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Prayer Reading for Zakat Fitrah for Oneself and Family, Complete Latin Text and Its Meaning

Prayer Reading for Zakat Fitrah for Oneself and Family, Complete Latin Text and Its Meaning Illustration of praying (credit: - Zakat fitrah is one of the most important acts of worship for Muslims, especially during the month of Ramadan. Every year, zakat fitrah becomes an obligation for every able Muslim, and beyond that, it has an extraordinary social value. By fulfilling zakat fitrah, we contribute to helping those in need so they can feel happiness on Eid.

In Islamic teachings, zakat fitrah not only serves to purify wealth but also to purify the soul and perfect our fasting worship. Therefore, sincere intention is crucial when fulfilling zakat fitrah. Every deed we perform, including zakat fitrah, must begin with the right and sincere intention.

For those of you who wish to fulfill zakat fitrah, here are the prayers and procedures that need to be observed. From the intention that must be pronounced to the recommended prayers when performing zakat fitrah, all of this will help you carry out this worship with full awareness and blessings.

1. Intention of Zakat Fitrah: The Key to the Validity of Worship

Before performing zakat fitrah, it is important for every Muslim to start with the correct intention. This intention is the main requirement that determines whether the zakat fitrah given is valid or not. Zakat fitrah that is fulfilled with the right intention will bring benefits, both for the giver and the receiver.

To fulfill zakat fitrah, the intention can be expressed in various phrases depending on who will receive the zakat. Among them are:

Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Oneself

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal fithri 'an nafsî fardhan lillaahi ta'alaa

Meaning: "I intend to give zakat fitrah for myself, obligatory for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

Intention of Zakat Fitrah Representing Wife

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatal fitri 'an zaujati fardhan lillahi ta'ala

Meaning: "I intend to give zakat fitrah for my wife, obligatory for the sake of Allah Ta'ala,"

Intention of Zakat Fitrah Representing Son

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatal fitri 'an waladi (mention name) fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to give zakat fitrah for my son (mention name), obligatory for the sake of Allah Ta'ala,"

Intention of Zakat Fitrah Representing Daughter

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatal fitri 'an binti (mention name) fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to give zakat fitrah for my daughter (mention name), obligatory for the sake of Allah Ta'ala,"

Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Oneself and Family

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatal fitri 'anni wa 'an jami'i ma talzamuni nafawatuhum fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to give zakat fitrah for myself and all those whose sustenance is my responsibility, obligatory for the sake of Allah Ta'ala,".

2. The Right Time to Pay Zakat Fitrah

Zakat fitrah, as one of the obligations of Muslims, has a specific time that must be observed during the holy month of Ramadan. Scholars recommend that this zakat be paid before the Idul Fitri prayer, with the most recommended time being on the morning of the 1st of Syawal, after the Fajr prayer and before the Idul Fitri prayer.

However, Muslims are allowed to pay zakat fitrah earlier, even from the beginning of Ramadan. It is important to remember that zakat fitrah paid before the specified time will not be considered valid as the worship of zakat fitrah.

3. Calculating the Amount of Zakat Fitrah

Every individual is required to pay zakat fitrah amounting to 1 sha' of staple food, such as dates or wheat, which if converted to rice is equivalent to about 2.5 kilograms per person. This rule applies to everyone, both children and adults, who have the responsibility to pay zakat fitrah.

While it is permissible to give more than the specified amount, it is very important to ensure that the zakat given is not less than the existing provisions. Thus, accurately calculating zakat fitrah is key to ensuring that this worship is accepted perfectly.

4. Reading the Zakat Fitrah Prayer

Prayer is an important part of fulfilling zakat fitrah. Imam Nawawi in his work al-Adzkar recommends that every Muslim who pays zakat fitrah recite the prayer:

Rabbanaa taqabbal minnaa, innaka antas samii’ul ‘aliim

It means, "O our Lord, accept (our deeds) from us. Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing."

In addition, for the recipients of zakat, when receiving zakat fitrah, they are advised to recite the following prayer:

Aajarakallahu fiimaa a’thaita, wa baaraka fiimaa abqaita wa ja’alahu laka thahuuran

It means, "May Allah reward you for what you have given, and may Allah bless the wealth you have kept and make it a purification for you."

5. FAQ

1. What is zakat fitrah and who is obligated to pay it?

Zakat fitrah is the zakat that is obligatory for every capable Muslim during the month of Ramadan, aimed at helping those in need and purifying the soul. Every individual who meets the criteria is required to pay this zakat fitrah.

2. When is the best time to pay zakat fitrah?

The best time to pay zakat fitrah is in the morning of the 1st of Syawal, after the Fajr prayer but before the Idul Fitri prayer. However, zakat fitrah can be paid since the beginning of Ramadan.

3. How is the amount of zakat fitrah calculated?

The amount of zakat fitrah that must be paid is 1 sha’ of staple food, such as wheat or dates, which is equivalent to 2.5 kg of rice per person. You may give more, but it should not be less than the established amount.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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