Kapanlagi.com - There are several English vocabulary words that are widely known by the public. One of them is the use of the words track and tracking which can refer to certain specific fields.
Knowing every vocabulary in English is certainly very important. Especially in the current globalization era, understanding English certainly provides many advantages. One of them is the English vocabulary of track and tracking which is often used by the public.
Although the words track and tracking are quite commonly used, there are also many who do not yet understand the meaning of track or tracking. Therefore, below is an explanation of the general meaning of track and tracking along with their usage.
Let's find out the explanation about the general meaning of track and tracking in the dictionary and their usage in various fields. Check out the following explanation to know the meaning and definition of track.
1. Meaning of Track and Tracking in the Dictionary

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Hearing the words track and tracking is certainly not a new thing. Moreover, the use of the words track and tracking can be used in various fields which have a general meaning in the dictionary. So what is the general meaning of track and tracking?
Referring to an Indonesian translation of an English dictionary, the meaning of track is a type of noun. The meaning of track in the dictionary is a path, track, trace, road, tracking, footprint, rail, or race track. Meanwhile, the meaning of tracking in the dictionary also has the same meaning. Because the word tracking comes from the root word track.
The writing of the word tracking is a form of present participle with the addition of -ing behind the root word. Therefore, the meaning of tracking in the dictionary also has the meaning of trace, tracking, monitoring, following a path, footprint, or track. That is the explanation of the meaning of track and tracking in the dictionary that you need to know.
2. Meaning of Track and Tracking in the World of Music

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After knowing the meaning of track, the use of the word is also often used in several fields. For example, in the world of music, the meaning of track has its own meaning. The definition of track in the world of music is related to the process of recording a song.
According to several sources, it is stated that the meaning of track or tracking in the world of music is the entire series of music recording processes until it becomes a complete song. Where to produce a song, it requires a combination of music, whether it's guitar, drums, bass, vocals, piano, and others.
Then each recording from each recording series can be called a track. Whether it's a vocal track, music track, or other instrument tracks. Meanwhile, the meaning of tracking in the world of music is the job of combining or combining recording sounds into one flow or path to produce a song. That is the explanation of the meaning of track and tracking in the world of music.
3. Meaning of Track and Tracking in Package Delivery

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There is also the use of the terms track and tracking in package delivery. For those of you who often shop online, you are certainly familiar with the words tracking or track in package delivery. Well, the meaning of track and tracking in package delivery also has its own explanation.
The meaning of track and tracking is related to package delivery. As previously known, the meaning of track and tracking is to track. So the term tracking in package delivery is the process of tracking packages from previous transactions to know the location of the purchased goods or products.
In order to be able to do tracking, online buyers and sellers can use a tracking number. With this tracking number, the tracking process will be easier. That is the explanation of the meaning of track and tracking in package delivery.
4. Meaning of Track and Tracking in Politics

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In addition to the above meaning of track and tracking, this term is also popularly used in politics. Some of you may already be familiar with the term track and record. Where the use of this term is indeed closely related to the world of politics.
So what is the meaning of track and record in politics? The explanation of the meaning of track and record is related to someone's reputation. The meaning of track and record is a term used to find out a politician's profile, whether it is from their history, career, experience, education, and others.
From the track and record, it can be known whether a politician has a good or bad reputation. That is the explanation of the meaning of track and record in politics. So it can make it easier for you to understand the meaning of the term track and record.
5. Usage of the Words Track or Tracking

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The words track and tracking can be used in various fields. However, generally, the use of the words track and tracking is used to explain something that shows tracking, tracing, trails, roads, or certain paths.
Therefore, the use of the words track or tracking can enter into several fields ranging from the world of music, politics, package delivery, or others. That is the explanation regarding the meaning of track and tracking.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.