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Success on Jumat Pon According to Javanese Primbon, Including Success in Career and Love

Success on Jumat Pon According to Javanese Primbon, Including Success in Career and Love Illustration of Jumat Pon Success (credit: unsplash) - The Javanese community, especially those who are still traditional, still adhere to Primbon. For them, a person's life path has been determined and can be seen from their birthdate prediction. The same goes for someone with the Jumat Pon birthdate. It is believed that Jumat Pon has its own life path. The period of Jumat Pon success is also written in Primbon.

Yes, who doesn't want to achieve success in life? Everyone surely desires it. According to Javanese Primbon, there are certain periods when someone with the Jumat Pon birthdate finally enters a period of success or glory. Curious about what the Jumat Pon success prediction is according to Javanese Primbon? 

To find out, let's directly check out the discussion about Jumat Pon success according to Javanese Primbon below.

1. Friday Pon Neptu

Success is synonymous with fortune. Therefore, to see the prediction of Friday Pon's success in Javanese Primbon, first you must know the number of neptu weton.

Yes, as is known, a person's fate and the magnitude of fortune according to Javanese Primbon are determined by the number of neptu. The bigger the neptu, the greater the fortune obtained, and the greater the chance of achieving success.

As for how to determine the number of neptu in a weton, it is very easy. Simply add up the value of the birth day and the Javanese market. The value of each birth day and market is as follows.

1. Birth day

- Sunday has a value of 5

- Monday has a value of 4

- Tuesday has a value of 3

- Wednesday has a value of 7

- Thursday has a value of 8

- Friday has a value of 6

- Saturday has a value of 9

2. Market day

- Legi has a value of 5

- Pahing has a value of 9

- Pon has a value of 7

- Wage has a value of 4

- Kliwon has a value of 8

According to the list of values of birth days and markets above, the neptu of Friday Pon is 13. The neptu is derived from 6 (value of Friday) + 7 (value of Pon market). In the future, this neptu 13 is commonly used to determine the prediction of fortune and success.

2. Good Day Friday Pon

In Javanese Primbon, it is also mentioned that every weton has good and bad days, commonly known as unlucky days. Good days are considered blessed and bring a lot of luck. On the other hand, bad days or unlucky days are days that should be avoided as they can cause loss and misfortune.

Because it brings goodness and luck, it is believed that doing business on good days can lead to success. Therefore, good days are very suitable for various activities such as starting a new business, taking exams, and so on.

For Friday Pon weton, the good day or the one that brings luck falls on Wednesday Legi. Meanwhile, the bad day or unlucky day that should be avoided by Friday Pon weton owners is Saturday Pahing. To avoid losses or disasters, it is advisable to avoid that day, do not start a business, travel, or engage in other activities on Saturday Pahing. It is better to increase devotion and prayer on Saturday Pahing to avoid misfortune.

3. Success of Jumat Pon in Career

A good career or job is often seen as a measure of success in today's society. Therefore, it would be incomplete to discuss the predictions of success on Jumat Pon without discussing career matters.

Fortunately, Jumat Pon, which has a significant neptu, brings them good fortune and a successful career. Moreover, Jumat Pon has several basic qualities that greatly support career advancement. Those who have Jumat Pon are known to be able to adapt quickly to new jobs. They are also known for their diligence in work.

On the other hand, Jumat Pon also has a tendency to be quiet. They also do not like being the center of attention. As a result, owners of Jumat Pon are suitable for specific types of jobs. Based on these characteristics, they may not be suitable for jobs that require them to be spokespersons, marketers, or salespeople.

In addition, they are also considered suitable for individual and creative jobs, such as farmers, researchers, or artists. According to the Primbon predictions, it is believed that owners of Jumat Pon can achieve career success through these professions.

4. Success of Friday Pon in Romance

When life is settled and finances are stable, success in marriage usually becomes the next goal. Fortunately, the number of Javanese Friday Pon neptu, which is 13, is not too big but also not considered small, making them compatible with someone who has a neptu of 11 or 16.

Among the neptu, they are possessed by weton Kamis Kliwon, Sabtu Pon, Rabu Pahing, Rabu Wage, Jumat Legi, Selasa Kliwon, and also Senin Pon. According to Javanese Primbon, if the owner of the weton Jumat Pon enters into a relationship with people who have weton above, it is predicted that they will be soulmates until the end of their lives. The household they build will run harmoniously and peacefully, although there may still be occasional challenges.

Those are some reviews about Javanese Friday Pon neptu. Hopefully, it answers your curiosity!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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