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Prediction of Thursday Pahing's Fortune in 2024 According to Javanese Primbon, Allegedly Will Be Showered with Luck

Prediction of Thursday Pahing's Fortune in 2024 According to Javanese Primbon, Allegedly Will Be Showered with Luck Prediction of Thursday Pahing's Fortune in 2024 According to Primbon (credit: unsplash) - Weton is certainly a familiar term for Javanese people. In Javanese tradition, weton refers to the combination of birth day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) and Javanese market day (Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, and Kliwon) when someone is born. According to Javanese primbon, weton can influence a person's luck. So, what is the prediction of Thursday Pahing's fortune in 2024?

Every year, Javanese primbon can be used to predict fortune for the next year. The prediction or fortune telling of Javanese primbon is based on the neptu number of the weton. The higher the neptu number, the greater the fortune. Thursday Pahing itself has the highest neptu number, which is 17.

So, curious about the explanation of Thursday Pahing's fortune in 2024? Just check out the following review:

1. Thursday Pahing Blessings According to Javanese Primbon

As mentioned earlier, Thursday Pahing has a high neptu number, which is 17. This makes Thursday Pahing believed to bring abundant blessings and luck. In fact, the high potential for luck and blessings for those born on Thursday Pahing is considered to improve their status and family welfare.

Furthermore, according to Javanese primbon, blessings on Thursday Pahing are predicted to continue flowing abundantly throughout their lives. This abundant financial prosperity brings prosperity to those born on Thursday Pahing and their families. They will also rarely face economic difficulties. However, of course, this still depends on their diligence in work.

2. Blessings on Thursday Pahing in 2024 

Armed with high neptu, Thursday Pahing's fortune is said to always be abundant. A Javanese primbon practitioner named D.A. Waspodo revealed a detailed prediction of Thursday Weton's fortune in 2024 according to several yearly periods. In each period, Thursday Pahing has different luck.

For more details, here is an explanation of the prediction of Thursday Pahing's fortune in 2024 as quoted from D.A. Waspodo's Youtube:

1. Thursday Pahing's Fortune in 2024, Ages 18 - 24

Within the age range of 18 to 24 years old, in 2024, they have a very strong positive energy, which has a positive impact on fortune, work, and new ventures. For those who are not yet working, the chances of getting the desired job are very high, while for those who are already working, success can be achieved without significant obstacles.

2. Thursday Fortune 2024 Age 24 - 30 Years

2024 will be a friendly period and bring increased fortune. Salary will experience an increase, and opportunities to earn additional income will be wide open. This applies to various professions, from employees to entrepreneurs.

3.Thursday Fortune 2024 Age 30 - 36 Years

For those aged 30 to 36, this year will bring special luck with a more enjoyable life, abundant fortune, and significant career progress. This progress occurs in various professions, including promotion for workers and business success for entrepreneurs.

4.Thursday Fortune 2024 Age 36 - 42 Years

At the age of 36 to 42, 2024 is a good time to be cautious and careful in making important decisions. Although lucky, the chances of facing challenges also increase. It is important to maintain household harmony and be wise in facing difficult situations.

5.Thursday Fortune 2024 Age 42 - 48 Years

For those aged 42 to 48, this year marks a great period with great fortune, especially from salary and career advancement. For entrepreneurs, business will develop smoothly without significant obstacles.

6.Thursday Fortune 2024 Age 48 - 54 Years

At the age of 48 to 54, this year is a period of ease and great fortune. However, it is still necessary to be cautious, especially in maintaining household harmony.

7.Thursday Fortune 2024 Age 54 - 60 Years

For those aged 54 to 60, this year brings great fortune and special luck, especially in unexpected matters.

8.Thursday Fortune 2024 Age > 60 Years

Lastly, for those aged 60 and above, 2024 will be great with great fortune. Pay attention to your eating patterns and avoid bad habits to maintain your health.

3. How to Increase Fortune According to Javanese Primbon

According to Javanese Primbon teachings, each person is born with a different destiny of luck. However, there are many factors that later influence the extent of their fortune throughout their life. In the view of Javanese Primbon, it is believed that there are several steps that can increase a person's luck. Here are some of them:

1. Understand Weton Characteristics

To increase luck, recognize the characteristics of a person's weton, which includes characteristics related to fortune. It is important to identify weton based on the day of birth and the market in the Javanese calendar.

2. Maximize the Luck of Neptu Weton

After knowing the weton, understand the value of neptu as a reflection of the level of luck. The higher the neptu, the greater the potential for luck, allowing for considerations in business, investment, or shopping.

3. Choose a Compatible Partner's Weton

In addition to recognizing one's own weton, consider the compatibility of a partner's weton when choosing a partner or associate. Ensure a harmonious and successful relationship by always considering both personal and partner's weton.

4. Celebrate Birthdays and Weton

To increase luck, celebrate every weton and birthday by choosing a date and market day that aligns with the weton of the birth month. This celebration is believed to bring greater luck and prosperity.

These are some explanations of the Thursday Pahing fortune in the year 2024. The decision to believe or not is entirely up to the reader. However, it is important to know that the previous explanations have become an integral part of the culture and beliefs of the community, so it is best to respect them.


The higher the neptu (a Javanese calendar system), the greater the potential for luck, allowing for business considerations, investments, or shopping.

3. Choose a Partner with a Compatible Weton

In addition to recognizing personal weton, consider the compatibility of a partner's weton when choosing a partner or mate. Ensure a harmonious and successful relationship by always considering personal and partner's weton.

4. Celebrate Birthdays and Weton

To enhance luck, celebrate every weton and birthday by choosing a date and day that corresponds to the weton of the birth month. This celebration is believed to bring greater luck and prosperity.

Those are some explanations about Thursday's fortune in 2024. The decision to believe or not is entirely up to the reader. However, it is important to note that the previous explanations have become an integral part of the culture and beliefs of the community, so it is best to respect them.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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