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Opposite of Amanah in Islam, Along with the Noble Qualities of the Messenger of Allah

Opposite of Amanah in Islam, Along with the Noble Qualities of the Messenger of Allah Noble Qualities of the Messenger of Allah (credit: Pexels) - Amanah is a word that means trustworthy. The word amanah itself is a word from Arabic, which means honest or trustworthy. But what is the opposite of amanah?

Yes, of course, every word has an opposite, such as the opposite of amanah. Yes, the opposite of amanah itself is khianah or in Indonesian is khianat, someone who cannot be trusted for anything.

Now, to further understand the word khianah which is the opposite of amanah. Here is an explanation of the opposite of amanah in Islam as quoted from various sources.



1. Antonym of Amanah

Well, as previously explained, the antonym of amanah is khianah. According to Kamus al-Munawwir, 1984: 44, the meaning of khianah itself is betrayal. This word means untrustworthy.

Then, according to the book Wawasan Keislaman: Penguatan Diskursus Keislaman Kontemporer untuk Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Umum by Mohammad Ridwan (2021: 222), the meaning of khianah is an act of dishonesty, breaking promises, breaking oaths, or breaking agreements.

Of course, this characteristic is completely contrary to the characteristic of amanah. Therefore, the characteristic of khianah or betrayal is an undesirable characteristic and is highly disliked by Allah SWT. Amanah is one of the characteristics possessed by all the Messengers of Allah SWT, but not khianah.



2. Noble Characteristics of the Messenger of Allah

Earlier it was explained that trustworthiness is one of the characteristics possessed by the Messenger of Allah. And here are some characteristics of the messengers of Allah that KLovers can know and understand:

1. The Meaning of Sidiq

The first characteristic of the Messenger is sidiq. Yes, the meaning of sidiq is honesty. As-sidiq as a mandatory characteristic of the Messenger means always being right. The Messenger would never lie to Allah or to others.

As a messenger, even the honesty of Prophet Muhammad SAW was not only famous among the companions, but also among his enemies. This is in accordance with the hadith narrated by Ali RA that Abu Jahal once said to the Prophet SAW:

"We do not consider you a liar, but we consider the teachings you bring as lies."

This honesty was also exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim AS to his father who worshipped idols. Prophet Ibrahim tried to persuade his father to abandon the idol. The Quran records this event:

"And relate to them the story of Ibrahim in the Book (Quran). Verily, he was a man of truth, a prophet." (Surah Maryam: 41).

2. Trustworthiness

Then the second characteristic of a messenger is trustworthiness. Yes, as explained earlier, trustworthiness means reliable. This characteristic must be possessed by a messenger, because without it, his very difficult tasks cannot be accomplished.

For example, when the people of Prophet Nuh (Noah) denied Allah, Allah affirmed that Prophet Nuh (Noah) was a trustworthy person through Surah Ash-Shu'ara verses 106-107:

"When their brother Nuh (Noah) said to them, 'Will you not fear Allah? Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger."'

3. Preaching

Then there is preaching, which is one of the characteristics of a Messenger. The meaning of preaching is to convey. The Messenger must convey the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. There is nothing that Prophet Muhammad SAW hides, everything is conveyed to the people. There is a narration told by Ali bin Abi Talib when asked about the revelation that is not in the Quran. Ali affirmed the following verse in the Quran:

"O Messenger! Convey whatever has been revealed to you by your Lord." If you do not do (what is commanded), it means you are not conveying His trust. And Allah protects you from (disturbance) by people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelievers." (QS.Al-Maidah: 67)


And the last characteristic of the Prophet is fathonah. The meaning of fathonah is intelligence. The Prophet is a chosen human being who has high intelligence. This intelligence is needed to carry out the tasks from Allah SWT. He conveys thousands of verses of the Quran, explains tens of thousands of hadiths, explains the words of Allah, and is required to have the ability to debate with disbelievers as best as possible. Like the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has many roles in his lifetime. He plays the role of an Islamic figure, leader, businessman, military commander, and politician.



3. Contradictory Characteristics

Now, just like the opposite of trust, all the Messengers of Allah SWT will not possibly have contradictory characteristics. And here are some characteristics that are contrary to the characteristics possessed by the Messengers:


The first contradictory characteristic is kidzib. The meaning of kidzib is lying or falsehood. The Prophet will certainly not commit falsehood because he must convey the truth, both in words and actions. This is stated in the Word of Allah, as follows:

"Your companion (Muhammad) has not strayed, nor has he erred; And he does not speak from his own desire. It is not but a revelation revealed to him." (QS. An-Najm: 2-4)

2. Betrayal

The opposite characteristic is betrayal. The meaning of betrayal is to go against or deny a promise. The Prophet could never have such a characteristic, he could never betray the command of Allah SWT. This is also mentioned in the following verse of Allah:

"Your companion (Muhammad) has not strayed, nor has he erred. Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed." (Surah An-Najm: 2-4).

3. Al Kitman

Then there is Al Kitman, the meaning of Al Kitman is to conceal secrets. As a person who conveys good teachings, the Prophet could never hide the truth of his teachings. Moreover, the Prophet is truly protected by Allah SWT from such a characteristic. This is also explained in the Quran which says:

"Say, "I do not tell you that I have the depositories [containing the provision] of Allah or that I know the unseen, nor do I tell you that I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind equivalent to the seeing? Then will you not give thought?" (Surah Al-An'am: 50).

4. Al Baladah

And finally, there is Al Baladah. Yes, the meaning of Al Baladah is foolish. This is contrary to the nature of fathonah obligation. Although when chosen by Allah, the Messenger was a person who could not read and write, but the Prophet was a person who was given the ability to convey revelation. He was also a just and wise person so that he could carry out his duties in preaching well.

That is an explanation about the opposite meaning of amanah that KLovers can know. Not only that, but KLovers can also know the characteristics of the Messengers of Allah, along with the contradictory characteristics.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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