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Profile, Religion, and Photos of Firli Bahuri, Chairman of the KPK Who Became a Suspect in the Extortion Case Against the Minister of Agriculture

Profile, Religion, and Photos of Firli Bahuri, Chairman of the KPK Who Became a Suspect in the Extortion Case Against the Minister of Agriculture Photo of Firli Bahuri (Instagram/@firlibahuriofficial) - The extortion case involving the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, has caused a stir in the public. On November 22, 2023, Firli Bahuri was designated as a suspect in the extortion case against former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

After holding a case review, the information regarding Firli Bahuri's designation as a suspect was directly conveyed by the Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Direskrimsus) of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak.

Firli Bahuri is known for his good background. This case certainly makes the public curious about the profile and career journey of Firli Bahuri.

Therefore, let’s take a look at the profile and career journey of Firli Bahuri summarized from various sources, on Tuesday (30/1/24).

1. Profile of Firli Bahuri

Full Name: Firli Bahuri

Place of Birth: Palembang, South Sumatra

Date of Birth: November 8, 1963

Education: Indonesian Police Weapons Academy

Partner: Ardina Safitri

Firli Bahuri completed his elementary education at SD Lontar Muara Jaya Oku, then continued his education at SMP Bhakti Pengandonan Oku and SMAN 3 Palembang.

Before serving as the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri had ambitions to become a police officer.

To achieve his dream, he studied at the Indonesian Police Weapons Academy and graduated in 1990.

In 1991, Firli Bahuri was immediately assigned to the Jakarta Metro Police as the Commander of Platoon II Sabhara Directorate Samapta Metro Police with the rank of Second Lieutenant.

2. Religion of Firli Bahuri

Firli Bahuri adheres to Islam. This is known from his post on Instagram celebrating the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1443 with other members of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

3. Career Journey of Firli Bahuri

Firli Bahuri became the Head of the Sabhara Battalion of the East Jakarta Metro Police in 1992 and the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kramat Jati Police Sector in 1994.

He then continued his military education at the Police Science Higher Education (STIK-PTIK) in 1997.

After that, he was assigned as the Head of the Command and Control Center of the Liquica Police Resort in 1997 and moved in 1998 to become the Head of the Command and Control Center of the Dili Resort.

With his brilliant career, Firli was trusted as the Chief of the East Lampung Police in 2001, Chief of the Kebumen Police in 2006, Chief of the Brebes Police in 2007, and Deputy Chief of the Central Jakarta Metro Police in 2009.

4. Elected as Chairman of the KPK

In August 2019, Firli Bahuri participated in the selection process for candidates for KPK leadership. He was then selected as one of the five individuals who passed the fit and proper test conducted by the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI).

Not only that, he also successfully secured the position of KPK chairman with a vote count of 56, as determined in the Plenary Meeting of Commission III on September 13, 2019.

Firli Bahuri was inaugurated as the chairman of the KPK by President Joko Widodo on December 20, 2019. However, unfortunately, in 2023 he was named a suspect in the extortion case involving Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

5. What is Firli Bahuri's Wealth?

Firli has a total wealth of Rp 22.86 billion recorded in the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN) for the 2022 period.

6. How Much is the Salary of the KPK Chairman?

Every month, a KPK Chairman receives a cash financial entitlement totaling Rp 99,550,000 (Rp 99.5 million), which consists of a basic salary, position allowance, honorarium, housing allowance, and transportation allowance.

7. What Rank is Firli?

He entered retirement with the rank of Police Commissioner General or Three-Star General.

8. Who Audits the KPK?

The BPK and PPATK have the ability to provide audit results and analysis to the KPK, or conversely, the KPK can request opinions from the BPK or analysis from the PPATK for corruption cases being handled.

9. What is the Case of Firli Bahuri?

On November 22, 2023, Firli was officially announced as a suspect in an alleged corruption case by the Metro Police. Firli is accused of extortion, gratification, or bribery related to handling legal issues at the Ministry of Agriculture during SYL's leadership.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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