

5. ILY: It means I Love You.

6. Pansos: It means social climbing.

7. Nolep: It means No life.

8. TW: It means On The Way (currently on the road or journey)

9. Bucin: It means love slave.

10. XOXO: It means Hugs and Kisses.

11. Julid: It means envy, jealousy, or harsh comments towards others.

12. Healing: It means the process of self-healing from emotional wounds.

13. Goks: It means crazy.

14. COD: Cash On Delivery.

15. Baper: It means carried away by feelings.

16. Modus: It means Modal Dusta, an expression of someone with hidden intentions.

17. Galau: It means confused, anxious, sad, disappointed.

18. Anw: It means the abbreviation of Anyway (By the way).

19.Jamet: It means trying out metal, a style that is considered the coolest.

20.TBL: It means very afraid.

21.FYI: For Your Information.

22.LOL: Laugh Out Loud.

23.AKA: It means the abbreviation of As Known As, which means alias.

24.CBL: It means very beautiful.

25. OOTD: It means Outfit of The Day.

26.Gans: It means handsome.

27.GWS: Get Well Soon.

28.Cans: It means beautiful.

29.Anjay/anjir: It means an expression to represent surprise, shock, and so on.

That is the explanation of the meaning of triggers that you need to know. So it will make it easier for you to understand the meaning of triggers in the dictionary and slang language.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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