Kapanlagi.com - You must have heard the word bravo often. Yes, this word is an English word, and the meaning of bravo is a sentence of praise. There are many meanings to the word bravo. Yes, the meaning of bravo can be good job, cool, very good, and good.
This word is a positive praise sentence. However, in addition to knowing the meaning of bravo, KLovers can also learn about the differences between bravo and well done. Yes, these two English words have similar expressions, KLovers.
So, according to various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of bravo, along with its differences from well done. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Meaning of Bravo

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As KLovers know, the meaning of bravo is a phrase of praise like good job, cool, very good, and excellent. This word is a word in English, and is a phrase of praise that is often used.
The use of the word bravo can be done in direct conversation or on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or chat applications. In addition, the word bravo is also included in the language that can be used in formal or non-formal conversations.
2. The Difference Between Well Done and Bravo

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
What about the difference between bravo and well done? Yes, not only bravo, you must also be familiar with the word well done. In fact, both bravo and well have the same meaning. Yes, both are used for praising sentences that mean good, great work, and excellent.
But what is the difference between bravo and well done in an English conversation? The meaning of well done is an English conversational phrase that can be used to congratulate someone on what they have done or achieved, and you feel happy about it too.
It's just that the word bravo means good or nice, which is used to praise someone, with very enthusiastic or joyful praise, such as standing applause and so on. So, it can be interpreted that the meaning of bravo is used for praise with extraordinary expressions, while well done is the opposite.
3. Other Praise Sentences

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Not only bravo and well done, KLovers. You can also give other praise sentences in English. And here are some praise sentences in English along with their meanings.
1. Well done! (Great job!)
2. You did a splendid job! (You did an amazing job!)
3. What a great performance! (Truly a great performance!)
4. That's really remarkable! (This is truly remarkable!)
5. This is perfect! (Ini sempurna!)
6.I really admire your work! (Aku benar-benar mengagumi pekerjaanmu!)
7.I'm so proud of you! (Aku sangat bangga padamu!)
8.You’re so cool! (Kamu keren banget!)
9.You did very well.I’m proud to be your co-worker! (Kamu melakukannya dengan sangat baik.Aku bangga jadi rekan kerjamu!)
10. You're doing great! (Kamu hebat!)
11.You've improved a lot! (Kamu meningkat pesat!)
12.Good grades, all-A for you! (Nilai-nilai kamu bagus, A semua!)
13.You've worked hard! (Kamu sudah bekerja keras!)
14.That's really remarkable! (Itu sangat keren!)
15.Cool!You did it on your first attempt! (Keren! You succeeded on your first attempt!)
16.You're better than the rest! (Kamu lebih baik dari yang lainnya!)
17.You are such a good listener. (Kamu adalah pendengar yang baik)
18.You're incredibly thoughtful. (Kamu bijak banget)
19.I admire you for being so calm in this condition. (Aku kagum kamu bisa tenang di kondisi begini)
20.You are an excellent actor! (Kamu aktor yang hebat!)
21.What an awesome cook you are! (Kamu koki yang hebat!)
22. You're very talented! (Kamu sangat berbakat!)
23.You're amazing! (Kamu luar biasa!)
24.You're awesome! (Kamu keren!)
25.You're really something special! (Kamu benar-benar istimewa!)
26.You're an incredible! (Kamu luar biasa!)
27.Perfect! (Sempurna!)
28.Good job! (Kerja bagus!)
30. You are the best! (Kamu yang terbaik!)
29.I really enjoyed the food. (Aku menikmati makanannya)
That's the meaning of bravo that KLovers can understand. Not only knowing the meaning of bravo, but also the difference between bravo and well done. Along with praise sentences in English.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.