Lyrics of Anisa Rahman - Pasir Putih, Carrying a Wise Message about Life
For KLovers who want to know the lyrics in more depth. Here are the lyrics of Anisa Rahman’s song titled Pasir Putih. Let's check it out, KLovers!
Lontong recipe using banana leaves at home can be the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy a traditional dish with authentic flavors. With simple ingredients, banana leaf lontong can complement various menus such as satay, opor, or curry. You can also create lontong in sizes according to your needs, making the results more practical and to your taste.
Homemade lontong has advantages over buying ready-made lontong. One of them is the guaranteed cleanliness, in addition to the taste that can be adjusted. With the right recipe, lontong will feel softer and fluffier, and have a longer shelf life.
In addition to the banana leaf lontong recipe, there are also important tips to ensure the results remain delicious and last longer. Follow the steps and guidelines below to create special lontong in your kitchen.
Soft Banana Leaf Rice Cake Recipe (credit: flickr)
Making banana leaf rice requires simple and easily found ingredients. The process is also not difficult, as long as you follow the steps carefully. Here is the recipe and guide:
300 grams of rice (soaked for 1-2 hours beforehand).
Enough banana leaves for wrapping.
Small bamboo sticks for fastening.
How to Make:
Roll 2-3 sheets of banana leaves into a cylinder with a diameter of about 3-4 cm.
Fasten one end of the roll with a small bamboo stick to keep it tightly closed.
Fill the banana leaf roll with rice up to one-third of its length.
Fasten the other end with a bamboo stick to close the roll.
Boil the rice in a large pot standing upright and ensure that the entire rice roll is submerged in water.
Cook over medium heat for about 4 hours until cooked.
Once cooked, remove the rice and drain until dry.
The rice is ready to be served as a complement to your favorite dishes.
Tips for Making Soft and Delicious Lontong (credit: flickr)
To achieve a soft, delicious, and non-crumbling rice cake, there are several tips you need to pay attention to. These tips will help you produce high-quality rice cake with the perfect texture.
1. Use Quality Rice
Quality rice will affect the final result of the rice cake, making it softer and denser. Therefore, choose the best quality rice when making rice cake. Avoid using broken rice as its texture tends to crumble easily after cooking.
2. Soak the Rice First
To speed up the cooking process and achieve a denser rice cake texture, you can soak the rice first. This technique involves soaking the rice in water and then steaming it until it is half-cooked before placing it in banana leaves.
3. Fill the Rice Appropriately
To make a soft rice cake, make sure to fill the banana leaf rolls with about one-third to half of the rice. This is important because the rice will expand when cooked, preventing the rice cake from breaking or becoming too dense.
4. Boil in an Upright Position
When boiling, the rice cake should be placed in an upright position to ensure even cooking. This position also prevents water from entering the rice cake, resulting in a denser and longer-lasting final product.
Tips to Keep Lontong from Spoiling Quickly (credit: flickr)
Leftover lontong can be stored for the next day. Here are some ways to keep lontong fresh and not spoil quickly:
1. Store in the Refrigerator
If there is leftover lontong, you can store it in the refrigerator. However, do not store it in the freezer as it will make the texture of the lontong become mushy and watery when taken out.
2. Steam in a Pot
To reheat lontong, simply steam it in a pot until hot. Do not steam for too long to maintain its texture and prevent it from becoming too soft.
3. Store for a Maximum of 2 Days
Lontong can actually last up to a week if stored in the refrigerator without being taken out. However, for the best results, consume lontong within a maximum of two days to keep it fresh.
4. Reheat
When reheating lontong, you can boil or steam it again. However, keep in mind that this reheating process can affect the texture of the lontong, making it more moist and watery.
By following the recipe and tips above, you can make soft, delicious, and long-lasting banana leaf lontong. Good luck trying it at home and hope the results are satisfying!
Find more interesting recipes at If not now, when?
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