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Signs of Men Cheating According to Javanese Primbon and Psychology, Can Be a Guide to Choosing a Faithful Partner

Signs of Men Cheating According to Javanese Primbon and Psychology, Can Be a Guide to Choosing a Faithful Partner Signs of Men Cheating According to Javanese Primbon and Psychology (credit: unsplash) - Every woman certainly wants to have a faithful partner. Therefore, many women avoid men who have a tendency to cheat. According to Javanese primbon, men who like to cheat can actually be observed from certain characteristics. For those who believe, the signs of men cheating according to Javanese primbon can be a guide in choosing a partner.

In fact, from the past until now, Javanese primbon is still a reference for some Javanese people. Many Javanese people use primbon as a guide in making decisions, including choosing a partner. For women who want a faithful man to be their partner, the signs of men cheating according to primbon are important to know.

Curious about what are the signs of men cheating according to Javanese primbon? Just read the following review to find out.

1. Weton Pria Kurang Setia Menurut Primbon Jawa

In Javanese astrology, weton is believed to be one of the influential factors in a person's life. It is not only a marker of birth, but also believed to affect a person's nature or character. Based on this belief, it is believed that there are several weton that are less faithful and have the potential to cheat.

Here are some weton for men that are considered less faithful and have the potential to cheat according to Javanese astrology.

1. Selasa Wage

According to Javanese astrology, men with the weton Selasa Wage tend to be less faithful. They are easily tempted by the opposite sex. However, according to the astrology, this can change over time, especially after getting married and having children.

2. Kamis Legi

According to Javanese astrology, men born on Kamis Legi are also considered prone to cheating. They are also considered easily tempted by the allure of women who meet their criteria. However, men born on Thursday Legi often do not realize the existence of infidelity because of their liking for romantic things.

3.Friday Legi

One of the days that is also considered unfaithful is Friday Legi. According to Javanese astrology, men born on Friday Legi tend to want to explore various women's characters. However, they easily lose interest when they find weaknesses in their partner when they meet other women whom they consider more ideal.

4.Saturday Pon

Next, the day that is also considered unfaithful is Saturday Pon. Men born on Saturday Pon tend to like to flirt with women. If they cannot control themselves, men born on this day may be vulnerable to cheating after marriage.

2. Ciri Pria Selingkuh Menurut Primbon Jawa

Furthermore, Javanese astrology also identifies physical characteristics of unfaithful men who are potentially cheating. As reported by, here are some physical signs of cheating men according to Javanese astrology:

1.Dull Eyes as if Just Woken Up

According to Javanese astrology, a sign of a cheating man can be seen from the dullness of his eyes. The eyes that do not shine and appear dull are often slightly swollen. This appearance often makes him look like someone who has just woken up.

2.Reddish Facial Aura

In Javanese astrology, it is believed that every face emits its own aura. Specifically for men who enjoy cheating, according to Javanese astrology, their faces emit a reddish aura. Furthermore, the area under his eyes also tends to appear darker, making the red aura even more visible.

3. Always Bows When Laughing

A cheating man tends to lose self-confidence due to feelings of guilt. Therefore, when he is happy and laughing, he tends to bow his head.

4. Prominent Facial Veins

Still on the facial area, a cheating man according to Javanese astrology is said to have a face with prominent veins. These visible veins create a different aura from the usual appearance of a cheating man.

5. Wide Eyes

Another characteristic of a cheating man according to Javanese astrology can be seen from the size of his eyes. According to ancient beliefs, the eyes of a man who tends to cheat appear larger and wider. It is said that these wide eyes indicate a strong desire to cheat for personal satisfaction.

3. Ciri Pria Selingkuh Menurut Psikologi

Besides from the Javanese astrology, the signs of a cheating man are often seen from a psychological perspective. According to the study of human behavior and mindset, there are several signs of a cheating man. Here are some of them:

1. Behavioral Changes:

Men who cheat often experience behavioral changes that are contrary to their daily habits.

2. Acting Secretive:

Cheating men tend to become defensive, appearing secretive. Generally, they will also seem to hide their activities and keep their phone and conversations with their partner private.

3. Becoming More Emotional:

Increased sensitivity, restlessness, or unexplained aggression can be indications of a man being involved in an affair.

4. Changes in the Relationship:

Men who cheat also tend to become colder, distant, and less concerned about their relationship with their partner. This can be seen from their indifferent attitude. For example, cheating men will often disappear without any news or clear reasons.

Those are some signs of a cheating man according to Javanese astrology and psychology. It should be understood that the explanations above cannot be fully justified. Therefore, the decision to believe or not is entirely up to the reader.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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