Kapanlagi.com - Cooperation is a word in the Indonesian language. Although not a word commonly used in daily conversations, the word cooperation is not unfamiliar. The meaning of cooperation itself is a good attitude towards working together.
Yes, this word is often used in learning activities, work environments, and even in the police force. Therefore, the word cooperation is not unfamiliar to us. There is also the meaning of cooperation in the world of education, along with the purpose of cooperation itself.
For those who want to know more about what cooperation is, here is an explanation of the general meaning of cooperation and its importance in education.
1. The General Meaning of Cooperation

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As previously explained, the meaning of cooperation itself is a good attitude towards working together. This has been explained in the Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, where the meaning of cooperation is the attitude of cooperation between individuals or groups who are willing to help with anything.
In addition, in the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of cooperation is being willing to help or do what people ask and command. In this case, it shows a willingness to act or work together for a common purpose.
Then there is also according to the Collins Dictionary, the meaning of cooperation is being able to agree to work together to relieve tension, and do what people ask without complaining or arguing. This can be concluded that the meaning of cooperation is one of the attitudes that shows a willingness to work together with others.
Then sharing, helping each other without complaining or arguing that makes both parties uncomfortable. Thus, cooperation itself becomes an attitude and action of an individual.
2. The Meaning of Cooperative Learning in Education

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What about the meaning of cooperative learning in the world of education? In education itself, cooperative learning is a theory to maximize children's interest in learning. Cooperative Learning is a learning model that uses small groups (maximum of 5 people) with a heterogeneous member structure, resulting in positive interdependence, individual responsibility, and intensive communication between group members with the goal of maximizing the learning process. With cooperative learning, students can work together and help each other understand the material and learning tasks they face. The meaning of cooperative learning in education itself is a group learning approach that has certain rules. The basic principle of cooperative learning is that students form small groups and teach each other to achieve common goals.
3. The Meaning of Cooperative Learning According to Experts

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Then there is also the meaning of cooperative in the world of education according to experts. The meaning of cooperative according to these experts will help you better understand cooperative itself. And here is the meaning of cooperative according to these experts.
1. Hartono (2008)
According to Hartono, the meaning of cooperative in learning is the use of small group learning so that students work together to maximize their learning.
2. Isjoni and Ismail (2008)
According to Isjoni and Ismail, the meaning of cooperative in learning is an approach or series of strategies that are specifically designed to encourage students to work together during the learning process.
3. Rohman (2009)
According to Rohman, the meaning of cooperative in learning is a learning model that emphasizes positive interdependence among individual students, individual responsibility, face-to-face communication, intensive communication among students, and group process evaluation.
4. Isjoni (2009)
According to Isjoni, the meaning of cooperative in learning is a learning model where students learn and work in small collaborative groups with 5 members in a heterogeneous group structure.
5. Sugiyanto (2010)
According to Sugiyanto, the meaning of cooperative in learning is a learning model that focuses on the use of small student groups to work together to maximize learning conditions to achieve learning goals.
6. Solihatin and Raharjo (2007)
According to Solihatin and Raharjo, the meaning of cooperative in learning is a joint behavior in helping each other in a structured cooperation group, consisting of two or more people, where work success is influenced by each group member.
4. The Goals of Cooperative Learning

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Cooperative behavior is a positive attitude to be performed. And cooperative behavior itself has its goals, KLovers. Here are the goals of cooperative behavior.
1. Accepting the shortcomings of others
The first goal of cooperative behavior is to make each individual able to accept the shortcomings of others. This is very important because in a group, each individual has different backgrounds and thoughts. The presence of this accepting attitude makes cooperation smoother.
2. Improving social skills
The next goal of cooperative behavior is to improve social skills. Cooperation occurs because of teamwork. Teamwork cannot be separated from social skills that need to be improved.
3. Achieving results easily
The last goal of cooperative behavior is to make the desired results easy to achieve. This is the main goal of cooperation that can be realized through teamwork within the group. That is the meaning of cooperative learning that KLovers can understand and comprehend. Not only the general meaning of cooperation, but also the meaning of cooperative learning in education, and the goals of cooperative behavior.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.