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Sundanese Matchmaking Horoscope According to Birthdate, Along with How to Calculate - Love Destiny

Sundanese Matchmaking Horoscope According to Birthdate, Along with How to Calculate - Love Destiny Illustration of Sundanese Matchmaking Horoscope According to Birthdate (credit: - Horoscope is indeed one of the choices for some people in finding a match. Well, like the following Sundanese matchmaking horoscope, it can also see the compatibility of couples. This can be seen from their respective birthdates.

It's not only Javanese horoscope that can see the compatibility of a couple. Sundanese matchmaking horoscope can also see it, this can be seen from their birthdates, then in numbers, and then the results are seen through the babasan code.

Therefore, here is the Sundanese matchmaking horoscope which is seen from the birthdate, along with how to calculate and the love destiny according to their birthdate. Come on, let's check it out KLovers.

1. Understanding Sundanese Primbon

Not only is there Javanese primbon, but there is also Sundanese primbon, KLovers. However, it is not as popular as Javanese primbon. Nevertheless, for some Sundanese people, Sundanese primbon remains a prediction or guide that has been held since ancient times until now. Basically, there are many similarities between Sundanese primbon and Javanese primbon.

Both are in the form of books containing trusted predictions that have been passed down through generations. In addition, Sundanese primbon also has similarities with Javanese primbon in terms of its use in traditional society. Just like Javanese primbon, to know the contents of the predictions in Sundanese primbon, calculations need to be done.

From these calculations, a person can see predictions about various things, ranging from character traits to the fate or events that will happen to someone in the future. In addition to containing predictions, Sundanese primbon is also used as a guide for Sundanese people. Sundanese primbon can be used to determine whether a certain day is auspicious or the opposite.

This is commonly applied to determine important dates or days such as for weddings, engagements, moving houses, and so on. In addition, Sundanese primbon can also determine compatibility between partners, KLovers. And this Sundanese matchmaking primbon is still widely used by Sundanese people who believe in compatibility through primbon.

2. Calculating Sundanese Compatibility

Well, for those of you who want to see compatibility through Sundanese horoscope, KLovers need to know the birth day of your partner first. By knowing the birth day of your partner, you can calculate the compatibility through this Sundanese horoscope.

However, once again, whether it's compatible or not is not only determined by this Sundanese horoscope, KLovers. Before calculating, you need to know the number of the birth day for you and your partner as follows:

1. Birth day Monday or wedal Monday = 4

2. Birth day Tuesday or wedal Tuesday = 3

3. Birth day Wednesday or wedal Wednesday = 7

4. Birth day Thursday or wedal Thursday = 8

5. Birth day Friday or wedal Friday = 6

6. Birth day Saturday or wedal Saturday = 9

7. Birth day Sunday or wedal Sunday = 5

Once you know the birth day of you and your partner, you can add up the numbers on the birth day, then divide it by 7. For example, you were born on a Monday or wedal Monday which has a total of 4. Then your partner was born on a Tuesday or wedal Tuesday with a total of 3.

Once you know the respective birth numbers, you can simply add them up, 4 + 3 = 7. Now, once you get the result, divide the result by 7, like 7 : 7 = 1. This result can be seen in the code babasan, whether you are compatible or not with your partner.

3. Results of Sundanese Love Horoscope Calculation

If KLovers already know the calculation of Sundanese love horoscope based on birth date, then KLovers just need to match the number with the corresponding code. And here are the codes:

1. Pinang Nugel (Not Good)

2. Lumbung Gumilang (Not Good)

3. Tunggak Kasemi (Not Good)

4. Satria Lalaku

5. Sangga Waringin (Good)

6. Paparingan Kebek (Good)

7. Ratu Sabdaning Pandita (Good)

4. How to Calculate Wedding Date in Sundanese Horoscope

Just like in Javanese culture, Sundanese horoscope also recognizes auspicious wedding dates. These auspicious dates are believed to bring blessings to the newlyweds' household. Therefore, learning about Sundanese love horoscope would not be complete without discussing how to calculate the wedding date.

In Sundanese culture, there are 2 methods that can be used to determine auspicious wedding dates. These two methods are as follows:

1. Calculation Method with Three Words

The simplest way to determine the wedding date is by using the calculation of 3 auspicious words in Islam, namely "Bismillah," "Alhamdulillah," and "Astaghfirullah." The method is quite simple, these words are repeated sequentially for the planned date of the wedding. For example, if someone plans to get married on the 5th, the calculation would be:

1 (Bismillah), 2 (Alhamdulillah), 3 (Astaghfirullah), 4 (Bismillah), 5 (Alhamdulillah).

The meanings of these three words are believed to be:

- The word "Bismillah" is the initial step spoken when starting an activity.

- The word "Alhamdulillah" reflects gratitude for the peace and joy obtained.

- The word "Astaghfirullah" is uttered as an expression when facing calamities or trials.

Therefore, in Sundanese culture, the 5th is believed to be an auspicious date for a wedding.

2. Buhun Method

In addition to the above method, Sundanese people also use the Buhun calculation method to determine auspicious wedding dates. This method is done using a simple formula: Planned wedding date (in the Islamic calendar): number 5. Later, the result of the division will be matched with pancasuda or predictions in the Sundanese almanac.

The five Pancasuda are as follows:

- Remainder 1 is called "Sri" which symbolizes abundance in clothing, food, and sustenance.

- Remainder 2 is called "Lungguh" which means good in terms of position, ability, rank, strength, and status.

- Remainder 3 is called "Dunya" which also means good, but related to wealth, assets, sustenance, and material.

- Remainder 4 is called "Lara" which represents calamity and misfortune, especially related to health and inner-outer peace. Therefore, a day with the count of "Lara" is not recommended for marriage.

- Remainder 5 is called "Pati" which reflects damage to the household, bad luck, and other misfortunes. A day with the count of "Pati" is also believed to be not good for marriage.

For example: A couple plans to get married on the 22nd of Safar Month, according to the Buhun method, the calculation is: 22 : 5 = remainder 2, which means Lungguh.

5. Love Fate According to Birth Date

In addition to seeing the compatibility of couples based on their birth date, KLovers can also find out their love destiny based on their birth day. And here is the Sundanese love horoscope that looks at the fate of love based on their birth day:

1. Sunday

The first Sundanese love horoscope is for those born on Sunday. Yes, when it comes to love, people born on Sunday are known to be loyal and not easily swayed, KLovers. So, for those of you who were born on Sunday, you have a classy love.

2. Monday

The second Sundanese love horoscope is for those born on Monday. Yes, those born on Monday are symbolized as beautiful flowers. It is normal for these people to always look neat. Therefore, wherever they are, they are usually well-liked.

3. Tuesday

There is another Sundanese love horoscope for those born on Tuesday. Yes, people born on Tuesday are known to be loyal and tend to be difficult to fall in love. However, once you become their partner, do not try to deceive or betray them.

4. Wednesday

Then there is Wednesday, those born on this day have a certain attitude when it comes to being in a relationship or a marriage. People born on Wednesday are very anti being ordered around and do not want to be restrained. However, on the other hand, they also love their family.



The fate of people born on Thursday can be said to be good. Because, they will easily find a partner. They also have the advantage of maintaining their partner's feelings, KLovers.


The next Sundanese matchmaking is on Friday. Yes, those born on Friday will tend to be liked or admired by many people because of their demeanor and charisma.


And the last Sundanese matchmaking is on Saturday. Those born on this day have a loyal and kind nature when it comes to romance. On the other hand, those born on Saturday are quite stubborn and do not like a partner who is extravagant.

Those are some explanations about Sundanese matchmaking that KLovers can know. KLovers can see Sundanese matchmaking from their birth day and how to calculate compatibility with their partner. However, not all compatibility evidence can be seen from this, KLovers. It all depends on your beliefs.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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